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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Awwww... those were an expensive five souls... Well, guess those went to waste. but let me ask you something..." He looks into her eyes with a deep purple shade in them. "If I went and hunted some leprechauns, ya' think they'd spew out lucky charms when I shot them with my guns?" He starts laughing corruptly, then turning his head a full 180 degrees. "Would ya' look at that? Some pisser is tryin' to get control back... Oh well, been fun playing with you protestant bastards, but I have some leprechauns to hunt!" He laughs yet again, and then a black mist emits from Zero, him then falling to the ground.

Finally... got Soulis out of my head for a bit... Zero groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head. "What'd I miss?"
Wait! she called, but the thought rang empty in the air. Despite herself, a little, tiny part of her was curious. What was the way into Zero's heart? She bit her lip and slapped herself internally. Quietly, she kneeled down beside him, blue eyes flooded with concern. She refrained from reaching for him, actions almost stiff as she moved. You didn't miss much. Just me trying to save your bony arse. Again. She laughed. How're you feeling?
Zero looks up at her, and cracks a grin. "Save me from Soulis? He was the one who saved me. The reason you can't just make a knock off version of my limiter..." He pauses, and finishes his statement. "Is because it's another person... Named Soulis."
Seyren nods her head, probing his mind for a feel of the limiter. It was complex and otherworldly. Definitely not something she could replicate within the span of a few minutes, or even hours. She pulled back and looked at him in the eye, Soulis' words ringing like a curse in her head. Looks like someone's got a boy crush. Wanna know the way into his heart? She shook her head vigorously, as if that could purify his tainted thoughts. Despite her best efforts, the thoughts nagged at her. She fought them off weakly. So who is this Soulis person? she asked Zero quietly. Can he ever do any.. good?
"Hm.... Soulis is a trouble maker... especially when he takes over in my body." He thinks for a moment, and says "He always tells the truth though... which always bites me in the arse later..." He sighs, and then seems like he remembers something. "Oh yeah, what did he talk to you about? He always nags the people near me in some sort of way..." His eyes glow a deep green.
Seyren's blue eyes grew to the size of saucers at Zero's interrogation. True, he was genuinely curious and meant no harm, but the young woman felt herself bristle nonetheless. Her face flushed a deep crimson and she bit her lip harshly, forgetting for a moment that her voice was lost to her. Suddenly nervous, Seyren shook her head vigorously, not trusting herself to not blurt out something stupid. Um... He didn't say anything important. Just, uh... Just a bunch of taunts. It doesn't matter. He's gone now. She laughed nervously, not quite sure how to behave anymore.
Zero raised an eyebrow, then said "I see." With that, he summons a large black sun hat, and puts it on. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take enthusiastic walks through the woods..." He stops, then restates "VERY, enthusiastic walks through the woods. Feel free to join me if you have nothing else to do." He starts walking towards the woods, pretending nothing happened.
Seyren barked a laugh at Zero's ridiculous appearance. Feeling somewhat normal again, she said, You look like an oversized rag doll. They should make toy figurines of you looking like this. Zero the Hero: Flight through the Forest! She laughed again, falling into stride beside him. So, why this sudden, weird stroll? You're reminding me of an old grandma. All you need now are the knitting needles. She teleports some from a shop, pink yarn and all.
"Actually... I was mocking that alucard's style... He wears a ridiculous hat just like this one." He waves the yarn aside, and keeps walking. Then a pack of coyotes, except with larger teeth and stained entirely black, fall into walking sync on the sides of him.
Seyren kept up with him, growing more and more curious as strange creatures began to materialise out of thin air. She raised her eyebrows and glanced at him sideways. So... you going to tell me where we're going or what?
"I can't tell you where we're going, honest. When I take enthusiastic walks through the woods, it leads me to random places." Now, a very large pack of these animals are grouped next to zero, and now all walk out in front of him, stopping and getting into what looked like a territorial protection stance. "What's this? bitches be nitchin? I think I can solve this problem... Toodaloo." He waves his hand, and the coyotes are all knocked aside, slamming into nearby tree's. They whimper, and limp off.
Seyren gazed at him with something akin to suspicion in her eyes. Why was he acting so strangely? Without breaking pace, she asked, Oi, Zero the Hero, are you okay? Putting that limiter back didn't fry your brain or anything, did it? I mean, I know there wasn't much to begin with, but still...
"Brain? No no no no... I'm still the same ol' Soulis. I just came on an enthusiastic walk to hunt leprechauns." He laughs, and then says "Like my acting skills? I know, they're pretty top notch." His eyes glow a deep yellow, as he summons a paper plate full of bacon onto his hand, and starts eating it.
