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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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She is stoped in her track's her wings moved to block his view of her body she dosnet turn to speak she stays facing away hiding her face " dosent matter"
Han woke up, confused as to what his face was pressed against. He moved his head back and forth. "Sort of squishy." He muttered before pulling his face free. He blushed once he found out where he was and he quickly stood up. He was glad that Elizabeth was asleep and he quietly creeped into the kitchen to grab the bottle of whiskey that he kept in a secret cabinet.
Elizabeth whimpers, starting to have a nightmare again, although this one was different from the ones she usually has. She was running through a maze that seemingly had no end, and she was being chased by something. She never saw it, but it was always right behind her every time she turned around.
Han grabbed the bottle of whiskey and poured two glasses. He put the bottle back in the cabinet and brought the two glasses into the living room. He saw Elizabeth was having a nightmare he sighed walking over to her. "Why are nightmares so common in mortals." He muttered before rubbing his hand across her back in an attempt to comfort her. He even used some holy magic to help her, but not much. "It's ok, babe. Calm down." He whispered into her ear.
Elizabeth's nightmare keeps getting worse, the maze becoming littered with corpses and the walls being covered in blood, every once in a while a single phrase being carved into the walls of the maze. "Never forget me." She wakes up in alarm, she knew she'd had a nightmare but she could not remember what it was about.
Han pulled Elizabeth in a tight hug, trying to calm her. "Don't worry. The dream is over." He said before handing her one glass of whiskey. "I hope you like whiskey. It's the best stuff I have." He smiled and drank from the other glass.
Elizabeth smiles, she was pretty sure that alcohol wasn't allowed at the school but it wasn't like anyone was going to find out, so she just drank the glass of whiskey. "Thanks Han."
Logan got through the doors before they shut, following Zero as he had no real idea where they were going. On his first day he didn't exactly know where he was at any point really although this part looked somewhat familiar. "So what's your deal with Layla?" Logan asked, not particularly caring if he hurt any feelings or dragged up bad memories. He wasn't in the mood for pussyfooting around delicate minds. @PixelScoreMC
Han nodded. "Anything for you, baby." He laughed and kissed her nose. "Just don't get drunk like last ti-" He shook his head, remembering that she had lost her memory. "Never mind." He shrugged and drained his glass before setting the cup on the table.
Elizabeth sighs. "I won't get drunk like last time." She says, finishing off her glass of whiskey. "And yes, I have my memory back, so I remember all of the stuff that happened afterwards, and that you still owe me a game of truth or dare." She says calmly.
Han smiled. "Do I?" He frowned and shrugged. "Then I guess we can play right now." He nodded and kissed Elizabeth. "I choose dare." He chuckled.
Elizabeth grins, trying to think of a good dare. She couldn't come up with a funny one, so she decided to do a stupid one instead. "I dare you to lick a doorknob." She says, spouting off the first dare that came to mind.
Han chuckled and shook his head. "Easy." He muttered before standing up and walking over to the doorknob, bending down and licking it. He shrugged and walked back to the couch. "Truth or dare?"
Han sighed. Darn, I don't have a good dare. Dare her to let you tie her to the bed and get freaky with her. Why do you always pop in at bad times, Sav? "Umm...I dare you to....touch your elbows to your belly button." He smiled and shrugged. "It's the best I got." At least you have the right mindset. CLEAVAGE! Han shook his head.
Elizabeth shrugs. "Alright." She says attempting to touch her elbows to her belly button. She does manage to do it, but it takes a couple of seconds. She was a bit surprised that she managed to do it though. "Alright, truth or dare?"
Han laughed at her attempts and especially when she managed to do it, but mainly because it pushed her breasts together. He regained his composure. "I'm feeling truth this time." He smiled and awaited whatever she was going to ask him.
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