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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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If anyone else had grabbed her wrist like that, Kalena probably would have killed them on principle. For some reason though, she didn't. She was enjoying the game too much to end it so suddenly and without a real conclusion.

Kalena breathed out softly, gazing up at him, relaxed in his arms. Trusting him not to drop her.

"That they didn't" she chuckled lightly, her eyes alight with interest as she started to think of new ways to win this. There were the obvious ones, of course, seeing as physical contact was on the table. She wanted to tease and tempt him into kissing her though, not coerce him. That would be tantamount to blackmail and she felt like playing fair.
Tasuke smirked, the arm around her waist moved down her body, his right hand across her curves as it found it's way on the backside of her left leg and lifted it up so that it was by his waist. His face then go closer to her neck and he breathed lightly on it as he spoke;

"It's been a while since I've done this. Forgive me if I seem rusty."
Kalena draped her arms around his shoulders, glad he couldn't see her expression in that moment. She couldn't stop smiling. He was actually trying to seduce her. She was the one that did the seducing around here and he was trying to beat her at her own game.

"I bet you do this with all the girls" she teased, her lips brushing ever so gently against his ear. She nibbled his earlobe playfully, slowly and deliberately toying with his erogenous zone there. Okay so maybe she wouldn't be playing entirely fairly.
Tasuke bit his lip, she beat him to it. His cards were falling from his sleeves, he was running out of options and he was on the brink of temptation himself. He moved away from her neck, which would also stop her from playing with his ear, he made eye contact again - a paramount factor.

"I would only give you this pleasure." He emphasized the 'you' and also lowered her leg slowly and then brought his arm around and scooped her up into his arms, carrying her bridal style, he rested his forehead against hers and started walking towards the library's exit. Thanks to his 'Sixth Sense' like power her could continue to stare into her eyes whilst being aware of where he was walking.

"Whatever will everyone think?"

"I highly doubt that" Kalena replied, holding his gaze steadily as she allowed him to carry her. No one got this good without practice, she should know. Technically she didn't need practice, her Allure did most of the work for her, but she enjoyed it. Learning how best to emphasise one of the greatest gifts of her species, accentuating her assets and learning all men's weaknesses. Practice made perfect after all.

"They'll think I've seduced you and that you are helplessly under my spell" Kalena replied, each word placed distinctly after the other. Her intention clear. As far as anyone else would be concerned, she had already won.
Tasuke smirked, "I knew you were gonna say that. I wouldn't want your great reputation to be ruined." Tasuke winks at her, and exits the library, walking towards his dorm, "I hope you don't mind me taking you to my private quarters, if this game ends up going on and on we may need the privacy." He grinned, letting out a little chuckle.
ChubbyPenguin said:
The class finally ended and Yuki woke with the sound of the bell. He looked around the room tiredly. It was empty except for he and the teacher, who was staring at him with a look of disappointment. Yuki stood from his seat and apologized, bowing his head lightly to the teacher.
Once Yuki was outside, he took a seat beneath one of the trees near the entrance and let out a heavy breath. Laying his head back against the trunk, he smiled lightly to himself," it feels nice out."
Cerin had just finished eating his snack when he noticed the blonde from earlier. He wanted to talk to someone other than Vex, and seeing as Soren left them alone, he chose Yuki. His form quickly disappeared into smoke and materialized on the branch above Yuki. The male swung his body over so that he was hanging down to face the blonde, smoke emitting from his mask as he spoke. "Hello again!"
"How considerate of you" Kalena tried to sound sarcastic but her playful smile rather betrayed her. She trailed her fingertips lightly down his neck, toying with his shirt's collar and popping the first button open. Her fingers brushing against him against his skin there in slow taunting caresses.

"I don't mind in the slightest, dear" she murmured lowly, her gaze intensifying slightly. She bit her lower lip, slowly dragging her teeth over it until it popped back so that he lips were slightly parted.

"But if you don't kiss me, don't expect anything more" she breathed. She wasn't necessarily serious, but testing his resolve could be every bit as fun as needing privacy.
...†Akira's power continued to leak out as he walked into the school, bored. He went and sat on top of the roof top, gazing at the sky†...
"You may not have a choice." His voice had no malicious intent, neither did he carry any in his mind when he said this. He did have a plan. He waited until he got closer to his dorm, using his advanced Ice manipulation Tasuke made Kalena colder, she wouldn't have been able to tell it was him doing it though. He opened the door with his foot and walked inside, he waited for her reaction to the cold if she made any.