( Okay, that even gave me a shock xD Seyren's going to lose it :P )

Seyren froze mid-stride, every muscle in her body tensing. Barely breathing, she says curtly, They were pretty bad. I knew something was wrong with him the minute he started talking. Don't ever go to Hollywood. They've got enough crappy actors as it is. And you're not even pretty. Trying not to show weakness, she stole a piece of beacon and growled, Why are you still here? Leave him be!
"Eh... Zero gave me permission to come in. For the time being, until his body is in top notch shape, I'm runnin' the show!" He laughs, eating bacon. "Damn... this is good bacon. Isn't it good bacon?"
Seyren relaxes some despite how stupid it might be. For now, he was taking care of Zero. That was all that mattered. Oh yeah, she agreed, stealing another piece of beacon. This is pretty damn good. The young woman bit her lip, hating herself for what she was about to ask next. But curiosity got the better of her. I'm not an angel, she thought bitterly. Hey, Soulis. Remember you were saying about my boy crush? Since we're not at odds anymore, maybe you should finish that statement. After all, we have bonded forever over the succulent perfection that is beacon. She stole the last piece from him and plopped it into her mouth without regrets.
"Oooohhhhh? What's this? Little girlie finally got over her shame and is now declaring her love for Zero?" He sarcastically continues the rest, "Oh! Zero will be so happy! To know that his second crush he couldn't like because he's already in a relationship likes him as well! So the second is introduced... Always known as the sexy, energetic, fun girl... yet somehow never gets the protagonist." He stops being sarcastic, and then continues. "Zero is very kinky... I'll tell you that first." He chuckles slightly, his eyes radiating purple.
There is no love being declared! Seyren huffed indignantly, blushing a brilliant shade of crimson. She struggled to process the words as they bounded around in her mind chaotically. One phrase kept coming back to haunt her. His second crush he couldn't like. Already in a relationship. Blushing even more fiercely, she turned to Soulis with shock. He... he likes me? Stop screwing with my emotions, Soulis. He's 100% committed to Luna. Even as she said the words, she didn't know who she was talking to: him, or herself. As for kinky? Puh-lease. I've seen that horny bastard firsthand around Luna. She rolled her eyes at the thought. Gods help me.
"No no no no no... you don't get what I mean by kinky. He's in to girls with dark pasts, and mood swings. However... Luna has been the one exception i've seen to this rule." He laughs suddenly, and says "I remember when he dated the princess of the fire realm... oh god that was hilarious." He laughs, almost to a point where he is crying.
Well, I've got a dark past. No mood swings though... Immediately, Seyren scrunched up her face in disgust. Ew, I can't believe I'm trying to conform to a type. Seyren gazed at Soulis with renewed amusement. Sure, he might be clinically insane, but at least he was entertaining. Curious, she asked, Lemme guess, did their relationship crash and burn? She laughed at her own pathetic humour.
"Ahh... I see what you did there... No actually, they broke up when Zero got bored of her. It was really funny when he said, 'Jessica... It's not you, it's me. Oh who am I kidding, it was all you.' He then proceeded to run away while she chased him with a large mob of people. Fun times." he realizes that the plate of bacon is empty, and restocks it.
Despite the circumstances, Seyren giggled. That sounds like something out of a crappy chick flick. It's a shame he didn't cheat on the Fire Princess with the Water Priestess. That would have been fun to watch. Carelessly, she teleported a lemonade into her hand and offered Soulis one. Tell me more. Somehow, she seemed to be learning more about Zero from this guy than she ever did from the man himself.
Zero looked at the lemonade oddly, and sniffed it. "No poison... that's good." He began to drink from it, and continued his stories. "Yeah... Zero's an interesting person... He even fought Satan once. That didn't end up well... He started to fight him, but he wasn't able to dimension cast because hell has very secure borders." He sighed, and said "I ended up having to bail him out from being killed, so instead I got him to agree to curse Zero." He kept walking, thoroughly enjoying the lemonade.
Seyren rolled her eyes. I'm not that petty, she countered, playfully tipping the lemonade upwards as he drank. It spilt down his shirt with a splotch of lime yellow. Oops, she muttered, laughing. They continued walking, stepping over debris as they did so. She chugged another gulp from her drink before asking, Well, that's incredibly kind of you. Not. If Hell has such secure borders, how come I was able to teleport in and out thrice? Seems redundant to me. Also, how the hell did he meet you? ... What exactly are you anyways?
"You were able to get in for several reasons...." He starts listing them off. "First off... your powers are based around teleportation, so they're much more powerful and refined then Zero's shadow traveling. Second, the more weaknesses a person has, the easier it is to get in. Thirdly... you're mortal, so you don't have to teleport that much power over to hell, making your load easier." He then heard her ask about how he met him, and he sighed. "Simple. We both wanted something... So we're both going for it." he keeps walking, then quickly adds "And yes... I am 'incredibly kind' sometimes."
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