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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Nanami smiles at The Watcher, though seems to be little emotion behind it, like she were never in the same world as anybody else, literally. She speaks with the same tone that matches her smile. "There is no need to bow..."
The Watcher stands back up, back as straight as possible. His head starts twitching in small, barely noticeable movements. Elizabeth smiles and puts the gun in her pocket.
The Watcher pulls a styrofoam coffee cup out of his cloak and lifts his mask up just enough to see his mouth, quickly downing the contents of the cup.
Alexis squealed and turned around accidentally shooting a blue fire fire ball at him and then noticing who is was and she gasped and said " Im sorry, but you scared me " and the fire ball almost hitting him disappeared in smoke
"Sorry..." He catches up. "How are you?" He is still a little spooked about the fireball. Would've been hurt by it. Maybe killed. "Sucks to be human..."
The two water creations of Nanami disappear due to her falling asleep. Mai made the cup of coffee a little colder than should be mid drinking, just to confuse The Watcher.
The Watcher frowns in confusion, wondering why the coffee was colder now. "Alright then, do you have any questions?"
There was some coffee frozen at the bottom of the cup, though retained a brownish color through the white ice. "My question is... will there be violence...?"
He remembers something he shouldn't "H-Hey... I'll be back." He runs to the small clearing, and pulls open the trapdoor. Inside the not destroyed base are the survivors of the conflict. "Hey, guys! I thought you got out!" The soldiers stay in, not moving.
Nanami appears in front of The Watcher, in sword form, stuck lightly in the ground. Mai walks back up behind him. "If you can lift this sword from the ground, I'll join you." She knew he wouldn't be able to, as it's nearly impossible for one to be compatible with a godly being, but was planning to join his little group anyways, as she realized it might help her with her purpose on the planet.
The Watcher's mask becomes a mischievous grin as he thinks about ways to use his secret to his advantage. "Alright then, I will try." He says, grabbing the handle with both hands and using his power to recreate an image of the blade in his mind. "3...2...1..." He mutters to himself before attempting to pull it out of the ground.
The blade doesn't budge, literally freezing his hands there secretly, to keep him from letting go and trying to pull out a fake blade or anything. If he were to try and let go of the blade entirely, his hands would be unfrozen in an instant, perfectly keeping him from knowing they were frozen onto the blade, even if he slid his hand across the handle.
The blade just wouldn't move at all, and Nanami was still playing asleep with a clone of water, just to keep him from knowing what's going on. "You'll never get that blade out of the ground. You're simply too weak." The last words were to have her fun with him, as they weren't at all something she knew or didn't know, as the blade doesn't react to strength.
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