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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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(I don't care which, though it seems that Logan could use a tour as well haha)
E stood up, thoughts racing through her mind. She knew what had happened, she could feel it. Elizabeth was gone. "John is going to hate me when I tell him..." She mumbles. The Watcher sighs, returning back to his bunker and returning to typing emails to his allies and associates.
Come give us both a tour :P )

"As am I. It's nice to know that I will not be the only one" Logan smiled slightly, then glanced around hoping for some sort of convenient sign that might indicate which way he should go. "I don't suppose there's any chance that you know where we are?" Logan asked, he was fairly certain that asking would be in vain but he may have misjudged Shade. Though he very much doubted that.

zoey closed the notebook and got up walking out the door waving goodbye to han " no killing no destroying" she walks down the stairs with a black beanie on , standing out against her short baby blue hair her the tips of her black wings dragging on the ground "well what am i supposed to do now ?" she says to her self
Han yawned and waved. He stood up and grabbed a bag of chips from the cabinet. He sat back down and began to eat the chips.
(Yes. Luna will take xD . So Layla it is.)

Layla stood up from her position on the bench in the courtyard, leaving the cat to stay where it was. With a small sigh, Layla entered the schools main building, only to catch sight of two talkative males. With a raise of her brow, she decided she may as well approach them, seeing as though the one in her path seemed to have a lost look in his eyes while talking to the one that had his back turned to her. With a thought of curiosity flooding her mind, she stared quietly at them.


@Lioness075 @Valkyre
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she walked back up angry "why is there nothing to do here ?!" she ploped down angerly next to him eating some of his chips
Shade shrugged and replied, "I'm about as clueless as you are." He looked around, trying not to move too much as he had a terrible habit of tripping over his own wings.
Han shrugged. "Now you know how I feel most of the time" He laughed and handed the bag of chips and the remote to Zoey. "Watch whatever you want. I need a shower." He stood up and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He got undressed and stepped into the shower.
zoey turns the tv off and puts the chips away and starts to wonder the dorm remebering there everything gose, she hears the water turn on and notes where the bathroom is, she walks into his bedroom and blushed hoping there was more bedrooms then this
Han quickly finished his shower and put on a pair of gray sweatpants, a black shirt, and a Pittsburgh Steelers hoodie. He walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. "Hmm...What should we have for dinner?" He muttered to himself as he opened the refrigerator.
Haiiro smiled, raising her hand up and destroying half of Heaven in one blast of destruction energy. "Excellent. Let's see how long it takes 'God' to send someone after me." She says, a stopwatch appearing in her hand.
zoey walks and leans on the counter "wheres the other bedroom Han" she said frustrated running her hand through her hair she looked out the window,it was getting late the sun was setting

zoey walks and leans on the counter "wheres the other bedroom Han" she said frustrated running her hand through her hair she looked out the window,it was getting late the sun was setting

zoey walks and leans on the counter "wheres the other bedroom Han" she said frustrated running her hand through her hair she looked out the window,it was getting late the sun was setting
Logan immediately felt another presence and turned his gaze to the girl that was approaching them. "Hopefully she will have more of a clue than we do" he told Shade before going to greet the girl. "Hello there, miss. Pardon me for troubling you but I've been here five minutes and quite frankly, I'm lost already" he confessed with a charming smile. @The Dark Princess @Lioness075
Shade raised an eyebrow at Logan's flirting manner and then rolled his eyes before joining Logan's side. He stayed silent as he waited for the girl to respond to Logan. @The Dark Princess
Han shrugged. "I never thought about that. There's only one bedroom." He smiled. "No matter. I'll just sleep on the couch." He nodded and resumed his rummaging through the fridge.
Layla eyed Logan with a curious glint in her irises, before slightly tilting her head to the side. It had been awhile since anyone knew had showed up, and utterly, she hoped she wouldn't have to deal with anyone else confessing to her later on. Shaking off the thought, Layla took a few steps forward, plastering a playful smile on her thin pink lips. "May I be of assistance? That is, only if you truly need it."
Kuro woke when the strange girl got up, and watched her leave. The cat stretched, before standing up onto all fours and hopping down to the terra below. He looked around, wondering what exactly Ebony could be doing inside at such a nice time. With quiet pats from his paws, he made his way onto the cement and headed towards the dorms. Though, when he got there he realized it wasn't of much use because he couldn't open the door in this form.

Instead, he trotted to the side of the building and began to traverse the windowsills until he saw caught eye of Ebony.

Ebony was getting up from her bed when she heard scratching coming from the window. She walked over to see Kuro pawing the glass, and pulled open the window to let him in. The cat hopped onto her shoulder and eyed her, running a tail across the base of her neck.

"Hello again, I was just going to go find you. I wanted to find all of my classes ahead of time and mark them on this map I found so I don't get lost. Wanna join?" She stroked the underside of his jaw and smiled as he began to purr.

"I'll take that as a yes," Ebony said before grabbing a pen and the folded up map, and leaving the dorms. She slowly made her way into the main building, holding the map up close to her face as she walked down the hall.
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