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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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He stood up straight, "You know what I want." He sits in the chair closest to her and puts his plate down on the table. Tasuke looked down at his food and started to arrange it as a sandwich. "What do you plan on doing today?"
Kalena knew what he wanted, his tastes really weren't so different from other men in that respect. She started to eat her own food, preferring to eat them separately rather than as a sandwich. She licked her lips slowly and deliberately before taking a bite of the bacon. It was really good. She swallowed before replying to his question.

"Nothing in particular, I never plan anything. I just do what I want" she admitted, there was always someone willing to let her do whatever it was she wanted after all.
"Hmph. I can believe it, but you want something out of your hands to happen to you. Something different, an adventure..." He tried to get an idea of what she was actually like, she doubted him, but he did want to know. He took a bite out of his food and then grinned, "I want to unlock your heart."
Annoyingly, Kalena felt her heartbeat quicken at his words. He was very good with words it seemed. A part of her wanted to believe him but the majority thought he was just using his words to manipulate her into winning the game. Kalena would not be won so easily. Losing the game was one thing but she couldn't lose her heart. The idea scared her and deep down, buried beneath everything else, it also excited her.

"I do enjoy adventure" she admitted, continuing to eat her breakfast and acting as if his last sentence hadn't affected her.
"You use your looks to group the men who you think would only use you as a sex object and are weak willed over those who will appreciate who you really are and are stronger. The problem is you've met too many weak-willed men and so you automatically assume that for all men." Tasuke took another bite. "I'm sure you have hobbies and talents other than all this. Tell me them." He smiled, it was a warm and comforting smile instead of his usual grin.
"I use them, never the other way around" Kalena clarified. Sure, a lot of men did see her as a sex object but generally she only slept with men if she wanted something from them or if they worshiped her. She paused in thought at his request. She had little use for her other talents and didn't practice many hobbies at all now she thought about it.

"I enjoy dancing and combat, although they're really not so different" she said eventually and gave a small shrug. For her combat was a dance, a deadly one sure, but her perfect poise and fluidity of motion made it have a dance like quality. Even if it did result in mutilation and death when done seriously. Kalena rarely ever did anything seriously though, not unless she was angry.
"Yes, but sex works both ways unless it's Rape. Respect. You don't respect those you use and neither do they. I respect you."

Then one day we will have to 'dance' together."
He didn't mean a waltz or a foxtrot, maybe a fight with each other could also bring them closer. If it wasn't serious that is, he didn't want to kill her and he didn't want to be killed.

"I wouldn't mind practicing with you, bringing out your talent, it also gives you something else to do other than just being drooled at by guys. I could also read you a story or play the piano for you and if you like could also learn."
Asphyxiated said:
Found it!))
A smile crept across his lips when he saw Yuki's expression. "Aw, Did I scare the little kitten?"

Cerin ignored Vex and patted Yuki on the head. "Don't worry, Cerin's got you." He was mostly teasing the blonde, but he was also serious. Vex wouldn't be messing with him while he was near. A thought popped up in his head and he whispered,"let's go to the library, he hates it in there."
Yuki noticed that Cerin was ignoring the other guy and proceeded to follow his actions, nodding up at Cerin with a small smile, "sure." It would be a nice, quiet place to sit. Plus, he could finish organizing his school things without the worry of a crowd of people talking over him.
"You're right, nothing says respect like sleeping with a girl you just met" Kalena teased, rolling her eyes slightly. Respect was overrated in her mind. It was adoration, awe and worship that got her things. She had enough self-respect going on to make up for it and at the end of the day, she always had abject fear under her belt. Vila were fearsome creatures when they were angered.

"I like music" Kalena smiled softly. When it was done right, you could feel the music running through your veins and into your soul. It was a powerful thing and she was very in tune with it.
"Hmph. No, I really do. You may look beautiful, but if your nature wasn't playful and confident, then I wouldn't be interested in you at all. You're not shy and you dont whine, you know how to look after yourself." Tasuke took another bite and swallowed the food before talking, "Then I will have to play for you." He smiled.
Kalena was fairly certain he'd still be interested in her despite his claims to the contrary. He was a man, they had simple basic needs in her experience. She refrained from commenting however.