"Home sweet home."
Yuki flinched backwards as if he could move any farther back from the sudden presence with a tree in the way. He ended up hitting his head against the trunk in surprise. "Ow-- hey.." a hand came up to rub his head whilst he looked up at Cerin.
Cerin watched his reaction with smiling eyes, just before climbing down from the branch and sitting onto the ground beside him. "What are you doing?" He asked, placing his hands into his lap.
LT looked up everything was going from blurry to clear every minute. The pain increases every second that passes by and whenever he moves.
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"Oh?" Kalena raised an eyebrow at this, yet she still didn't believe he meant her harm. She'd always lived in the present without thought to her future. Without fearing danger. Men were putty in her hand after all.

"You're going to drive me wild are you?" she giggled, delighting in the idea.

She shivered slightly, his room was cooler it seemed but it didn't bother her. She lived in the forest throughout the Winter after all. Adjusting wasn't a problem.
"I'm resting..?" Yuki responded lightly, not really sure why he was out here in the first place. The curiosity of what Cerin was came back to him when he studied the male.

"So, what exactly are you?" Yuki pulled a knee up so that he could hold it while he glanced at Cerin.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.27e10abef832470314cb68b41f7ed4bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41115" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.27e10abef832470314cb68b41f7ed4bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Valkyre said:
"Oh?" Kalena raised an eyebrow at this, yet she still didn't believe he meant her harm. She'd always lived in the present without thought to her future. Without fearing danger. Men were putty in her hand after all.
"You're going to drive me wild are you?" she giggled, delighting in the idea.

She shivered slightly, his room was cooler it seemed but it didn't bother her. She lived in the forest throughout the Winter after all. Adjusting wasn't a problem.
"I was under the impression you were already wild."

She didn't seem to react to the use of his Ice Manipulation, he sat on his bed and rested his back against the headboard, still carrying Kalena in his arms - but he could rest her on his lap now. He made her colder, she was difficult to crack, but he would make sure his plan would come into fruition.

"You know, you're really easy to carry. I guess that's no surprise."
"What am I?" Cerin stared at him a second before shrugging his shoulders. Another puff of smoke escaped him as he did so, his irises momentarily trailing up to the sky before dropping back to Yuki.

"Well, that's a good question." it was one he couldn't answer exactly, so he left it at that. "You are human, yes?" Cerin watched him closely, letting loose a few long strings of steamy smoke.
"Yes, I'm Human." Yuki answered him before realizing Cerin had avoided responding to his own question. He watched as smoke continued to come from the mask on the other male's face and he pointed to it,"why do you do that, and what's with the mask?"
"I just do? I've done it since I was little. I have to wear this mask to filter the smoke from harming anyone. Here," Cerin had a feeling Yuki wouldn't have believed him, so he removed the mask from his face and extracted any extra fumes that might have stayed within the material. Afterwards, he took the boy's glasses from his face and wrapped the mask around Yuki's head like he would if it were himself. Cerin flipped the switches next to two of the mouthpieces in opposite directions, "It works both ways, so be careful not to flip it or else you'll be breathing in my smoke."

Smoke left his lips as he spoke and drifted up to the leaves of the tree, causing the small bunches it hit to wilt.
Kalena curled up in his lap, pressing her body against him. It was freezing in here and she was trying to glean some warmth from his body. She didn't realise just how cold she was because of its slow progression and didn't realise how much it was beginning to affect her.

"I get wilder" she smiled teasingly, quirking her eyebrows suggestively.

"Such a shame you won't kiss me..." she sighed, her warm breath escaping her lips as she shivered against him involuntarily "Um it's kinda cold in here..." she breathed, looking up at him.
"It's okay, I'll warm your up. It happens sometimes in here."

Tasuke grinned in his mind, but in front of her he looked concerned. He stopped effecting her temperature and hugged her tighter, cuddling her and embracing her. He looked at her, his face close and he spoke.

"You know I've never done this with anyone else before, I usually don't like people. Some would see me as a horrible person, but for you, I'd do this everyday. Your playful and wild nature, your confidence. I love it."

His faced inched closer, and even though he was saying these things only to get her to kiss him first. But, he meant it, he liked this girl she was outgoing and interesting, not like the others.
Kalena quite enjoyed just being cuddled, she decided. It was nice, although she was sure she'd get tired of it pretty quickly. She did with most things and most people.

She too inched closer, she'd never admit that she was tempted to kiss him. Her lips hesitated, very slightly touching his. Suddenly she pulled back.

"Wait... You're a virgin?" Kalena asked incredulously. How the heck was he a virgin? Sure, she was generally willing and enjoyed the whole experience and the variety of it. If she was interested in someone, she didn't exactly need persuading. But he was very good at this. She had to have misunderstood him.
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