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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Seyren rolled her eyes. Yeah, travelling with those two otherworldly creatures felt like carrying the weight of the sky. She glance askew at the man possessing Zero's body. What was it you both wanted? Maybe I can help.
"It's not something you can help with.... Sorry." He looks up at the sky, seeing the rolling clouds, and smiles. "It's a beautiful day out isn't it? Well... it's time for Zero to actually return this time... I enjoyed talking with you." With that, Soulis disappears this time, Zero sleeping peacefully on the ground.

(gtg to bed, ttyl.)
Seyren actually cracked a smile. Yeah, I enjoyed talking with you too. If you ever need anything, feel free to invade the idiot's body again. I'll help. She rather appreciated the unfamiliar friendship with Soulis. What a strange world, she thought fondly, kneeling down to stroke Zero's hair lovingly.

(Goodnight! ^^ )
(I have to read three freaking pages? xD Well that's less than other rps.)

Luna sat frozen and baffled. Wa she, just shot at? Blinking her eyelids over her now lightened blue irises, she averted her gaze to Seyren and Soulis. A few moments of arguing, and then they became friends. Raising her brow, her irises returned to their cold, hardened blue shade. Blowing her breath, she crossed her legs and watched the two saunter off. She felt as though she needed to find a way to include herself into Zero's affairs. While having these thoughts running through her mind, she ran her right hand through her silvered strands of hair, mumbling to herself in the process. "Seems as though I have competition now."
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Zero awoke to Seyren stroking his hair, but decided not to speak up against it since it felt really really good. Mmmmmm... but then after a while, he decides he has to wake up eventually. "Hey Seyren... nice seeing you today." Zero then stands up, looking more muscle toned then he usually did, and starts walking back over to where Luna was.
Han pulls Haiiro closer. "Oh, it was no problem." He suddenly began to laugh, " That's something you don't see everyday, a demon saving a goddess from danger." He stops laughing and sighs. Looking around he smiles. "Wow, I haven't been able to relax in a long time."
Haiiro blushes, ashamed that she had needed to be saved in the first place. She thought to herself that she should have expected it, and it should have been easy to avoid the strings but she hadn't even seen them. She pushed those thoughts out of her mind and leans against Han, resting her head on his shoulder. (@Han Alister)
Han looked at Haiiro. "So what about you? What's your past like?" He asked the question but he couldn't wait to hear the answer, for his lack of sleep was catching up to him and slowly, he began to doze off.
Haiiro seemed a bit surprised at the fact that Han had asked, but she didn't mind telling him. "Well...it's sort of what you would expect, I used to help keep destruction in all of the planes of existence in check, stuff like that...until...well...I don't like talking about it but there was a war between the gods and I, my sister, and various other gods were forced to flee our realms...after that my memory is a bit foggy..." (@Han Alister)
Han heard a few things about what Haiiro said but he didn't really comprehend it. He was way too tired. He nodded off and went to sleep, his head resting on Haiiro.
Haiiro smiled, a bit tired herself but not wanting to risk falling asleep in case something happened. She stared off into the distance absentmindedly, hoping Elizabeth was ok and still unconscious. (@Han Alister)
Han had his first dream in forever. He had an actual dream, not a nightmare. He dreamt that he was running through the trees of the forest, but his parents were with him. They were all laughing and having a great time. But then the the trees knocked them down. Han knew the dream wouldn't last and he was used to nightmares, but this was one terrified him. "Damn it, Silva! Just leave us alone." He watched helplessly as his parents were dragged to the ground by vines and then pulled out of sight. He began to whimper and sweat formed on his forehead.
Han tried to follow his parents but vines and grasses wrapped around his legs, tripping him. "Don't hurt them Silva. You want me, not them." He cut the vines with his knife and continued to run after his family. The trees grew together and trapped him in a circle. He heard his parents yelling, "Help us!" And, "Why didn't you save us?" Han started moaning louder, and tears ran down his face.
Han woke up crying. "It's all my fault. They died because of me." He put his head in his hands. "I should've been there to help them."
Haiiro hugs Han tightly, hoping to be able to calm him down."The past is in the past, all that can be done is to look to the future. You already said it yourself, it was your ex that killed them, don't beat yourself up for something you couldn't have prevented...please..." (@Han Alister)
Han sighed. "You're right. Thanks." He stood up and wiped the tears from his face. He felt a little better, but guilt still lingered in the back of his mind. He offered his hand to Haiiro. "Let's go for a walk."
Luna remained settled upon the hardened surface of the ground. So far, her issues seemed rto be solving themselves. All but one. Cursing her humanity, she forceed her left fist into the surface below her, creating that of a large shake in its contact. Once doing so, she released her now bleeding hand, staring blankly at the crater settled in the center of her crossed legs.
As they waked, Han told Haiiro all about how he survived in the forest. "The bears were the worst part." He laughed. "It was always a competition for berries." He points to the trees. "I watched how squirrels climb the trees by going around the trunk instead of straight up. It's actually easier that way." He smiled. "I improved my speed by racing wolves. They are some fast creatures." He sighed. "Then there was Primca, the demon prince. Every time I needed something, he got it for me. He kept me company throughout the years, and he was the one who helped me escape to Earth."
Han shrugged. "I survived." He flexed and did a body builder pose. "Plus, it made me stronger..." He summoned a knife and threw it at a tree, making it stick into the bark. "...And my accuracy greatly improved."
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