"I'd like that" she smiled, she could dance while he played which sounded like a lot of fun. Providing he was any good of course, a wrong note could ruin the entire piece and even if all the notes were played correctly - there was still more to music than that.
ChubbyPenguin said:
(Sorry my wifi is messing up :( ))
It's fine, I was doing something anyways. c: ))

Cerin smiled behind his mask and stood, pulling the boy up from the ground. "C'mon, it'd be nice to get away from the noise. If you want I can take you to the music room and show you some--"

Vex interrupted Cerin by hopping onto his back and stopping his mouth with a finger,"unless you learned how to play when we were one, you don't know anything about playing an instrument."

Cerin bit into Vex's finger and let go when he yelped, "I know how to play the violin, piano, and sing, thank you. Xander taught me everything he knew."

Vex was quiet for a moment,"Xander doesn't know how to play either of those things. He is terrible with music; he can't even sing." He eyed his brother for a moment. Cerin didn't look like he was lying, Vex would know. So then Cerin actually thinks Xander taught him those things?

Cerin glanced at Vex's face on his shoulders, "it was Xander, I remember as clear as day: blue eyes, black hair, pale, very cheerful."

Vex thought for a moment. Cerin was describing one of their brothers, but not Xander. It sounded more like Soren from when they were younger. "Cerin....Xander has red hair, and his eyes are green, not blue." It didn't surprise him as much as worry him that he would get the two confused, they looked just alike other than the obvious. It was more that Cerin wasn't allowed around Soren when they were all kids....

"That sneaky ass.."

"Who?" Cerin blinked, a puff of smoke escaping him again. He dropped Vex when the male wouldn't answer him and walked over him, grabbing Yuki's wrist."never mind, we can find something else to do. What would you like to do?"
"Good. I don't own one though." He finished his food and pushed the plate away from him, he thought about her answers, she didn't respond to his comment on her personality. If he had said something nice about her looks she probably would have teased him, maybe he was getting somewhere with her.
"Going to the library is still fine with me." Yuki didn't know what to think of Cerin and Vex's little argument, but he stepped around Vex instead of over him. "As for afterwards, I really want to catch up on this Anime I'm watching.." He didn't know if Cerin liked anime or manga, so he used this as a chance to see.
Kalena too finished her food, she watched him in silence for a moment as she absentmindedly licked her lips.

"I'm sure this dump has one somewhere" she pointed out, although she didn't know where. She hadn't spent any time with music in school, she'd been to busy playing guys to play an instrument.
"Anime?" Cerin blinked, staring at him blankly before speaking again,"I like some anime, but some of them I can't watch. Which one are you watching?"

Vex huffed and rolled onto his stomach, watching the two of them boredly. It was hard to ignore them, seeing as one of them was his brother, and the other was a human who had a gift of allure. Was that why Cerin was so interested in being his friend? perhaps he was testing himself? He rolled his eyes and looked at the ground in total boredom. "Whatever~"
Tasuke took her and his plate and put it in the sink. "I know where there is one." He walked over to her and then looked at her, he observed every inch of her and inside his mind he grinned, "That tie doesn't suit you."
(hahaha sorry @motoemo its bout 2 pm , i just woke up lol)

Zoey sighs " my body is not happy . my skin on my belly is really sore from him growing so fast and my back hurts " she looks over at him with a weak smile snuggling against him " thats a cool power "she rubbed her belly with her eyes closed
Yuki got a little excited knowing Cerin likes anime, even if it was just a little. He reached into his bag and pulled out a DVD case that had Puella Magi Madoka Magica written across it. "If you haven't watched it, you probably should. It's pretty good. Well, unless it's not your preference."

Yuki discretely glanced down at Vex when he finished speaking, and moved farther away from him. Weirdo..
Kalena raised an eyebrow at this. No one had ever said there was something wrong with her appearance before. Even if it was just part of a makeshift outfit from a guy's limited wardrobe.

"Oh? Why don't you come over here and take it off me then?"
I guess - he giggled - I can help you with the pain if you want - he rubbed your back more his eyes glowing a little they turn pinkish as the pain slowly goes away he rests his head on your shoulder -
Tasuke leaned down, his face level with hers and he took the tie into his hands. His lips got awfully close to hers as he undid the tie and the slowly slid it from around her neck. He looked deep into her eyes, he came to realize that he liked eyes, they were a door to the soul which he would eventually be able to see - he hoped.
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