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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Han shrugged. "Because he is a jackass. So, do you accept my offer?" He smiled. "Don't worry, I won't be too brutal. Only ask you do a few errands and maybe do some other things." He winked and laughed.
" its the few other things that worry me , plus what do i get out of it?" she sighed as her wings twitched she didnt like him being here
Haiiro smiles, returning to her realm and grabbing the weapons she needed to maximize her destruction potential. "Perfect. Time to blow heaven to pieces...or at least cut it in half...or just destroy shit...hmm...I'm going in with no strategy...not tha brightest idea eh?" She asks herself, genuinely confusing herself. She starts searching around for this one artifact she had stolen that would take her to heaven.
Han smiled. "You get protection. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael all want to kill you. If you accept the deal, I'll protect you. Plus, you get me." He chuckled.
"oooohhh sweeten the deal by adding yourself " she laughs a little " if they wanted to kill me so badly then why in the world havent they done it yet ? i havent been hidding"
Haiiro finally finds the artifact, a small statue that fit easily in the palm of her hand and was shaped like an angel. She turned it over in her hand a few times, holding a broadsword in her other hand, and tapped into it's power. She couldn't wait to destroy heaven, it just seemed like it would be alot of fun.
Han shrugged. "Because they wanted you to feel safe and secure." He stood up and began to walk away. "Fine. Don't accept my protection. Just remember, you can't stop three archangels from killing you. They will do it." He warned before walking out of the room.
zoey gets up calling after him" when do i start and can i be free for the most part?" she needed the protection for when she was bad . She smiled it was perfect
Han looked back at Zoey. "Maybe. If you behave." He laughed before disappearing. A giant sigil appeared on the wall, which said 'Castiel' in the angelic language.
Haiiro appears in Heaven, pretending to be completely innocent. Her weapon was somehow gone and she was planning on faking to be innocent as long as possible just for the thrill of it.
zoey sighs and walks out flying above a near by city " he never said what constituted behaving " she said to her self as her eyes turned black and she flew lower planing to destroy the city

(by the way , the city near the school is aaaalllwwwaaayyysss geting screwed over lol Sav destroyed it , han went on a murder rampage and zoey is going to destroy it again)

@Han Alister
Han appeared in front of Zoey. "No destroying yet. You need to get off of the archangel's radar." He smiled and they appeared back at Han's dorm. "You'll need to stay here for awhile." He sat on the couch.
Layla smiled, calmly continuing to gently stroke the cats head. She was surprised the cat actually stayed by her side, and also, even scooted closer to her. With a soothing blow of her breath, Layla leaned her head back against the back of the bench, staring skyward.
Haiiro smiles, she had successfully gotten away with infiltrating Heaven and no one had even payed attention to her. She was tempted to just destroy everything right off of the bat, but first she wanted to see how long she could fake her innocence for.
she sighed a little pissed off " can i at least have my stuff?" she plopped onto a chair looking around the dorm , her mind remebering every detail of the place so she could draw it later "cloths ,ipod,headhones, my notebooks and my pencils. Please" she adds on remembering most people use manners . she tucked some of her short blue hair behind her ear sighing
Han nodded. "Yeah. Go ahead and get your stuff. You've got twenty minutes, hun." He chuckled and the door opened. "When you get back, I might let you go do whatever you want, but only of it is non-destructive."
she walked to her dorm grumbling the entire way home she grabbed a giant duffle bag ,stuffing most of her stuff in it , she didnt own much so most of it fit into her bag she looked around her dorm it was empty so she lugged the big full bag back to Hans when he opened the door she looked up at him with a sigh the top of her head didnt even clear his collarbone " i grabbed everything i need"
Han smiled. "Good. Go have fun or whatever you fallen angels do...beside killing and destroying." He chuckled and turned on the tv. "Or, you can stay and watch a movie with me." He shrugged.
Logan Bates moved through the school alone, his footsteps echoing slightly but only because he found that people were more weary of him if they couldn't hear him coming. He ran his cool fingertips through his hair as he wondered what this school would have in store for him, hopefully it scared less easily than his last. Those human girls had hardly been his fault, although that was exactly why they'd asked him to leave rather than forcing him to. He sincerely hoped that there were plenty of humans in this school, else he'd have to go out for dinner which would quickly become tedious, as of yet he hadn't met another soul but that would soon change. He paused in his step, he had been so distracted in thought that he had not been taking note of where he was. Logan would never admit to being lost but he was hardly familiar with the school and it's layout, he sighed, he really shouldn't be so careless.
"why do i have to stay here?" she said droping her bag and ploping onto a chair with her notebook and a pencil sure she coudnt destroy and murder but she could however relax and draw

"why do i have to stay here?" she said droping her bag and ploping onto a chair with her notebook and a pencil sure she coudnt destroy and murder but she could however relax and draw
"Because angels can't track you while you are in the home of an archangel. " He smiled and put on the Fellowship of the Ring. "You're safer here. They can't find you." He chuckled. "And because you are so darn cute." He winked and lied down on the couch.
she rolled her eyes and looked up at the movie and smiled and started drawing Frodo proposing to Samwise with a Nazgul making the marriage official she laughed when it was done .

she rolled her eyes and looked up at the movie and smiled and started drawing Frodo proposing to Samwise with a Nazgul making the marriage official she laughed when it was done ." who's your favorite hobbit?"

@Han Alister
Shade sighed as he walked down the hallways of the school, still completely clueless as to where to go or what to do. He'd never been in a school before. He then muttered an apology as he accidentally bumped into some guy who had been walking down the hallways. When Shade looked up at the man, he realized that he looked nearly as lost as Shade felt. Perhaps he was like Shade and new to the school?

"It would seem I am not the only one here that does not watch where they are going" Logan said, a smile curling delicately around his lips, as he turned to face the one that that had walked into him. His gaze took in the offending man and he withheld a sigh as he concluded that this man knew their whereabouts just as much as he did himself. "Logan Bates, pleased to make your acquaintance" he nodded slightly, his tone pleasant as usual.

Shade made sure his arms were crossed over his chest so his wings were tucked against his body before replying quietly, "I'm Shade." He paused and then added, "I'm, uh, new here." He was pretty sure that Logan was new as well, but perhaps he still knew a bit more than Shade did.

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