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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Haiiro starts laughing, having successfully beaten three archangels at once. "Weak bastards, all of 'em. Archangel's are so goddamn weak that anyone can beat 'em, but they think they're so goddamn powerful." She snaps her fingers and all three of the Archangels she had fought were removed from existence. She uses the power of the small statue she was holding to return back to the school's courtyard. She sat down on a bench and stared up at the clouds, smiling about her success.
As Slaxt was asleep on the hill he had a dream.. There was fire and screaming... He turned to see the orphanage on fire... When he looked inside he saw his best friend... as he tried to run in to save her the building collapsed and woke him up.. Slaxt then sat up breathing heavily... "I'm sorry..." He said softly looking down.
zoey nodds "thank you " she grabbs her enormous duffle bed and dragged it to the bedroom with a great deal of effort, her small body heaving it across the livingroom toward the bedroom
Han laughed and helped Zoey with her bag. He then walked back into the living room and lied down on he couch. A blanket appeared over him and the tv turned on, playing The Two Towers.
Logan's gaze instinctively went to her neck as she tilted her head to the side, he dragged his gaze back to her eyes and smiled as if nothing had just happened.

"I regret to say that I do truly require your assistance, if it's not too much trouble" Logan said "My name is Logan, by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you" @The Dark Princess @Lioness075
zoey grabs some stuff from her bag and see's Han on the couch , looked asleep so she sliped in the bathroom and strips down and takes a shower reaching around to wash her wings
Han yawned, about to fall asleep when he heard a voice in his head. "Dammit God, what do you want?" He muttered before suddenly sitting up. "THREE?!" He appeared in front of Haiiro. "H-how could you?!" He asked. "They were my family..." He looked down at the ground.
Haiiro shrugs. "I got bored." She says calmly, still smiling. "I probably would have kept on destroying if I wanted to." Her broadsword appears in her hand. "Would've happened sooner or later no matter what."
Layla simply nodded her head, only to cover her examining of the male speaking to her. Vampire? Greaaatt. Rolling her irises, she shifted her gaze over to the other male. The one who decided to remain speechless. "So. Logan. And..you are?" She waited for the silent male to speak, so she could go ahead and escort them both to their destination.

@Valkyre @Lioness075
E frowns. "Elizabeth is...gone..." She says, seeming a bit sad to say so. "I'm sorry John... She trapped herself in limbo..."
John inhibited her body, and started to cause intense pain. "And you let this happen?! Whoever made this happen will suffer! I will gladly tear their heart out, even if I die!!!"
E stayed standing, trying her best to block out the pain. "There was nothing I could do to stop it. This was the fault of Han Alister, but Elizabeth made the choice to do it on her own. She had been pondering whether to do it or not for a long time."
E nodded. "Alright. I will take you to him." She said, but as soon as she attempted to take a step forwards she collapsed from the pain that John was causing her.
zoey gets out of the shower and wrapes her self in i gigantic towel and starts walking to her bedroom when she notices Han is gone , She grabs the chips and walks to the bedroom puts on a big shirt and short cotton shorts she towel drys her short blue hair . she has tattoos all over her beautiful and elegant but with dark undertones to them
"Feel that? Imagine. Losing someone. To another. Just to lose her to that person. It's called pain, in case you want to know." John stopped, silently crying.
Shade eyed the girl evenly before saying, "I'm Shade." He then shifted his wings slightly before looking away from the girl and down at his feet, or paws. He tapped the ground with the claws on his feet as he tried to hide his nervousness about being lost. He hated feeling lost or confused. @The Dark Princess @Valkyre
E stood back up, trying to steady herself. "I can not imagine that. I was designed to be unable to imagine that, to feel those kinds of emotions is impossible for me." She says before starting to walk towards the highschool.
"I want to see him tortured. To see him in damn pain. Sure. I'm weaker. And I might die. But I will make him remember me. Don't go for him! Go for... his new friend! The one who wrapped me up in vines!" John starts to laugh. "Kill her. Make him go through pain."
Han raised his hand to strike Haiiro but he slowly lowered his arm. He shook his head and began to walk away, not even saying a word.
E frowns, not sure who John meant. "What is that person's name. I can not find them unless I know their name." Haiiro pulls a letter out of her pocket and tosses it at Han like a frisbee, the letter hitting him in the back of the head. "Someone you know asked me to deliver that to you. And just so you know I'm not finished. I will remove the other one and destroy the rest of heaven. Then I will end you."
E nods. "I will hunt her down and kill her." She says calmly. "Elizabeth was friends with her, but she is not here anymore so it doesn't matter."
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