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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Slaxt's eyes jolted open while he jumped from the sudden hit "Ow! what the hell!"
"Such foul language in the presence of a lady? You should be shamed." Shaking her head in disapproval, Luna giggled quietly to herself, shifting her gaze skyward, before returning her attention back to him, allowing her clearly shaded strands to cover the sides of her face and the corners of her crimson irises.
Slaxt turns to see Luna "Oh I'm sorry I thought an acorn or something hit me" he laughs awkwardly from embarrassment.
...†Akira sighed as he observed Layla. He then spoke as he walked over to the window. He looked at her shortly afterward and spoke†...

" So. You wanna get some pizza? I know the best pizza shop just outside town. "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c1566975b_Whatisthatthing.jpg.872d82cac0c55aca0015f93ea286e881.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40100" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c1566975b_Whatisthatthing.jpg.872d82cac0c55aca0015f93ea286e881.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


@Mashiro Shiina



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Luna slowly nodded her head, rolling her irises as she did so. "Uh-huh. And I thought you were a unicorn." Giggling, Luna shrugged her shoulders, before speaking again. "Its fine."

Layla shifted her gaze to Akira, a small smile playing at her lips. Nodding her head, she combed her right hand through her hair, attempting to at least straighten her image up just a bit before they headed out. "Pizza it is."
" Alright! Let's go. "

...†Akira spun around and walked over to the door. He gripped the handle and spoke to her, at the same time opening the door†...

" Ladies first. "
Shinji opened his eyes to see the court yard back to normal and blood everywhere Did he kill Jin Shinji then stood up his arm bleeding he observed Jins body Looks like he is dead well gotta go find vanoss Shinji then stood up and while he was walking he fell down
"Other then that first comment you're pretty nice" Slaxt said while getting up.
Layla slowly nodded, before giggling and exiting the room, starting down the hall in the direction of the stairs, slowing her face so she could walk beside Akira. Once reaching the top of the stairs, she stopped, awaiting his arrival to her side.

Luna raised her brow and tilted her head."Oh? I suppose I can be..barely." Shrugging her shoulders, Luna shifted her gaze skyward. '"As of yet, I'm hungry, thus I'm being nice. Dont mistake it for my personality"
Alice exited the main building of the school, entering the courtyard with her usual, vacant expression. A book bag rested on her shoulder by a strap, with only a single notebook being separate from the rest of her belongings as she held it loosely in her hand.

'Yet another day down,' she thought, the monotony of student life seriously beginning to become depressing. For how weird everyone here was...how abnormal everything was, there just wasn't that much excitement as of late. Even the dark arts class she had signed up for has proven to be little more than a glorified biology course in the end. Yes, everything was normal except...

She paused, hearing a an object crash into the frame of the door behind her with a hollow clank, followed by several smaller objects colliding with the ground. Spinning around she rested her gaze upon the large suit of armor she had come to refer to her 'partner' on good days struggling to squeeze through the pathway, the dozen or so books she had commanded him to carry now a disorganized mess on the floor.

"Rev. Fix your mess and move on. Now." Alice firmly stated, her annoyance at his clumsiness immediately apparent. Behind the massive metallic man several other students began to gather, becoming aggravated as he scrambled to retrieve her belongings.
...†Akira followed close behind her and continued until he came to another door that let out to the courtyard. He then spoke, opening it for Layla and slightly laughed†...

" I feel like this is Déjà vu. Ladies first, again. "
(There once lived a crooked man who walked a crooked mile He found a crooked sixpence on crooked stile he bought a crooked cat who caught a crooked mouse and they all lived happily on little crooked house)
(But the crooked man was sad... And once he had a thought, Why should he be crooked; when others they are not? Everything was worthless, he heaved a great big sigh, and went and found a rope and tied it to the sky.)
((( Upon a chair he stood, his eyes were blank and dead, without another thought, he went and hung his head. )))
( Now the story is not yet over, for this tale is myth-ed and old, go hide under the cover... There something not yet told.)

( Now the story is not yet over, for this tale is myth-ed and old, go hide under the cover... There something not yet told.)
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...†Akira followed close behind her and continued until he came to another door that let out to the courtyard. He then spoke, opening it for Layla and slightly laughed†...
" I feel like this is Déjà vu. Ladies first, again. "

Layla giggled, shaking her head. She shoved him out the door in front of him, refusing to allow the same action twice. Once they were outside, she took a moment to gaze skyward, admiring the stars clouding the dcontents of the sky. " Beautiful."
((( There once was a crooked man, who had a crooked smile, and if you lived his life, he'll send you through a trial, he lives for your torment, makes it full of strife, and won't be content, until you take your life. )))
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