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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Layla giggled, shaking her head. She shoved him out the door in front of him, refusing to allow the same action twice. Once they were outside, she took a moment to gaze skyward, admiring the stars clouding the dcontents of the sky. " Beautiful."

...†Akira laughed as he was pushed out of the door. As he heard Layla speak, he looked up at the sky. He then replied†...

" It truly is. "

...†Akira simply looked back down, only to see Shinji fall. He simply growled lightly and then looked back at Layla, extending his hand towards her as a smile formed†...

" Ready to go, my love? "
Zoey lands in the top of a building oin the city she eyes glazeed over black and a building across the street started to crumble and the one next to it burst into flames , the earth below began to shake and buildings began to fall , a loud ,low boom sounds and a dam near by breaks the air began to could with the smell of death and it clouded with dust and smoke

Layla slowly shifted her gaze towards the fallen Shinjii, a small hint of disgust filling her throat. She was soon interrupted by Akira's question, a small smile plying with her lips whilst she took hold of his hand, lowering her voice to a soft whisper. "Yeah, let's go."
I iz be waiting for person I be think iz be dead \\

-Kevin's teeth gets sharp and his eyes get red as he falls to the ground half dead from the power he controlled and as he fell he broke his wing blood every where around him-
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Layla slowly nodded, before giggling and exiting the room, starting down the hall in the direction of the stairs, slowing her face so she could walk beside Akira. Once reaching the top of the stairs, she stopped, awaiting his arrival to her side.
Luna raised her brow and tilted her head."Oh? I suppose I can be..barely." Shrugging her shoulders, Luna shifted her gaze skyward. '"As of yet, I'm hungry, thus I'm being nice. Dont mistake it for my personality"

Slaxt turned to Luna "you're hungry? Want me to buy you some or would you rather me cook?"
Slaxt said:
Slaxt turned to Luna "you're hungry? Want me to buy you some or would you rather me cook?"
Luna shook her head. " No. Mind you, I don't eat disgusting mortal food." Shaking her head and sticking out her tongue in disgust, Luna then regained her composure, before clasping her hands together at her front. "You can simply assist by showing me a worthy form of which I can retrieve either blood or emotions from."
Zoey flys down to him her eyes still glazed over black " kevin what are you doing ?" she sees his wing and winces " kevin look at me hey , look at me and breath "
"Hmmm... Who's blood do you want?" Slaxt said while stretching and laying back
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Layla slowly shifted her gaze towards the fallen Shinjii, a small hint of disgust filling her throat. She was soon interrupted by Akira's question, a small smile plying with her lips whilst she took hold of his hand, lowering her voice to a soft whisper. "Yeah, let's go."

" Alright! "

...†Akira then began leading Layla to the pizza shop. His brown eyes didn't look back at Shinji. He only wanted to enjoy a peaceful night with his love, Layla. He spoke as he walked, glancing back at her†...

" So what type of pizza are you going to get? "
Luna shrugged. "I prefer male. If necessary, I could settle for a female." Blowing her breath, Luna allowed her gaze to trail skyward. Truly, she was a picky one, but at the moment, her hunger would settle for anything at all.

Layla blinked. What kind was she going to get? She hasn't truly thought about it in the least. In fact, she didn't even know what pizza even was. Blinking, Layla coughed slightly, doing her absolute best to avoid his question. "What kind are you getting?"
[QUOTE="alex the fox](( who works at the pizza place?

((( A chef and crew. However if you want to be a part of the pizza shop, then by all means, be my guest. )))
her eyes turn normal " well dont be sorry for kissing me , that was kinda shitty " she combed her fingers through his hair she picked him up and gently layed him down in the back of a pick up truck and slowly and gently drove it back to the campus "wait here and imma find a healer"
the cashier boy just looks around wondering when someone would come in. it was a slow bussness day, and they had to sell more pizzas. so thinking about parties he wondered if anyone would throw one, it would be a great way for him to get a raise if he got someone to throw one. without knowing he started spinning in his chair
" I'll be getting a Hawaiian pizza. It's basically a regular, plain pizza, but with ham and pineapple. It's rather delightful. If you want, I could buy a large pizza for both of us. "

...†Akira continued smiling as he walked. He was walking directly beside Layla, matching her pace. He didn't know if she'd like the idea, so Akira was slightly nervous†...


@Mashiro Shiina
Layla started to respond, but soon realized she knew nothing about this, pizza, he spoke of. "Uhm.." Layla started to explain, but simply rested her head against his shoulder as they walked. She sai d nothing, but simply gave a small sigh, one of which held no specific meaning.

"Hmm... How hungry are you?" Slaxt said while getting up
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