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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Kalena smiled against his lips as she kissed him again. This was more like it. Her tongue slipped between his parted lips and began to explore his mouth as his hands explored her body. Her heart rate elevated as she began to enjoy herself once more. There was no doubt in her mind that she wanted to do this. She sincerely doubted there'd be any protests from him, there never were. Even long after her presence left them, there were no regrets.
" I'm pretty sure I explained to you what happens to me when I enter Hell, my mind is influenced. I'm also sure you recognized the form I was in, considering it was the form that I killed that boy in. I remember telling you that it was Ragnarok's form. You must not have been listening. "

...†Akira continued to speak in a calm, emotionless tone. All he spoke was the truth, therefore he never felt the need to raise his voice. Akira continued†...

" When I fought you, I wasn't myself. That was the primal Demonic instinct that had took over. When I enter Hell, all I know is destruction. Why do you think I rarely visit there? I went there to control that form. If Demons die, they go to High Realm and their souls are renewed. What would you rather me do? Stay on Earth and kill innocent civilians? Or go to Hell and kill Demons? It seems to me that you would prefer the first one. "

...†Akira placed the flask back into his pocket and continued†...

" All I know is how to destroy when I'm in Hell. That's how my kind works. You see, I haven't been exactly truthful to you, or to anyone in that matter. "

...†Akira then materialized a seat and spoke as he sat on it, leaning against the back rest, facing them†...

" I'm not exactly a Demon. I'm a type of God with Demonic powers. I was born from a female god named Aetheris. My father, was Ragnarok. Ragnarok was kind for a time, until my mother was killed. As I told you, we only feel love once. God of this dimension did something smart, he created Humans and that is what he truly loves. As long as Humanity lives, he won't go mad, like my father did. I had to escape with my younger brother, but you know how that ended. "

...†Akira continued to reflect as he spoke†...

" When I met you, Layla, I was happy. Happy that I could experience the love that my father had told me about. That happiness slowly turned to fear of losing you, this was due to the unstable form I had. So in order to fix the form, I traveled to Hell to suppress it, then I saw you there and before long, I was fighting you. However, that lead to me being unable to control my emotions. When we experience love, our emotions are heightened to be far beyond Human capacity. I couldn't take the pain of losing you, and so, I sealed my emotions. Which now brings me to the present. "

...Akira stood up as the chair vanished, he looked down at Layla and spoke...

" I've already told you that I am unable to physically harm you. However when I am in Hell, and specifically in that form, my senses are scrambled and I can't control myself. Now I'm unable to choose the destination of where I'll land when I teleport, as it always seems to be dragging me to you.. It doesn't matter now anyway. "


...Akira soon began walking out of the dorm room, he spoke as he walked...

" Have a good life, Layla. I will never teleport again, so you don't have to worry about me dropping by unexpectedly again.. "
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Jax managed to get halfway into his dorm room before passing out, slamming into the floor face first, his hat somehow managing to not fall off.
Afterwards. Tasuke didn't go to sleep, he stayed away staring at the ceiling. It had been a while since he had conflicting emotions and it was because of one person, her allure started it all and then it finished with a game. He opened his book and started reading it, but he still couldn't stop thinking about the events that happened previously.
Yuki was shocked, moving slowly as thin hands rubbed his neck. His face went red after a second, and he stared at the two of them in complete embarrassment. When Cerin apologized to him, Yuki swallowed the knot in his throat and shook his head, "it's ok..." Just keep me away from him..he clung to Cerin, looking at Vex with a scared expression.
Layla stared him down whilst he spoke. Carefully, she listened to his numerous explanations. Obviously, he was quite a handful. The only thing that truly reached her logically was the 'one love' statement. Of course, she could understand that, and held guilt still for causing pain to Akira this was. As he prepared to leave and told her to have a nice life, Layla blew her breath, rolling her eyes before speaking. "I cant. I'm one to feed from emotions and blood. How do you expect me to have a nice life as you put it? Especially with the guilt and worry burdened on my shoulders, idiotically just because you told me you loved me? Which is obviously stupid, because I cant say it back just yet. I'm not throwing you away, or even attempting to never speak to you again, but I simply want to inform you. Unless you can get me to say 'I love you too', then I believe you should try to let me go. It's best for you and myself." Slowy, Layla turned her gaze back to Logan. Thankfully he hadn't spoken, and surely her last few words would probably catch his interest. "Now. If you excuse me, Logan is supposed to show me something."

Unlike Tasuke, Kalena had fallen asleep. She often did afterwards, at least if the scenario had involved a bed anyway. She was peacefully sleeping beside him, looking no less attractive than when she did when she was awake. More so right now if you weren't into leaving things to the imagination.

Logan nodded and smiled as if he knew what Layla was on about. Which of course he didn't but he assumed it was just a way of trying to get rid of Akira. He could hardly blame Layla for that after all. The guy was a nightmare of drama.
" How could I get you to love me? It's not in our nature to. All we do is cause pain and destruction. I sealed my emotions away, I have never been good with relationships, nor words. All I wanted was a normal, happy life, yet fate hasn't allowed me even that one luxury. My only wish was to make you happy, however I can't even do that. So what's the point of trying? "

...†Akira spoke as he came to a halt. He didn't know what to do. He looked out of the window and continued†...

