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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Haiiro saw Han and walked over beside him. "Hey Han." She says, wondering if she had made him angry at her or something. She wouldn't be surprised if that was what was going on. She wondered why Han had a cone on his head as well.
Han glanced over at Haiiro. "Hey." He said before looking straight again. "I'm just going to head to my dorm, so you don't need to worry about me bothering you." He sighed and closed his mouth, not wanting to say anything else.
Haiiro frowned, she knew that she'd made Han angry or something. "Hey, umm, sorry for earlier..." She says, she stopped following Han and sighed, she was bored out of her mind.
Han smiled. "Sorry? I said that I can't stay mad at you. You're welcome to come to my dorm but I don't think it'll be as fun as destroying Heaven." His smile faltered for a moment before widening again. "So, follow if you want to." He shrugged.
Haiiro smiles, deciding to follow Han. She pretty much had nothing else to do anyway, and destroying Heaven wouldn't really be any fun since there was no one to protect it from her, which made it alot more boring.
Slaxt decided instead of sleeping in his room all day he was going to walk around. He turned around and started walking to the school courtyard.
Han nodded and he walked to his dorm room, unlocking the door and stepping inside. He sat down on the couch and turned on the tv, a bowl of popcorn appearing in his hand. "Close the door please." He said to Haiiro before he began to flip through the channels, looking for something to watch other than sports. Now that you've got her, you can kill her. Hurry! Her guard is down. Make her pay for taking the lives of the four archangels. No, Castiel. As long as I am still alive, they will eventually form back into existence. You should know that as long as one archangel remains, the others cannot truly stay dead. Plus, I care about her so I forgive her. Fool.
Kimi walked into the school building, pulling her hair up into a pony tail. God, red really did look good on her. She smiled, and adjusted her shorts. Quick footsteps hitting the linoleum floor, she looked around. How long would it take to tear apart this place?
Haiiro shuts the door behind her and sits down next to Han. There was a voice in the back of her head nagging her to at least try to kill Han, to finish the job, but she tried her hardest to ignore it.
John, in a new body, walked to the school, and stayed there, sighing. "Where are you Han... Where the hell are you..." He sat down in a classroom, silently sobbing.
Han handed the bowl of popcorn to Haiiro before settling with the third Lord of the Rings movie. He leaned back in the couch, his eyes glues to the screen. Two smoothies appeared, one in Han's hand and the other on Haiiro's head. Han chuckled and fluttered his wings slightly.
Haiiro smiles, taking the smoothie off of her head. She sipped the smoothie, focusing on the movie. She hadn't seen any of the lord of the rings movies before, even though she had read the books.
Han looked over at Haiiro, his smile gone. "Why did you tell Elizabeth that I didn't care about her?" He asked and looked away. "Why do you have to lie?" He sighed, his wings drooping down a bit. "What did I ever do to you?"
Haiiro frowns. "Because I was right. You even lie to yourself about having ever cared about her but think about it, deep down you knew that you didn't." She says, seeming a bit sad to say so. "And yeah, I do lie alot, but usually I tell the truth, even if it seems like a lie, probably due to one of my brothers being the god of trickery, who is dead now." She goes completely silent, she hoped that she didn't anger Han too much.
Han stood up. "You were wrong. I cared about her. I really did, but then you had to go and do a deal with The Watcher which ended up with Elizabeth losing her memories. You took her away from me." He looked down at the ground before looking back at Haiiro, his eyes filled with hurt. He shook his head. "But of course, you don't even care." He walked out of the room and into his bedroom.
Haiiro sighs, shaking her head. "He refuses to admit it... He keeps telling himself that he cared about her... I doubt it will ever be possible to convince him..." She says to herself, seeming more than a bit depressed. "I never should have made that deal... But I had to... it was the only way to keep him from..." She mumbles to herself, cutting her sentence off. "And I do care...she is my sister...I care about her knowing the truth... She trapped herself in limbo because she thought Han didn't want to be with her anymore..." She says to herself. "Even Han's actions after Elizabeth lost her memory prove my point..." She says, talking as if she was speaking to someone else, even though Han was in his bedroom. "Yes, you're right, what I did was wrong, but it was the only way..." She mumbles.
Han called out. "I can hear you! I did care about her." He walked out of his room. "Maybe it was you who I didn't care for." He said. "You think that you know how I feel, but you don't. I would give up everyone if it meant I could be with Elizabeth." He sat down on a chair and turned off the TV. "Please leave." He said, pointing to the door. "And realize that you were wrong." He muttered before closing his eyes, preventing any tears that were about to fall.
Haiiro stands up. "Would you, would you really? Even Blue, even Esh?" She asks, knowing that Han was lying to himself. "She is trapped in limbo because you didn't stay with her. This proves my point." She says before disappearing, returning to her realm. "Oh shut up... I couldn't have helped her, there was nothing I could have done... I prevented her from completely getting rid of herself... Just leave me alone!" She yells at thin air, the voice in her head antagonizing her for doing the right thing.
Han thought about it for a moment. "Yes, even Blue and Esh." He muttered to himself before standing up from the chair. "She lied to her. Elizabeth didn't want me to stay with her. Why can't I just see Elizabeth again, so I can tell her that I do care about her more than anything." He sighed, knowing that he was just talking to the air in the room.
Haiiro pauses for a second. The voice in her head was relaying to her what Han had just said. Elizabeth had wanted Han to stay with her, but since Haiiro had told her the truth she hadn't trusted Han, which was actually the correct choice. She sensed something odd, Elizabeth was no longer in limbo, which means that somehow the rune circle Elizabeth had created had been counteracted or something. She let out a sigh of relief. She didn't want Han around Elizabeth, because she knew Han's mind better than even he did, and she knew that deep down him caring at all about Elizabeth was a lie, but she couldn't just allow Elizabeth to take it even farther and remove herself from existence for good, she was her sister. She sighed, allowing Elizabeth's soul to return to her body and allowing E to merge with Elizabeth's soul, to become the voice inside of her head that keeps her from making stupid decisions. She appeared in front of Elizabeth and snapped her fingers, Elizabeth appearing in Han's dorm room while Haiiro went back to her realm.
Han glanced over at the new figure in his room. "E-Elizabeth?" He asked before rushing at her and pulling her in a tight embrace. "I missed you so much." He smiled and laughed, hugging her tightly. He let her go and stared at her for a moment before kissing her. "Don't you ever leave me again." He said, resting his chin on top of her head.
Elizabeth gave Han a confused look, she'd thought that Han didn't care about her. She had been trapped in pure nothingness for days on end, and she was confused as to why Han was so happy to see her. She smiled, hugging Han tightly. Haiiro sighed, sitting down on her bed. She knew that she would regret reuniting those two, but she had more pressing matters to deal with, like planning how to get rid of the archangels again when they came back in a way that would be more fun.
Sixxx said:
Zoey wakes up in kevins bed that he dosent use and smiles as she stretched her wings out . @motoemo
Blue wakes up in hans arms and smiles , rolls over in his arms an kisses him gentaly to wake him" good morning " @Han Alister
Kevin looks around and notices your not there and starts looking around the dorm.

Han chuckled and pulled Elizabeth onto the couch with him. "I love you. Don't ever forget that." He said just before he kissed her. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. "Even though family is probably the most important thing in your life, sometimes you shouldn't listen to Haiiro. I made that mistake by listening to her whenever she told me that she loved me." He looked down at the ground.
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