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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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...†Akira then looked down at her and spoke, his voice being gentle†...

" Besides, we can eat this here pizza. "

...†Akira wrapped his free arm around Layla as he walked over to a collection of tables. He sat the pizza box down and smiled, sitting down and opening the box, the fresh smell of warm ham and pineapple filling his lungs†...
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Layla settled into a seat at the same table, allowing her hands to remain in her lap whilst she watched him. She had to admit it smelled good, but the only problem was how was she going to eat it? It wasn't as if she had done it before. Blinking, Layla placed her right hand on the table and extended her index finger towards the pizza.


[QUOTE="Saruwatari Tomohisa]He looks down seeing her playing with the water and shakes his head not knowing what she is achieving by doing this.

(So judgemental xD )
Luna slowly raised her gaze, only to spot the same male from before staring at her. For a moment, she found it humorous, until she noticed why he was watching her. Blinking, Luna shrugged her shoulders and continued her seemingly pointless actions.
"not if everyone else you know doesn't have the gift." he said lookign down and chagnes the subject " SOOOO.... how do you like the pizza. i started planting pinnapples just for you. your basically the only customer."
...†Akira put his hand onto a slice of the pizza and picked it up. He then took a bite out of it and swallowed. He looked at Layla and spoke†...

" This is pretty much how you eat any and all types of pizza. "

...†Akira then looked at the cashier†...

" It's amazing. You've truly out done yourself here. Oh, before I forget. "

...†Akira handed him the money the pizza cost, as well as a couple of hundred more notes. He then spoke†...

" Here's the money for the pizza, as well as your tip. "
"What are you doing?" He asked curiously for the first time his voice isn't emotionless it is more curious.

(Lol well it isnt his fault xD )
Watching him for a few moments, Layla sat silently. Ultimately blinking in response to his explanation.


Layla then lifted her own slice, carefully biting into it, more as if it was one of her favorite treats. All in all, she made it work, quietly nibbling on the piece she bit off.

Luna blinked, shifting her gaze up from the water. She sat there, silently swinging her legs while debating on an answer to his question. "Well. What does it look like im doing?"
9( *ships* perfect couple of rudes owo))

sighing he looks at the time and takes off his work out fit to reveal a hakama. "i will see you later. gotta go bother my dad" he said laughing. since his dad is a kitsune a magical fox being.
...†Akira watched Layla, a smile on his face. He then looked around once more, studying the layout of the shop. It seemed to have changed since the last time he was here. He then took a look outside just as the street lights went on. He then returned his gaze back to Layla and spoke†...

" So how is it? "

...†He then nodded at the cashier and spoke as he laughed slightly†...

" Okay. Try not to rile him up too much. "

(This song makes me cry DX)

Layla blinked, chewing the last bits of her food before swallowing. A smile playing at her lips, she giggled. "Good." Tilting her head in a playful manner, Layla swiftly kicked her feet under the table, before waving good-bye to the cashier. She didn't speak, but of course wouldn't ignore him in the least as she did before.

Luna shrugged her shoulders. "Well. I don't care to impress you sir." Rolling her irises, Luna shifted her gaze back to the ripples in the water.
Cerin finally managed to fix the mask and pulled it back onto the lower half of his face. It fit more comfortably now, no longer rubbing against his skin when he moved. He let out a puff of air as he scanned the courtyard boredly.

After a few minutes of sitting there like a manikin, he glanced at the black claws that were his fingernails. One of them was chipped, and he looked closer at it. "When did that happen?" Cerin asked himself before sighing and flicking the air lazily. A strong gush of wind was shot out from the action, causing most of the limbs to drop from the tree it hit. He blinked in surprise, having forgotten he could do that. "Haha...oops."
...†Akira keeps his smile as he continued to watch Layla. He then spoke just as he picked up another slice†...

" By all means, dig in. "
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...†Akira keeps his smile as he continued to watch Layla. He then spoke just as he picked up another slice†...
" By all means, dig in. "

Layla slowly shook her head. That single slice seemed to have filled her up just enough to satisfy her. Yawning in a childish manner, Layla repositioned her chair to sit beside Akira, before settling herself into the chair herself, and resting her head on his shoulder whilst her eyelids shaded over her irises.

yawning they falll asleep in fox form

only to wake up remembering their treehouse! they run to it not aware of a bus.... again. and get hit on the leg. so it only spun him and maybe broke some leg bones. most likely dislocaate. but he didn't take notice as he changed shape into a snake and crawled the rest of the way
...†Akira watched as Layla sat beside him and leaned against him. He looked down at her and smiled. He decided that he could keep the remaining pizza for later and as such, he put the lid over it and froze it in time. He looked at her a final time and then disappeared, reappearing in Layla's room with her in his arms. He had the pizza floating beside him. He figured Layla was tired and sat her down, putting the covers over her. He put the pizza in the next room using his magic and sat by the bed, putting his hands behind his head and resting his sword against his left shoulder. He had placed his straw hat on his chest. He then closed his eyes and spoke quietly†...

" So it's been exactly one thousand years today.. "

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