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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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" My eyes are a hazel-brown color. However I guess I could see your misunderstanding. Some Demons prefer blood, others... not so much. "

...†Akira then felt Layla bury her face into his back. He then spoke to her as he looked back†...

" You're so cute when you're embarrassed. "
Shinji woke up in the courtyard What The Hell Happened Shinji then noticed blood coming fromw somewhere and saw that Jin died Ji.......n..Nooooo Shinji went to him and said to him "We have to go to Vanoss"Shinji then carried Jin on his back and walked to Jins dormroom
"see i knew you were boyfriend girlfriend" he smiled laughing a little childishly. " well i was close, vampires are a kind of demon."
Layla said nothing, but simply clutched the back of his shirt tighter in her hands. She hasn't even the slightest guts as of the moment to disagree with the cashier, but simply remained frozen behind Akira. Surprisingly, it soothed her to be embarrassed by him of all people, but all in the same made her somewhat rebellious.
" Well.. "

...†Akira laughed slightly as he then turned back to face the cashier†...

" Vampires are simply infected humans. Demons are their own race. "
oh then the demonicon ( demon encyclopedia) was wrong about vampires" he said frowning " you know she may not be a vamp but i can assure you she has been blessed with eternal youth" he said smiling jokingly
" You're not entirely wrong. Vampires are humans who have been slightly infected with Demon blood. "

...†Akira then smiled at the cashier's compliment to Layla. He spoke as he peered back at Layla†...

" She has, hasn't she? "
Layla finally peered out from behind Akira, glaring at the cashier. Raising her brow in the process, Layla loosened her grip on Akira's attire, slowly dragging her hands down his back until they landed back at her sides. Immediately, her gaze hit Akira once he agreed. Again, she blushed only slightly, beginning to stumble on her words. "S-Shut u-up...Akira."

Luna muttered to herself for a few seconds before continuing on her search. The previous male had simply questioned her and in no way helped her. Rolling her irises, completely hungry, Luna continued her resultless search.
" She left town. She couldn't be around all of the supernatural beings anymore. "

...†Akira spoke, looking around the shop. Once he heard Layla speak, he replied†...

" It's the truth though. You've been granted youth and beauty. "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c158c7014_Soboring.jpg.31e09889c216f136fc269634bc52edf7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40197" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c158c7014_Soboring.jpg.31e09889c216f136fc269634bc52edf7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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" i kinda miss her," he said sighing " even though she was a jerk." he said handing them their pizza in a box "there you go come again" he said leanign back in his chair falling out of it
" Sure, of course. Mind if we eat it here? It's a long walk to the school, and it'll probably get cold by then. "

...†He said, looking at the pizza box†...
Layla sighed, regaining her composure. "It isn't all that great...-" She then lowered her voice, whilst her gaze shifted groundward to the floor below her feet."more of a curse..." Layla then said no more, but remained in absolute silence, disregarding the fallen cashier.

Luna stretched her arms skyward, stopping once she came to spot what seemed to be a small body of water located near a bench just outside of the courtyard. With boredom and hunger consuming her emotions, she finally decided to take a break, settling onto the bench and poking at the water with her feet.

"maaybe next time you can try the corpse party pizza. it is for blood drinkers and cannibals"

"well then i have been cursed." he said frowning since he had not aged since last time akira visited
Cerin got bored and sat up, placing his hands into his lap. There wasn't much sign of his previous smoke seeing as it evaporated, so he let out a cloud of white and gray. The mask was unusually uncomfortable against his skin, causing his brows to furrow in confusion. Cerin removed it, pulling it from his face completely and turning it around in his grasp. He tried to keep smoke from escaping as he began the tedious task of mixing the straps, but some would still escape from the edge of his lips like fog.
Saruwatari sees the girl from before. The one that talked allot. With nothing else to do he walks towards her but not directly he is just trying to catch her attention and see her reaction.
" A curse, eh? Look at you two. I'd say it's a blessing. Without the whole God concept of it, of course. Us Demons have it in our veins to age more slowly. I enjoy it. Gives me more time to relax and enjoy the finer things in life. "

...†Akira then smiled as he looked at Layla†...

" More time for us to be together as well. We can go sightseeing. We cn go anywhere, not having to worry about time. "
Layla sighed, listening quietly to Akira and the cashier. Even though Akira's words were something of a comfort, she couldn't shake the thought from her mind. Her fathers words echoed in her thoughts, blocking out any sense of composure. Eventually, Layla hugged at Akira's waist, burying her face into his side in silence.

Luna didn't bother to look up from her seated position, staring quite hardly at the water below her. Somehow, its ripples caught her attention strongly, and refused to let loose. Tilting her head only slightly, she slowly inserted her toes back into the surface of the water, watching multiple ripples spread outward from the source.

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