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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"You think I'm going to kiss you again?" Tasuke's face went serious, but then he let out a 'tsch' and smirked, "Fine. If you can get me to have sex with you again - you win and that'll be that. If I win, we get a third round to decide the winner."
Yuu then stopped flipping the pages, awaiting his response. Of course, she hoped that would help explain majority of his questions. While waiting, she slowly lowered the notepad to sit resting in her lap, her blue irises shifting to the ground. In doing so, there was a single message she hadnt shown him, but wrote it down. If he saw it, it would read ' i'm a monster'. Her iruses welled up at the thought of her killing innocent people.

Layla rolled her irises. Not that she didn't mind him watching her undress in the least, considering the fact she was already barely dressed. Slowly, she tilted her head to the side, considering her next response. Deciding to make things fun for a change, Layla giggled, before gwntly kissing his ear, and whispering once again. "How about you put it on me?" Layla was curious as to what his answer would be.
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"I'm already the winner" Kalena pointed out with a grin. She didn't think getting a guy to sleep with her was much of a challenge, it was what she was best at and it usually didn't require much effort if any. It was interesting how quickly falling for her because of more than her body had gone out of the window. It was probably for the best though and she hadn't really expected it to stay on the table, even if she was a tad disappointed.

She also had never slept with the same guy twice, she had yet to see the appeal when there were so many others out there besides guys would only start getting the wrong idea.

Kalena shrugged and slipped out of bed, deciding to explore the rest of his quarters whilst still naked.

Logan looked down at her, wondering if she was serious. He sucked at reading emotions but he was fairly certain she meant it. He paused a moment in consideration of his own answer.

"If you insist" he smirked, softly caressing her cheek and brushing her hair back over her shoulder.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Yuu then stopped flipping the pages, awaiting his response. Of course, she hoped that would help explain majority of his questions. While waiting, she slowly lowered the notepad to sit resting in her lap, her blue irises shifting to the ground. In doing so, there was a single message she hadnt shown him, but wrote it down. If he saw it, it would read ' i'm a monster'. Her iruses welled up at the thought of her killing innocent people.

Shade frowned when he saw tears welling up in Yuu's eyes. "Hey, no need to cry. Not everyone comes from humble beginnings, but everyone can choose their own path. I've met a demon or two that have changed their own paths," Shade said quietly before scooting a little closer to Yuu in a comforting manner. He spread out one of his bat wings so it went behind Yuu and then embraced her in almost a hugging manner. He stole a glance at Yuu's notepad, which was resting in her lap, and saw what she'd written down. He furrowed his brows at this and made a consoling facial expression as he felt bad for Yuu. Why did all of the demons going to this school come from such harsh backgrounds?
Valkyre said:
"I'm already the winner" Kalena pointed out with a grin. She didn't think getting a guy to sleep with her was much of a challenge, it was what she was best at and it usually didn't require much effort if any. It was interesting how quickly falling for her because of more than her body had gone out of the window. It was probably for the best though and she hadn't really expected it to stay on the table, even if she was a tad disappointed.
She also had never slept with the same guy twice, she had yet to see the appeal when there were so many others out there besides guys would only start getting the wrong idea.

Kalena shrugged and slipped out of bed, deciding to explore the rest of his quarters whilst still naked.
"I said 'again'." His eyes narrowed and shot towards the window, "You can borrow some of my clothes if you want, sorry for being so rough." He chuckled. He watched her walk away and then shook his head, taking the book from the side and started reading it, he was confident there was nothing she could find that would put her off him.

"So do you accept? or are you afraid of losing this time?"
Layla watched him for a few moments with a sly smile. "Think you can handle dressing a girl?" Layla placed her left hand on his head, slowly raising herself to stand on her toes. In doing so, she simply ran her fingers through his hair, observing his eye color. He was quite the attractive one, and she was most likely not the only one who thought so.

Yuu slowly raised her gaze, glancing over at Shade. She didn't bother to write another message, and simply nodded her head. She doubt he truly understood, and knew it was highly likely for her to have to explain it thoroughly. With a small sigh, Yuu slowly rested her head against his shoulder, calming herself down before anything had the chance to happen.
...†Akira woke up and stepped into a shower. Half an hour soon passed just as Akira exited and dried himself. He got dressed and walked out of his room, he left a note just outside of Alex's door, which read†...

