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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Damn you." Han growled at the puppet. "I will kill you." He held his sword higher. Han wasn't going to let him do this. He will get Haiiro and this other girl. In the back of Han's mind, he wished that he never met Haiiro. Then his life would be easier but Han shook that thought away.
"I understand what you feel. Trust me, a lot of times I wish I never came here. But, once you find something to fight for, something that will keep you from killing yourself in this miserable thing called life, you never quit. Don't think that. Never." John chuckled and waited. "Humans created me. I fought for them. Elizabeth loved me. I fight for her. I may not like you, but don't think like that."

"Yea, you're right." Han smiled. He gets in a crouching stance. He was a little scared but that wasn't going to stop him. "Alright Haiiro, this is for you."
Luna thought for a few moments, before beginning to suggest a place for them to eat, depending on what food she liked in particular, she then parted her lips to speak. "Well what ty-" mid-sentence her heart began to ache, as a wave of wind lifted a familiar smell to her nostrils. Blood. Somebody was bleeding. Seconds later, she identified this scent to be that of Zero's. As soon as this knowledge reached her nervous sysytem, she took off, using every once of her ability given as a vampire to reach his side. Once there, she dropped down to a crouch, running her right hand over the side of his face, small glistening figures dancing about within her irises.

@PixelScoreMC @Zylvia

(,Two more exams tomorrow. Been cramming, so feeling sleepy. Logging off for tonight and going to bed slowly. So night all.)
(Good luck on your exams @The Dark Princess )

Mia blinked and Luna was gone, completely baffled by this just decided to lay there and try to sleep. Hopefully sleep could bar here mind from her hunger.
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The puppet thing tilted it's head to the side a slight bit before speaking. "Well, since it seems we will be fighting I may as well tell you our name, we are Orshino, and we can alter reality however we wish." It says before starting to slowly back up, sensing something a bit odd. "Strange, I sense two but see one..." (@Han Alister)
"Damn asshole... doesn't know..." John starts to laugh, uncontrollably, not thinking. "Tell him the demons have two brains! Just do it!"
The puppet quickly starts looking around, somehow managing to hear John even though he is nowhere to be seen and not truly speaking. "Who is there, we do not like being lied to. Please, reveal yourself." It says calmly, but is really enraged at the fact that something is being hidden from it. (@captain forever)
"Reveal what? There is nothing to see..." He laughs, looking at his reaction. "You sure are dumb... I'm your inner mind. I know your true feelings." He still laughs.
The puppet thing laughs before pulling out a knife and holding it to Elizabeth's throat. "You are a liar, for we are all our inner mind, and we all know ourself. Now reveal yourself or she will be hurt." (@captain forever)
The puppet thing stares at the liquid for a second in shock before shaking it's head. "Hello, are you the second one here? Well...other then the two unconscious ones and me..." (@captain forever)
The puppet thing growls angrily and a small portion of the string coiling around Elizabeth parts, revealing her back. He slowly stabs the knife halfway into her back and makes a small incision before pulling the knife out. "Now now, that Isn't very nice of you. You might not want to do anything like that again." (@captain forever)
God no... this can't be happening... I hope they come soon... Please...

He continues to slide, watching the ceiling, waiting.
The puppet thing smiles as an idea pops into it's many minds. "You seem to have some sort of sentiment for the girl," It says, shaking Elizabeth to show which one it is talking about. "Wouldn't it be a shame if something happened to her?" (@captain forever)
The puppet thing smiles and one of the strings from it's back enters Elizabeth through the incision, splitting off into five, one connecting to her brain, two connecting to her arms and two connecting to her legs, leaving her under it's control as it slams her into a wall again. (@captain forever)
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