" All I know is how to hurt and how to kill. I tried to be happy, I tried to protect someone, I tried to make others happy, yet all I get is pain, misery and failure. Sometimes I just wonder if I should of been born to begin with. "


((( Oh, what is it? :D Did you order something shady from the internet ¬.¬ )))
Yuu sighed. She had decided she may as well risk it for once. Slowly, she parted her lips. Her voice came out in a hushed tone, one of which sounded like a childish whisper. Shifting her gaze skyward, Yuu began to speak to Shade, releasing her story. As she prepared to do so, she immediately changed her mind, and simply jotted the words down, flipping the page to show him the next message about every four words or so. 'I originally from the Underworld. I was a part of the Seventh Abyss where I was close friends with Naegleria Nebiros, whom of which crafted my armor and gauntlets to keep my powers suppressed.'
Tasuke murmured to himself whilst reading the book, ever couple of pages he would look over to her. He wondered how long it would be till she woke up, he placed the open book on his face and leaned back - trying to get to sleep. He was pretty angry with himself, even though he wasn't too bothered by it earlier, he had lost and given in and now he thought himself weak.
she jumped a little "He moved ! he moved when you purred, it was the littlest little flutter" sh put her hand on her stomach smiling . " change back and give me a kiss "

( xD Why must you judge me so?)

Layla shook her head. "Don't deny your existence. If you die, it will be by my hand. So, don't let me catch you dying or trying to do so beforehand." Layla had somewhat or a playful smile tugging at her lips. As of now, she still cared for Akira, and didn't resent him in the least for his actions. The only problem she was dealing with, was his anger issues. Sighing, she thought for a few moments. She was once the same way, but of course, things change overtime. Perhaps allowing him time could change him for the better. "Now. Don't forget to retrieve me when its time to see your little brother. I miss him."
A short while later, Kalena began to stir, moaning softly as she opened her eyes and looked at Tasuke. She felt content, which she often did afterwards. She also felt a tad... weird... Kalena didn't know how to describe it. It wasn't what she was used to and so she pushed it aside. Maybe it was because he'd killed people for kicks. Sleeping with a guy like that was probably a first, although it wasn't a question that had ever come up before.

"Hey there, mister" she smiled, stretching out a little before propping herself up to look at him properly.
" It's just I have to wonder. I can only fight and destroy, yet this world is peaceful, so what am I good for? I'll try not to die. "

...†Akira released a genuine smile and closed his eyes as he finished speaking. He walked before teleporting away, only to find himself back in the center of the room†...


Right, no teleporting. "

...†Akira quickly walked out of the dorm room and spoke†...

" I'm hungry. I wonder if the cafeteria is still open.. "

((( Surprises these days are either pregnancy tests or shady stuff from the internet. It's only natural I think the latter xD )))
Tasuke removes the book from his face and looks at her, he stares at her for a while before answering Kalena. He let out a big sigh;

"Nope. Even afterwards I'm still attracted to you, your allure is powerful. Well at least that curiousity is dealt with." Tasuke grinned and placed his book to the side, "How're you feeling?"
(Well. No. Its just creativity for me xD )

Layla giggled only slightly. Turning her back to face the area of which Akira once stood, Layla now focused her full attention to Logan, as well as the dress her had picked out for her. It was pretty neat in her eyes, which was odd, considering he was of the opposite sex. Unless he had...experience? Shaking the thought from her ,mind, Layla slowly stepped forward, placing her own hand over his on of which held the attire. Whilst doing so, Layla placed her face beside his, allowing her lips to brush against the outside of his ear as she whispered. "Get out, unless you want to see me change."

Time to find a dress image ^^)
((( Oh, okay xD )))

...†Akira reached the cafeteria and the chef beckoned him into the back to see the food. Akira looked at it as it was only a banana and some apples. Akira spoke as he looked at the food†...


" Th-this is all you have left..? Gee, thanks.. I guess? "

...†Akira's emotions soon slowly came back, it seemed like the seal was gone for good. Akira seemed fine. He spoke and he collected the food†...

" Thanks! "

...†Akira went to teleport but stopped himself. On his way back home, a car with an old man stopped beside him. The old man spoke as he put his cigarettes into his mouth†...

Old man: "Hey, youngster, could I trouble you for a light?"

" Sure. "

†Akira leaned in and put his finger towards the tip of the cigarette. His eyes glowed red as electricity sparked around the cigarette and split apart, crumbling it, the old man jumped back in surprise. Akira spoke with a slight smile†...


" You shouldn't smoke.. "

Old man: "O..kay?"

†The old man then drove away. Akira soon reached his home and placed the food down, he also placed an empty beer bottle onto the counter, it falling soon after, and picked up another full bottle. He spoke sarcastically as he looked at the banana and apples†...

" Oh boy, where to start. I know, I can call Alex over for some beers and food, hopefully that will make it up to him.. "


((( It literally took me ten times to spell banana, good ol' google. xD )))
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He purrs more against your stomach then turns human and kisses you on the neck - I think that was me... But what do I know? - he says kissing you between each word - I. Love. You - he says kissing you more
" no he moved ive had a kitty purr on my before and it is a very different feeling " she hugs him " i love you too kevin so much ohhh !" she grabs his hand pressing it into her belly as the baby moved it was a tiny movement because she wasnt far enough along but she smiled and looked up at kevin grinning

((( Just to let you know, Akira doesn't live on-campus, he lives in the city xD )))

†Akira picked up his phone and called the pizza place just outside of town. He waited patiently as it rang, drinking his beer†...


@alex the fox
" A pizza. The biggest one you have. You can pick the topping, as long as it isn't the human meat topping. Also, I want you to deliver it personally. "

...†Akira spoke as he soon waited for a reply†...
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
" A pizza. The biggest one you have. You can pick the topping, as long as it isn't the human meat topping. Also, I want you to deliver it personally. "
...†Akira spoke as he soon waited for a reply†...

"kira you do know we serve moutain giants right???" he said weirded out "and okay about the hand deliver
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