" Make yourself at home. I'm going out for a short walk. I should be back in an hour or so. "

...†Akira walked out of his house and left the area. He walked around and soon came to a stop. He jumped up, landing on top of a nearby roof and lay down, drinking in the sun's natural heat. He smiled slightly as he did so and spoke


" It's such a nice day. "
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Shade went rigid at Yuu's touch, mostly since he wasn't used to being close to anyone like this, but he quickly relaxed himself as he let her rest against his shoulder. He didn't really understand Hell or the underworld since he'd never been there before. Granted, he'd had plenty of close encounters in his life with Death, but he'd always managed to get away and enjoy life again. He had scars on his chest to prove his close encounters, but nobody ever saw them. He did have a few on his arms, but there was a reason why he always opted to wear long sleeves.
Yuu slowly parted her lips, fumbling with the notepad held in her hands. She was going to see if she could speak, at least once, without her powers taking a strong hold, bringing her words to existence. Slowly, in a low, hushed whisper, Yuu allowed a few words to escape her lips. "Th-ank, you."
"Oh, darling, there's no need to apologise for that" Kalena said as she looked over her shoulder at him with a smile. It was what she'd most enjoyed about it after all. To hell with the dress.

"You haven't specified your criteria for winning, as it stands you only win if you die without having sex with me again" she pointed out as she opened his wardrobe and started to look through what he had. A distinct lack of anything feminine but there was enough left of her dress to act as a skirt...

"How hard can it be?" Logan asked with a smirk, it wouldn't be the first time he'd dressed one. On the occasions where he'd taken slightly more blood than he should have from Emily, he'd ended up having to help dress her. Of course he was far more proficient at undressing them.

He gazed down at her, just enjoying having her so close for the moment.
"I win if you kiss me first, you're quite stubborn you know, this will be a difficult battle. I'm sure I can bring you out. This does mean I can kiss you, but if I do it doesn't count if you don't retaliate, so don't worry about that." Tasuke let out a big sigh, "It may not seem like it, but I want to get to know you a lot more."
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Yuu slowly parted her lips, fumbling with the notepad held in her hands. She was going to see if she could speak, at least once, without her powers taking a strong hold, bringing her words to existence. Slowly, in a low, hushed whisper, Yuu allowed a few words to escape her lips. "Th-ank, you."

Shade's eyes widened slightly at hearing Yuu's hushed whisper. He smiled shyly at her and said, "No problem." Looking away to hide his slightly flushed face at a girl being so close to him, Shade wondered what he should say next. As stupid as it sounded, this was the closest he'd ever been to a girl physically and he wasn't exactly sure what to talk about now. He wanted to know more about Yuu, but she didn't seem to interested in sharing her life, at least not all of it, just yet.
"I wouldn't know. I've always dressed myself." Layla shrugged her shoulders. Of course, she never had asked anyone to dress her. Well, lets be honest. She has, each and every time. A test of male restraint. Shifting her attention, Layla slowly removed her oversized shirt, leaving nothing but her undergarments. Of course, she barely walked about without underclothes, due to the fact nobody could barely resist her as she was.

Yuu had no problem not speaking, for she was pretty accustomed to it. Although she was growing quite sleepy, Yuu slowly yawned, allowing her eyelids to shade over her irises in a stage of dozing off. It had been a few days since she had been to bed, and having nowhere to sleep was one of her problems.
Shade heard Yuu yawn and saw her nodding off. Not wanting to have her pass out outside of some random building in the city, Shade looked to his side and then down at Yuu before saying softly, "Hey, want to go back to my dorm room to get some sleep?" After a few seconds, Shade blanched at how that sounded and quickly stuttered, "Uh, but not like that! Just to get some rest. I don't want to sleep with you if that's what you're thinking! Er, at least, not like that!" Shade immediately shut his mouth as he realized how stupid he was sounding. Sighing, he looked away from Yuu and hoped he didn't scare her away or something. He mentally face palmed before resolving to stare at the occasionally cars that drove by.
"Stubborn? That doesn't sound like me" Kalena chuckled softly, her search finding a white shirt that looked like to would fit her rather well. She found a tie too and then left the closet. She picked up what was left of her dress, separating the skirt from the rest of it and slipping in on. Kalena wasn't bothered about wearing underwear and so just shrugged on the shirt too, doing it up most of the way whilst still allowing a lovely view of her cleavage. She tied the tie loosely around her neck, the know hanging just below her cleavage. She looked stunning but that was nothing new.

