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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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...†Akira looked at her as they walked and then spoke, slightly guessing judging from her response†...

" I'm guessing you don't know what pizza is. Basically, it's a circular part of dough with tomato sauce and melted cheese on top. You bake it and it tastes very good. You can get many toppings, such as pepperoni, ham, pineapple, apples and other toppings that you can think of. When we return, I can show you how to make it, if you want. "


@Mashiro Shiina
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Good night sixxx ): I have to go to bed and wake up at 4 too so I should probably do the same. Good night er'one
...†Akira looked around as he waited for Layla's answer. He soon looked back up to the sky, admiring the view of the stars. He spoke as he watched†...

" I remember my brother and I looking at a similar sight. That was so long ago.. "

...†Akira then sighed while closing his eyes†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/LLLLLLLLLA333.jpg.57a467ab3d80b6a3f659f3a1d2dfce70.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40134" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/LLLLLLLLLA333.jpg.57a467ab3d80b6a3f659f3a1d2dfce70.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Layla slowly nodded. shifting her gaze down towards her hands, she fumbled them together for a few moments, before placing a single hand into his. She listened carefully to his statement about his brother, before a small tear ran down her face. Rubbing her eye with her free hand, Layla then spoke. "I'm sorry...for your loss."

@Fukushima Akira

Luna thought for a few moments, before finally shifting her gaze towards him. "Look. If you're going to keep asking questions, you're useless."

" Hm? Oh it's fine. My guess is he'd want me to be happy. Besides, it's the good memories that I care for. "

...†Akira then looked down, tying the knot on his sword tighter†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Tying.jpg.95cc2f4156ba01611ef3792e1073e0c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40138" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Tying.jpg.95cc2f4156ba01611ef3792e1073e0c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

...†He soon looked back up after it was tightened and smiled at Layla. He then began to walk, as he did, he spoke to her while rubbing the back of his head with his other free hand†...

" On another note, I'm pretty sure the pizza place is around the corner. They don't usually get a lot of customers because it's out this far, however it's the best pizza I've ever had. I hope you'll like it. "

...†He soon reached the pizza shop and leaned against the door frame, looking up and closing his eyes. He inhaled, taking in the smell of fresh made pizza within, then exhaled. A smile formed on his face just as he began to talk to Layla†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/1347331235631.png.a21be248e6a0ef06ec284703f1f4b2f2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40139" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/1347331235631.png.a21be248e6a0ef06ec284703f1f4b2f2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

" I love that smell. "


@Mashiro Shiina



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"Glad to hear that. Is pizza...as good as blood?" Layla smiled while watching him. It was a relief he already had such knowledge, and of course, knew how to cope. With a delighted sigh, Layla stooped to observe his intake of the air. Tilting her head, she did as he did. Leaning against the opposite side and inhaling. Blinking, she coughed, having taken it in without breathing it back out.

@Fukushima Akira
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Han woke up and saw that Elizabeth was still asleep. He smiled and stood up quietly. A bowl of cereal appeared on the table and he began to eat it.
Blue wakes up with a throbing headache on the couch her stomach growled and she tried to use her powers to make food and a stabing pain occurred in her head and she cried out
"Well, she used to be.... still is, dear to me. But I've messed up several times, so I can understand why she doesn't want to deal with me anymore." He sighs, and then starts fading, until he looks transparent, but still barely visible. "Try to keep up." He starts running along the torn path, except very, very fast, almost as if he was teleporting rapidly along the path. "I prefer this over actually trying to run, because it would be cheating... since I'd instantly be where we want to really be. " Zero actually was running, just his hazy image and his intense speed made it seem as though he were appearing along the path.

Han wrote a letter that said he was leaving to Genesis to practice his abilities and he stuck it on Elizabeth's forehead. He snapped his fingers and appeared in a big city on Genesis. He opened his hand and a ball of electricity appeared, levitating over his palm. "Let's see how I am with the elements." He smiled.
Shade shook himself awake, blinking as Layla's room was upside down to him. He then remembered that once all the events had started unfolding, he'd climbed onto the ceiling to stay out of it all. He must've fallen asleep at some point without realizing it. Perhaps his sleep deprivation would wear off soon at this rate. Letting go of the ceiling, Shade unfurled his wings so he slowly glided down to the floor. Seeing that everyone had seemingly left, Shade decided to use this free time to practice going to his human form.

Closing his eyes as Akira had told him to do, Shade focused on the imagery of his wings detaching from his arms and sides and then forming to his back. He then hissed in pain as he suddenly felt his wings doing exactly that. He opened his eyes and watched with a look of fascination and pain as his wings seemingly cut themselves off his arms and sides before attaching into his back between his shoulder blades and spine. He flared his wings out to his sides and grinned in delight as they still seemed fully functional. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Bane.jpg.541b0dc131dd5472fe9fad3f6481f961.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40149" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Bane.jpg.541b0dc131dd5472fe9fad3f6481f961.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Focus on just the wings in this picture as that's what Shade's wings look like now)

He then looked at his arms and hands to see that despite removing the wings from the equation, he still only had one claw on each hand and his arms were still spindly as if his wings were still attached to them. Closing his eyes again, he imagined himself as a human, with every aspect from his face all the way down to his feet. He cried out in pain and stumbled backwards onto his butt as he felt his muscles and bones shifting all across his body. After a few agonizing minutes passed, Shade slowly opened his eyes as he felt the pain ebbing away. He looked down at his body and blanched as he realized that without his bat body, he was now bare-ass naked. He scrambled to his feet, only to stumble forward and grip a bed post as he became dizzy and his vision unfocused. Shaking his head, Shade regained his line of sight and then looked down at the bedpost to see a human hand holding it.

'I wonder....' Shade mulled over an idea forming in his head and then closed his eyes again as he imagined clothing on his body. Sure enough, he opened his eyes to see himself fully clothed. Grinning to himself at his personal accomplishment, Shade slowly made his way to a mirror in Layla's room. Every step felt heavy as he wasn't used to wearing clothing and his bat body was light-weight by nature. It didn't help that he was used to digitigrade legs as opposed to his now flat feet and oddly-shaped legs. Shade then sighted himself in the mirror and smirked slightly at what was now his human form.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/FANG.jpg.02a602bb375dcc7a0a524f748987a99c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40150" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/FANG.jpg.02a602bb375dcc7a0a524f748987a99c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(Ignore the feather wings and bloodied wrapping on the arm)



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Saruwatari takes a step outside on the school grounds with nothing much to do he simply stands their looking around with his hands in his pockets.
He turns toward him. "Because I can." His voice was emotionless and his eyes were dull.

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