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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Haiiro stared at the ground before deciding to finally ask about something. "Y...you don't have to answer this question if you don't want to, but...How did your parent die?..." (@Han Alister)
Han sighed. "My ex killed them." He stared into the forest. "She was told to find me so she killed them to lure me into a trap. I knew better so I didn't go. I ran here instead." Han usually had no problem telling how his his parents died, but for some reason,in this place, he felt more emotional about it.

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Zero grins, and pokes her in the side, then jumping out and kissing her. He doesn't pull back, because he's missed her so much and doesn't want to leave her again for a long time. His eyes a deep pink, his face a slight shade of red.

(@The Dark Princess )
Seyren watched Zero and Luna reunite with a sinking feeling in her chest. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't keep her thoughts quiet. Not when her voice was permanently silenced. Jealousy flooded through her and she turned away, angry with herself for feeling such stupid emotions. Why? she cursed herself, desperate to feel something other than longing for something that could never be. Why can't I just give up? She bit her lip, frustrated as tears welled up in her eyes. Goddamit! Quietly, she makes to leave, unable to stay and watch. She'd lost so much already; she didn't need to add more pain to her life.

@The Dark Princess @PixelScoreMC

(( Just thought making Seyren romantically interested in Zero would make for a more interesting plot :P Especially because it's unrequited. Angst... Angst everywhere xD ))
Jumping backwards and tumbling, Luna shrieked in a high pitched tone once he jumped up at her and poked her side. In the midst of her gasping for air, his lips met hers, only to cause a bright shade of red to engulf the premises of her cheeks. With sky blue irises widened, she leaned forward, accepting and welcoming his return. Moments into their embrace, she turned her gaze to see Seyrens eyes watering with tears. Blinking, she seperatee her lips from that of Zero's, only to part them and speak. "Seyren..." She paused, standing to her feet, while taking a hold of Seyrens arm. Pulling her back towards her own form, she hugged her with such acceptance and shaking in her own legs. Stuttering as she spoke, tears began to drip down her still pinkened cheeks. "T-T hank you...s-so much..."

@PixelScoreMC @Zylvia
Zero smiles as he watches Luna hug her, and then says "Yeah... she saved my ass a few times, I'll admit to that." He laughs in a playful tone, and adds "Even Zero the Hero needs saving sometimes." His eyes now phase between different colors, not staying to a single one. His image flickers back and forth now between human and reaper, and when reaper, a dark shroud is seen surrounding him.
Seyren resisted the urge to shake off Luna's arm. She only means well, she told herself sternly, feeling scandalised for showing such fragility in front of those two. Gingerly, with great reluctance, she wrapped her arm around the girl in a tender embrace. Despite the sweet gesture, it did nothing to ease the pain in her heart. In fact, it just made it worse. I want to hate this girl, but I can't. How can I when she's so kind and gentle? Seyren cursed herself internally. I'm a terrible person. Undeserving. Ashamed, she turned away, cheeks wet with tears. Aloud, she said, Don't worry about it. You've helped me through far worse. Friends stick by each other, right? The young woman attempted a gentle smile and pulled away from Luna. Noticing Zero's strange flickering, she asked, Zero? Is everything alright?

@The Dark Princess
"Yeah, everythings fine." Blood start gently dripping from his hair, dropping onto his face and falling from his chin. He notices it and swears silently. "Crap... it looks like having my limiter removed has a bigger toll on my body then I expected..." The blood gets considerable worse, and at the same time the flickering appears more frequently, the mist becoming ghost like shapes with agonizing screams. Zero groans slightly, holding his head.
Luna's gaze immediately retracted over to Zero. She could feel the tension in the air, and on top of it all, could tell Seyren, wasnt in such a great mood either. Sighing, she kept her calm, just as she turned to face Zero. "Alright. What did you say to Satan this time?" Her brow raises, herself taking a few steps towards Zero. Thew sight of his blood caused her irises to flicker between their crimson blood red shade, back to their natural lightened blue shade. Shaking her head to regain her composure, she placed her right hand upon his left cheek, and her left hand upon his right cheek, motioning her thumbs to wipe the blood from his face.

Christophe stopped abruptly, finally deciding to reveal his crimson red irises. "My solution, Zero 'the hero' may not like." Rolling his irises, he turned his gaze to stare at Seyren. To him, she seemed to want what sh can't have. Making a small 'tsk' sound with his teeth, he quietly shoved his hands into his pockets, making his way to Zeros side. Placing his left hand on Zeros right shoulder, he motioned his face to Zeros ear, whispering. "Let me in for now. Itll help."
Seyren watches with growing horror, rushing to his side despite herself. Concern was laced in her thoughts as she projected frantically to Luna and Christopher. Have you guys seen this happen before? How do I stop it? Help! Desperate to help him, the young woman drops to her knees, reaching out to him, but not touching for fear of hurting him more. Focus, she told herself. Focus. With a gulp, she turned to Zero, grabbing his face gently in her hands. You said something about a limiter? Can I replace it with a psychic one? Will it work?

@The Dark Princess
"It's... no... it can't be a psychic one..." His appearance only got worse, but then a black lightning roars in the sky, the clouds suddenly appearing and a black rain clattering against the ground. Zero collapses to the ground, screaming in agonizing pain. His eyes were a void black, his skin very slowly melting into bone.
He walked outside of Elizabeth's house, and took a small stroll around the city. He suddenly hears... lighting? And why was the rain black... More demons huh... "Everyone, we have another here..."
Seyren opened her mouth to scream, but only the roar of thunder met her ears. Frustrated, she yelled psychically, Luna! Luna, help him! He's dying! Silent tears tore down her cheeks as ebony rain soaked her through. Hurting at the sight of him hurting, she eased her hand onto his melting shoulder, doing the only she thing she could in her useless state. She shielded his mind as much as she could from the pain, drawing it into her own body instead. She couldn't save him, but she could make his passage easier. Crying, she admitted to herself in quiet resignation. I care for you so much, Zero. Please fight back. Survive. As his pain entered her, Seyren opened her lips in a soundless scream.