"Alright, you're on. Although I really don't believe you want to get to know me" she shrugged, turning to face him and running her fingers through her hair.

Logan admired the view for a moment, it was a good view and it would be a shame not to enjoy it while it lasted he thought. Having committed it to memory he took her hands and raised them above her head, spinning her around so that she was no longer facing him. He held her against him for a moment before taking the dress and pulling it down over her head, his hands moving over her curves with the hem of the dress. He brushed her hair over one shoulder, moving in close so that his breath blew softly against her neck as he did up the zip at the back.
...†Akira continued to drink in the sun's heat. It had been a while since he last did this. He decided to go collect more food for his refrigerator, and so, headed further down town†...

...†He soon came across two people conversing in the street. He walked up to them, soon recognizing them. He spoke†...

" Hello, Shade, Eucliwood. What are you doing so far from school? "

...†Akira had no problem pronouncing the females name as he spoke. As he talked, he smiled†...



@Lioness075 @Mashiro Shiina [Eucliwood]
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Tasuke wouldn't be able to concentrate on his book, no matter how good it was. He closed it and placed it on the bed, before sliding off it, he slipped some bottoms on, but left his chest bare.

"You underestimate me. You should know by now that I'm not like every other guy. Do you want something to eat?"
Yuu slowly sat up. Her gaze trailed over to look at Shade. Of course, she slowly nodded her head, only to have her gaze drop back down, and her eyelids enclose them once more. Clearly, she was exhausted. Struggling to keep her head up, Yuu continued to nod off, blocking out the chance for any further conversation.

Layla giggled. She enjoyed spinning, still having a childish aspect to her life. As her hands were put up, she rocked her head from side to side whilst he dressed her. She didn't mind being held up against him, and found him to be surprisingly warm. Of course, he didn't have to be a tease by breathing on her neck, which in turn caused her to slowly interrupt the zipping of her dress, only to face him and stare him in the face. This was going to be fun, having Logan around. A challenge who new what was up.
AsongOfIceandFire said:
Han nodded. "That's good but even the simplest of beings can throw a knife." He chuckled before grabbing the knife from the tree. "It'll take a lot of practice for you to even become a beginner." He sighed and shook his head, not caring if he was being mean. "I hope you know that you need to practice constantly." He said with a slight smile.
still waiting on @Sixxx
"No, you're not. You're also a coldblooded killer..." Kalena said, more quietly. It was mostly a reminder to herself and a question of why she'd gotten herself into this. She should have just left, but she'd already accepted the challenge. Damn. Still it was an incentive not to kiss him at least. Even if it did make her wonder if the best scenario wasn't just a stalemate.

"Sure, food sounds good" she shrugged, she could look after herself. She didn't think herself in any danger still.
Shade inwardly sighed at Yuu's response and then carefully unwrapped his wing from around her back. He then stood up before he leaned over to pick Yuu up carefully, positioning her so her head was against his chest and she was in his arms. He then turned away from the building and spread his wings before flapping hard and catching wind. Slowly flying up and into the sky, Shade then turned as he began making his way towards the school. He couldn't help but look down at Yuu, smiling slightly as he thought about how cute she was.
Logan gazed down at her, his gaze quite intensely focused on her. He pulled her closer, their bodies pressed against each other as his hands moved around her. His fingertips found the zip and dragged it the rest of the way up. His hand trailed down back over the dress, smoothing out any creases whilst caressing her softly.
Tasuke didn't here her comment and just looked through his cupboards, seemed as though he didn't have very much in. He could cook, but had been getting a lot of Take-out lately - which was stupid he knew. He found some bacon though and started to fry that.

"I don't have much."
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