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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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zoey walked out"dont worry about me , worry about the evil going on outside , im a fallen angel and even i feel it ,dont you?" she shuttered" i like evil but not like that , theres evil cornering a very pure girl out there ,the even knocked out her damn dog" she shuttered again and shook her head

blue kneed down to her dog " explain what?" she said almost snarling she didnt like being cornered like this ,
Han nodded. "I don't care about anything anymore. People are too crazy. I rather live on Genesis and lock it away from everyone, my own little world." He smiled, considering the idea.
E sighs angrily. "Elizabeth's soul was trapped in Hell. Elizabeth finally found out the truth that Han had never truly cared about her and trapped herself in limbo for the rest of eternity so that I could keep her body." She says surprisingly calmly. She was holding a gun behind her back using her tail, and she was hiding it. Haiiro smiled, destroying the rest of the first layer of heaven and waiting for the final archangel to come so that she could finish it off.
Zoey " ok well im not saving the girl ,im trying to read her name but its not coming across clear , its really stupid ,its a color who names there kid a color ?" she scowls in deep thought

Blue scowls , makes her dog younger into a puppy again and starts walking away , she hears the girl fallowing slowly but keeps going
Han shrugged. "I'm guessing it's Blue, but like I said, I don't care." He disappeared and reappeared in Genesis. He sent the dimension out of reality, preventing anyone from entering, including God himself.
blue falls paralyzed almost dead she calls out with her mind screaming into Hans Han.help ......i..i...l- her mind was to weak she closes her eyes and slowly bleeds, the grass and trees on Genesis die and wilt as blue dies slowly

@Han Alister @AriaTheWatcher
E tosses her gun to the ground before turning around and starting to walk away, not even bothering to check wether Blue was dead or not. (@Sixxx you could have her not die and try to attack E I guess.)
blue wasnt dead , she couldnt move but she wasnt dead a vine comes down and tightens around E's neck and wolves and bears and mountain lions surround E snarling strong vine tie up her legs and arms blues greatdane grows and stands over blue snarling ,protecting her
E smiles, one of the perks of being an artificial soul is that she didn't need to breathe, and even if her body was in too bad of a condition to survive normally she could make it survive. "Well this is a surprise, I didn't expect you to survive that many bullets to the head." She says surprisingly calmly. (@Sixxx)
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a massive grizzly bear bites into E ripping out a large chunk and spits it out and a pack of wolves approaches snarling blue lay still on the ground bleeding
E winces, it hurt badly where the bear had ripped out a chunk of her flesh. "Gonna kill me huh? Are you gonna stoop down to my level?" She asks confidently. (@Sixxx)
no blue says into her mind still not able to move she coughed and spit up blood if i wanted to do that you would be dead
E laughed, bleeding from the wound the bear had inflicted. "You're so weak that you have to rely on others to do your dirty work." She says, finding that comical. "And even if you wanted to you couldn't kill me, I'm too resilient." (@Sixxx)
all the animals drop dead by blue she stands up struggling bit a vine appear and she uses it as support she reaches behind her head and pulls a bullet out flickin it at her "who do you think commands the animals ?"the animals came back to life surronding E once again another bear comes and lays down leting blue climb on to his back and he carrys her away the other animals stay surrounding E snarling , vines stronger than steel intertwine around E's arms and legs even her waist,restraining her from moving, the army of animal there just incase " i am an innocent i do not kill " blue says being carried away

E growls angrily, wondering how anyone would believe that bullshit. "No one is innocent. As soon as I escape from these damned vines I am coming for you, and I will finish the job!" She yells.
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