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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"I-I don't know! My brother... I mean, not technically, but... he was like a father to me..." He still cries, emotions already out. "Damn nekos killed him..."
"We are a conglomeration of all who have been wronged by existence itself, it is quite possible that one of us is the man you speak of, however none of us have any memories, only personalities left..." The puppet thing smiles and slams Elizabeth against the ground. "But aren't you forgetting something?" (@captain forever)
"Don't do that. Just don't." He tries to take control of the body, using all his force. "I won't let you hurt anyone anymore!!!"
The puppet thing staggers backwards for a second before regaining it's composure. "H...How is this possible?! You almost managed to take control of us...but we are hundreds and you are just one!" The puppet slams Elizabeth against the ceiling. (@captain forever)
"Please stop that. I don't want to hurt anyone. If you want to hurt someone so bad, torture me. But not her. Anyways... my brothers and sisters are coming soon." John puts several images of his family, different kinds of creatures. "They are what I are... but some are different... some are built for strength... some speed. I am the only one built for intelligence though. Other t-than the first two..." He trails off there.
Han sat in the corner quietly. He wanted to help John but it would be no good. Han was trying to summon a shadow and it wasn't easy. Han concentrated harder. It was definitely straining his mind but it will all be worth it. It had to be.
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Zero slowly began to awake, when he saw Luna. "L-lu-luna.... I'm fine-" All of a sudden, he appears next to Han, being summoned. "Han... you better have a damn good reason for summoning me or I'll kick your ass." Zero's injuries swell back shut, the blood vaporizing and disappearing, his skin slightly pale but the color returns.

(@AriaTheWatcher @captain forever @Han Alister )
"Ah hello Zero." Han looked at him. "Is the end of existence a good enough reason for you?" Han didn't want to bring Zero into this but he had no other options.
The Watcher appeared next to the puppet thing, cutting the strings coiled around Haiiro before disappearing again. Haiiro fell to the ground, still unconscious but otherwise fine. (@Han Alister)
Han sent a shadow to bring Haiiro over to him. Han snapped his fingers and a wall of shadows surrounded her. "Just rest." He said to her. He turned back to Zero. "Alright Zero, are you going to help me or what?"
"Well... what do you need help with? I'm warning you now, I can't control my powers very well anymore... I tend to go a bit overboard." He waited for instructions on what he needed to do.

@Han Alister
"I know. I want you to go overboard, that's why I summoned you." He smiles. "I'm going to go a bit crazy myself." Han didn't want to fight. He just wanted to take Haiiro and get out of there, but no one is going to hurt her and get away with it.
"Damn fool..." He now controls the body, getting up. "That was a bit easy... and another demon. Great. Just what I need."
Han notices that John took over the puppet's body. "Ah, good work John. Now we don't even need to fight." He began to walk back to Haiiro. "Thanks for the help." He looks at Zero. "Looks like I summoned you for no reason." He gave a small laugh. "Sorry about that."
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"Well, at least it's over." Han walks to Haiiro, kneels down, and shakes her lightly. "Hey. Are you alright?"
Han smiled at her. "I came here to get you." He was very relieved that Haiiro was ok. It was like a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders. "You have some really interesting enemies." He laughed.
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