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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Logan watched for a moment and smirked, at least he wasn't going to have to stick to pitiful human speeds. "What? Like this?" the moment he had finished speaking, it looked like he had vanished. He hadn't, of course, he'd simply moved at a speed that was too fast for the eye to observe. He was now beside Zero and traveling at a visible speed easily keeping up with him. @PixelScoreMC
zoey had found a healer and helped Kevin up the stairs, he would be exhausted for a while so they layed him out on the bed the healer left and zoey sat on the bed combing his hair with her fingers looking down at him worried " dont you dare move, ill re break you wing if i have to she said smiling"

(@motoemo )
I wont -he smiled a half smile and stayed awake happily looking at you- I promise

This is Kevin BTW :3 \\\<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/white-2.jpg.e2eba0dd0088403ef01516d01af412f7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40161" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/white-2.jpg.e2eba0dd0088403ef01516d01af412f7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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zoey scowled and smiled speaking softly " see what your doing to , me? your making me soft" she says and kisses his forehead
" you better feel special i left destruction to save you , there was fire and death and everything " she squeezes his hand and smiled
I was trying to get you... And when I said sorry I didn't mean it like that-he puts his face in the pillow
zoey swoops in and kisses him , surprising him "its ok those are the best kind" she smiles " my hair was once brown you know" she says , trying to lighten the mood
" ive had all colors in the rainbow " she says laying next to him giggling " i like my blue hair , it fits me"

(imagine some black wings on there lol)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/1.jpg.43729f647f61306abca874eaa39a51bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40168" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/1.jpg.43729f647f61306abca874eaa39a51bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Zoey smiles and yawns shivering she snuggles into him her wings unfold slightly and she relaxes against him
-he gently wraps his arms around you as you get warm quickly and he slowly falls asleep for once in his lifetime-
Han finished destroying the Genesis city of Havenfell, and he quickly rebuilt it. "Much better." He nodded and waved towards the new Aetherians. He appeared on the porch of Blue's cabin, for he wanted to give her a gift before he returned to Elizabeth. He knocked on the door and stepped back a step, awaiting the door to open.
Zoey falls asleep with her face on her chest her wings relaxed and spread out behind her sleeping deeply

blue opens the door wincing " hi" she groans her head pounding she looks up at him with red, bloodshot eyes

(@Han Alister & @motoemo )
Han frowned at how she looked. "What happened?" He asked before shaking his head. "Never mind." He walked past her and into the cabin. "I have something for you." He smiled and pulled out a sheath from his back pocket. He took a dagger from the sheath, the blade black as onyx, the hilt gold and embroidered with a red ruby. "I thought that maybe you could learn how to use a knife. You know, for hunting or self defense." He said. He sheathed the blade and extended it to her. "I didn't know what else to get you. Sorry, if you don't like it."
Blue smiled and held it in her hands looking at it in amazement "its actually quite beautiful Han , thank you . Whos going to teach me though?" she looked up at him hoping he would " and i dont know , every time i tried to use my powers and it made my head hurt"

( @Han Alister )
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