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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Han laughed. "Why have skills if you can't show them off." He picks an apple off a tree and starts to eat it. "It was actually pretty fun."
Seyren smiled as Zero opened his eyes. It's nice seeing you too, my impromptu hero. She watched sadly as he made a beeline for Luna, wondering if she was meant to be left behind like this forever. The thought sent pain shuddering through her. At Luna's sudden outburst, she flinched, never having seen her lose her calm before. Quietly, as though approaching a wild animal, Seyren stalked over. Luna? Are you okay?

@The Dark Princess
Zero looked at Luna with piqued interest. "Luna, you shouldn't make yourself bleed... that's bad." He stares, somewhat mystified.
"Eventually, I became friends with the most deadly creatures in this forest." Han finished the apple and made the core disappear. "You see, we had a compromise. They would leave me alone or let me stay with them for awhile, and they would get the demons that came looking for me." He smiled a little.

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Luna blinked her irises, avertng her gaze blankly upward towards the two. "Hm? This?" She then gazed back downward at her bleeding hand, taking a few moments to contemplate and recollect her thoughts. "And you're one to talk about bad?"
Seyren watched Luna with concern. Her psychic aura was negative, unusual for the young woman. Despite the urge to go comfort her, Seyren hung back, feeling Zero would make a better substitute.
"Most of the time." Han summoned a little shadow ball and began to twirl it between his fingers. "A few hellhounds thought I looked tasty so I had to put them down."

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Slaxt was walking in the woods in search for his brother and thinking about how, when and where is parents died...
Luna caught sight of Seyrens concerned stare. Blowing her breath, Luna rolled her darkened irises, all while mumbling under her breath. "I'm fine Seyren." Now shrugging her shoulders, she turned her gaze back to her bleeding fist. "I'm simply feeling destructive lately

Taokaka left her house and went to the park. She didn't know where Elizabeth, The Watcher, or Jax was. She missed them a lot lately. She still hasn't recovered from what has happened to her. It still haunts her. (Sorry I've been off so long.)
Jax, who is sitting in a bench at the park, sees Taokaka and starts walking towards her. "Hey, Tao!" He exclaims cheerfully, glad to see her again. Haiiro laughs and starts grinning mischievously, almost like she knew something Han didn't. (@Samus)
Han saw Haiiro grinning. "What? What is it" he began to wipe his face. "Is there apple on my face? Spider in my hair?" He smiles. "Muscles too toned?"
Han frowned. "Oh come on. I take you to my sanctuary and you won't tell me one simple thing." He pretended to pout. "Pwease."
"Fine then, don't tell me." Han really wished he got his mother's power of mind reading instead of his father's aura vision. "But I'll remember this whenever you want to know something."
Haiiro lets out a quiet sigh of relief, glad that she had been right. She would have been massively embarrassed if he could've seen what she was thinking about. (@Han Alister)
"Damn girls and your secrets." Han sighed. "Well anyway, what do you want to do now?" As much as Han loved the forest, it tended to get very boring.
Haiiro yawns quietly, having completely forgotten she was tired at all until now but ignoring it anyway. "I dunno, whatever you want I guess." She says in a cheerful and childish way. (@Han Alister)
Han shook his head. "I already chose this place, it's your turn now." Han didn't know anywhere else exciting. His whole life consisted on Hell, Forest of Wonders, and school. Not much to go on.
Nenma sighed as he stared up at the sky from the roof of the school. "So bored if only more strong people were around to fight I guess I could go pick a fight with zero but his probably hagin with his girl MAN THIS SUCKS!! Nenma yelled out from the roof.
Mia was quickly jarred from her sleep from the yelling. "Hmm?" asked Mia as she yawned while being confused. She began to stretch as she remembered what happened. "Oh yeah, Luna ran off, wonder when she will be back?" asked Mia to herself as she realized she was still at the food court.
Haiiro stares at the ground for a second, trying to think of a good place to go. She didn't know much about the world, so it was going to take her a while. (@Han Alister) The Watcher appears behind Nenma quietly whispering into his ear, "Ask and you shall receive." Before becoming a shadow right and hiding underneath Nenma. (@Nenma Takashi)
"Well I guess I have one spot left." Han didn't want to go to this spot because he could get in a lot of trouble, but he wanted to spend time with Haiiro. "Take my hand." He sighed, extending his hand.
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