@The Dark Princess @captain forever
For a moment, Luna panicked at his sudden dying screams of pain. Dropping to her own knees, she did her best to block out all the noise surrounding her. She couldn't think clearly! Cursing her own uselessness in his current situation, she shook her head furiously, doing her best to prevent the tears from running down her face. Moments later, a thought popped into her mind. She grit her teeth together, knowing Zero would hate her for it, but decided it was the best thing to do.

Snapping her finger, her form disappeared, reappearing at Satan's location. Due to her form of being, she had the ability and audasicty to be there. Glaring angrily upon Satan's throne, she forever herself to curtsie and bow her head to him. Forcing back all her urges to outright attack him, she kept her anger boiling inside. "Satan...I need your help."

(Best thing I could think of.)
Zero then screams one last time, going silent. A pure black lightning bolt from the sky strikes him, and smoke fills the air. Once it's gone, it reveals Zero with no injuries, but simply a smirk on his face. "Did someone call Soulis? Cause' bitches be on the prowl tonight." He stood up in an inhuman way, his eyes not blinking at all. "I heard Mr. Zero here is having a bit of trouble getting out of the training wheels... The little whore doesn't know better anyways..." He laughs, staring at the blood on the floor. "I didn't think he was this weak." He laughs yet again, revealing a scorpion mark on his neck that now glows a bright purple.
Seyren glared at the possessed body of Zero with anger flaring. Her raging, unstable emotions sent her psychic powers haywire. Trees were being pulled from their roots, the black rain warped around her. Not even bothering to fight for control, she whirled fearlessly on 'Zero' and demanded, Who the hell are you? What do you want? If you can't help him, then scurry away. She grit her teeth, lips pursed against the idea of fighting 'Zero.' It might not be his soul in there, but it was definitely his body. Her rain soaked clothes clung to her body, sending shivers crawling up and down her spine.
Zero's head turns towards Seyren without his body moving at all. "Oh you wouldn't do that would you? I mean after all this is your boy crushes body... don't want to ruin it more than it already is!" He laughs, and says "Oh man... Zero, I didn't know you were such a player! Already have two women in your harem... Impressive, however at your age and time I already had five... Heh, loser." He laughs again. Then his tone turning serious. "Hey, Hey, Hey, Seyren? I can tell you the secret to getting Zero... for just a small price! I'll even include his body brought back safe and sound, his limiter back. So? Huh? Whadya say?" He now rides back and forth on a unicycle he summoned, looking very peculiar.
Moments after arriving to her destination. She conversate with Satan. With the multiple amounts of information of which she had inquired, she blew her breath. "So basically you won't help? Then don't waste-" Luna froze in her wording, once remembering what her father had told her when she was younger. "I humbly apologize.....master." She then knelt down, bowing as she disappeared, reappearing at the same location of Seyren and Zero.

Standing back up to her feet, she met the gaze of...not Zero...taking a few moments to keep silent, she stated blankly at the new form. "Ah...." She spoke in mumbles, emitting a low growl from deep within her throat. "You again....Soulis." She hated this man. Everything about him pissed her off. Upon hearing unknown information about Seyren and her feelings for Zero, she took a moment to take in a deep breath.

She could no longer speak any words due to her anger, stress, and now jealousy. Blinking her eyelids, her irises completely shifted to their crimson blooded red shade. She hadn't the time for Soulis and his petty little games of which he always wanted to play. "Leave her alone...imbecile."
Seyren listened to this 'Soulis' with suspicion and hatred. Deep down, she knew making deals with the devil was wrong. They would always manipulate it to their advantage, but the temptation for Zero's safety was too strong. Despite the fear in her heart, her face was as strong and impassive as ever. Ignoring his taunts about her feelings and Zero's promiscuity, she addressed him with authority. Can't show weakness here. Stay strong, Seyren. Blue eyes cold, she stared him down with vicious hostility. One wrong move and I swear I'll kill you, she hissed. I want not just his body, but his personality and mental state all intact. Exactly the way he always was. I want his love for Luna to remain true. She paused, letting the lightning bend around her body to intimidate him. Of course, it was stupid, but it was better than looking a fool. If you can stay true to those conditions, then name your price. She cast a glance back at Luna. A part of her was jealous and hateful that she'd given up this chance for Zero's affections. But her inner good won out. Luna was the object of his affections. He loves you, you know? she murmured quietly to the girl in private. I'm not a threat. What I feel doesn't matter. It's what he feels for you that matters.

@The Dark Princess @PixelScoreMC
Haiiro stared off into the distance, thinking to herself that Han's ex must have been a psycho, and thinking of how sad that was. She hoped that she hadn't made Han sad by making him tell her about it. (@Han Alister)
"But hey, that was a long time ago." Han smiles. "I got my revenge." Why was Han feeling emotional about his parents' deaths, he never was before. This forest was bringing back a lot of memories.

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"Aww.... that's sweet. Trying to hide your boy crush? Well then... haven't you heard the sensation sweeping the nation?" Zero pulls out two large pistols, then saying "Bitches love cannons." He shoots towards Luna and Seyren, at their legs.
Seyren gave a yelp in her mind and teleported the cannons away, too angry to focus properly on a fight. So I take it you're not honouring our agreement then? Shame, I was willing to sacrifice quite a lot.

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