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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Han nodded. "Yeah. The headaches will come and go. It is a downside to having such great mental powers, especially one that kept you alive after getting shot in the head." He chuckled and pulled out his knife, a blade that was a moon silver color and a hilt that was as black as basalt. "I will teach you of course. I am decent with a knife and I will teach you all I know." He smiled and sat on the couch. "We cannot start today but I do want you to get a feel for the knife." He flipped his knife once before sheathing it and strapping it to his waist. "The blade that you hold, it is enchanted with Qeres, so it is able to kill angels and demons. A very powerful blade named Vladus." He laughed. "Just don't use it on an archangel. It doesn't seem to be as effective as it is with lesser angels."
blue kisses his cheek " so what are you going to do when the student surpasses the master " she says giggling " ill grow a big thick tree for us to practice with " she looks at her knife smiling it was beautiful

(i was born in july , my birth stone is a ruby :) )
Han chuckled. "You will not surpass me, believe me. The power of Castiel granted me with nigh perfection in all forms of fighting, though I choose to not use them. You may think that you are better than me, but you will never truly be." He shrugged. "It is the truth." He smiled. "The tree sounds good. I can stay for a little while longer, but then I must take my leave."

(My birthday is in July as well xD )
Blue hugs him and trys to make a tree grown and winces not being able to do it she kept trying not getting very far but the pain in her head grew every time she wiped away silent tears and tried again , she kept trying for a few minutes ignoring the blood in her ear .
Han put his hand on Blue's shoulder. "Stop straining yourself." He shook his head and stood up. "We do not need a tree at the moment. While I am gone, I wish for you to get a feel for the blade, become familiar with it's weight and how it swings." He nodded before appearing in his own dorm room.

(The fifth is where I saw light for the first time xD )
Elizabeth yawns starting to wake up, she was still tired, despite having slept well. She felt something on her head and brushed it off, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
...†Akira looked down at Layla with a thought-felt expression. He rested his hand on his sword spoke†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Masamuneap.png.08f1fefc60089e70e697f94f4df60f03.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40187" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Masamuneap.png.08f1fefc60089e70e697f94f4df60f03.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

" Come to think of it, I've never eaten blood, so I wouldn't know. Each time I got extremely angry, I blacked out and woke up in a pool of blood. This was due to Ragnarok taking over my body. However, now that I've expelled him, I should be like I am now, even when angry. I'll be able to control my actions and know when to stop. "

...†Akira then smiled and walked into the pizza shop. He looked back at Layla and spoke†...

" Pizza is good though, so I thought I'd bring you here, as a type of second date. "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/nanashi04.jpg.9db518f241e10ea84cdfddf715f8c1ad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40189" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/nanashi04.jpg.9db518f241e10ea84cdfddf715f8c1ad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


@Mashiro Shiina


((( January the 17th is my birthday. Plus my name in real life is actually Akira Fukushima xD )))



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"S-Second date?"


Layla blinked before her gaze widened and a smile played at her lips. Herself having not the slightest memory of even a first date. Even at the thought of being on a date with Akira caused her cheeks to become a light shade of pink. Blowing her breath, and shifting her gaze elsewhere, after folding her arms under her chest, Layla brushed past him, forcing her way inside until she reached the counter, shutting her eyelids over her irises.
" Yeah. I kinda thought of the time with you making me food as a first date. Sorry. "

...†Akira laughed slightly and then followed Layla to the counter. He then spoke as he looked at Layla, then the menu overhead†...

" Do you see any type of pizza that suits your fancy? "


@Mashiro Shiina

((( Thanks! (⌒▽⌒)☆ )))
"Suits my fancy?" Layla opened her eyelids, shifting her gaze to the area of which Akira was looking. Tilting her head to the side in absolute confusion, Layla stood in absolute silence, having no idea what to pick from the many choices made available.

staring at them for a second he smirks " you want a corpse meat pizza?" he said smiling figuting their a vampire from their constant red eyes.
...†Akira smiled as he then observed Layla. He then spoke, his voice being gentle†...

" You can pick anything. I'll be getting the Hawaiian pizza. If you want, I can buy a large pizza, so we can share? "

...†He then heard the cashier speak. Akira shivered and then spoke†...

" Ew, no. I can't speak for Layla, but I don't eat the dead. I'm the Dark Lord Satan. No, I'm not Lucifer. I'm from another dimension. Basically I'm a Demon King. Not a Vampire.. "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/f2ba06fbfabf2adcbf7bb459c3b.jpg.24b60d7a8cc8667499b772bc04cb23fa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40194" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/f2ba06fbfabf2adcbf7bb459c3b.jpg.24b60d7a8cc8667499b772bc04cb23fa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Layla began to agree to sharing a pizza, before being interrupted by the cashier. "Vampire?" Blinking for a few seconds, Layla then burst into a fit of giggles, allowing her upper body to bend downward while she held her torso. She was then again interrupted by the title 'Girlfriend'. Slowly straightening her posture, Layla coughed, before lowering her voice to a hushed whisper, hiding herself behind Akira, clutching onto his shirt. "Share."
...†Akira blushed sightly as the male referred to Layla as his girlfriend. He then spoke once he heard her speak†...

" We'll be having a fifteen inch Hawaiian pizza. "

((( A Hawaiian pizza is a regular pizza with ham and pineapple slices as the toppings. Also, Akira's eyes aren't red, they're a hazel-brown color haha )))

Cerin laid down on a set of steps leading down into the courtyard. Laying flat on his stomach with his chin propped onto crossed arms. The area seemed to be pretty vacant at the moment, so he didn't worry too much about being stepped on. Instead, he focused his attention on the railings ahead of him, blowing small rings of smoke from his mask through the various gaps in the metal.

(Idk. I'm bored.)
(( in know i read xD ))

what ? your red eyes the fact that you said something about blood" he said his ears twitching. " what else to expect?" he said dicing up pinnaples while talking and never even getting near to hands at all
Layla simply watched the two conversate with their order, meanwhile eventually burying her face into Akira's back simply to hide away her embarrassment.

(Want me to bring Luna to you
@Asphyxiated ?)
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