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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Han quickly shadow travels behind the puppet. "You missed me." He began to wag his finger in a taunting manner. He summoned his knife. "Alright puppet, let's dance." Han's eyes had a murderous look to them. This thing was going pay for hurting Haiiro.
The puppet twisted it's head around to face Han before the rest of it's body followed suit. "A knife? Really, a knife?" It says, mocking Han as it backs up to the wall, climbing up onto the roof and walking along the roof. "No one is going to stop me." (@Han Alister)
"Oh, this isn't some ordinary knife. This blade was crafted from demon blood." He looks up at the puppet. "One small cut would kill a human. Let's see how many it takes to kill you." Han snaps and four shadows appear behind Han, all having the same blade.
The puppet breaks into laughter, grabbing Elizabeth as all three of then disappeared and The Watcher appeared. "I don't like fighting, so I'll let him do it for me!" It's cheerful voice echoes through the room. The Watcher pulls out a clock hand shaped sword and gets into a defensive stance, moving against his own will. (@Han Alister)
"Heh. I haven't had a good fight in a while." Han gets in a crouched position, his shadows copying him. "Let's see how I do." He charged at the man.
The Watcher slips into the floor as a shadow and one hundred shadowy clones of him appear, all holding the same sword, as they starts full on charging at Han and his shadows, slashing at them as soon as they get close to them. (@Han Alister)
Han laughed. "Are you really going to attack the demon of shadows with shadows."Cromsa uk raors." All the shadows stop and melt back into the ground. "How about we do this one on one."
"Good." Han dispelled his knife and summoned his sword, which was also made of demon blood. Han eyed his opponent. His aura was like nothing he has seen before. Han knew that this was going to be a hard battle.
The Watcher smiled and waited for his opponent to make his move, an odd, almost invisible string quickly glinted in the light from the room, attached from his back and leading upwards, controlling him somehow. (@Han Alister)
Han stayed silent, trying out different strategies in his head. He settled on one and charged. Just before he reached the man, Han disappeared and reappeared behind him. Han swung his sword across the guy's back.
Use your surroundings to your advantage. Zero's words whispered through her mind, like a sour reminder of the trouble she brought upon others. Teeth grit, Seyren sent out a strong psychic pulse, teleporting Satan's minions away and pinpointing Zero's location. His telepathic presence was weak and a wave of fear swept through the young woman. Brow furrowed in concentration and anxiety, she traced his psychic bread trail, teleporting herself to his side. Zero... she thought sadly, mourning over his sorrowful state and at her inability to help. Quietly, which was the only state she could be in now, she worked on his wounds, wrapping them up in bandages she'd teleported from the infirmary. She leaned back on her heels as she finished, keeping his sleeping figure company until he awoke. I'm sorry you had to go through that for me. Oh, Zero the Hero... You reckless fool.

The Watcher quickly dashed fowards and tossed the sword backwards like a dart, flying straight at Han's torso faster than should be possible. Afterwards he simply turns around. (@Han Alister)
Two shadow hands came up from the ground and grabbed the sword, stopping it centimeters from his chest. Han didn't flinch. "You are so predictable." The two shadow hands snapped the sword in half and threw it down.
The Watcher smiles and the pieces of the sword fade away, reappearing in his hand together, the sword completely un scathed even though it had been broken a second ago. The puppets voice echoed through the room. "You've done it now! He is gonna win this one for sure! That sword, it is Orianos, the blade of time, one tiny cut and you will have never existed, that is, if it's owner wants it to do that!" The Watcher gets back into a defensive stance and backs up until he is standing with his back against a wall. (@Han Alister)
"Holy... don't fight this. It's not worth it. Just don't. IF you are going to do it, tell me now." John is ready to leave, prepared.
"You might as well leave, John." Han smiled. "We demons are extremely stubborn. I will take this guy down."
The Watcher frowned when he heard the name John and started slowly walking towards Han, ready to finish this fight quickly, but he wasn't in any sort of attack or defensive stance, just walking. (@Han Alister)
Han smiled when he saw the man's aura turn red. "So, you don't like John, eh?" Han tried his best to imitate John's voice. He was almost spot on. "Well, I'm John. I decided that this body would suit me much better." Han hoped he could get this man angry. So angry that maybe he wouldn't be able to think properly.
The Watcher tossed his sword to the ground and walked straight past Han as the sword faded away, he just kept walking. Unknown to the puppet thing he had stolen enough of it's powers to resist being controlled and did not want to fight. The puppet's angry voice echoed through the room. "WHAT THE HELL! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!GET BACK HERE!!!" The puppet let out a cry of rage and the string controlling The Watcher snapped in two, trailing along the ground behind him. (@Han Alister)
Han watched the man walk away. "Ha! Looks like your ventriloquist show is over." Han began to yell. "Now come out, you coward!"
The puppet angrily appeared along with Elizabeth and Haiiro, who were unconscious and being held in the air by strings from the puppet's back, coiled tightly around them. His smile had become a frown and the places where his eyes should be were dripping with what seemed to be blood. "I'm not through yet, soon these two will be my puppets as well, I DONT NEED YOU!" It angrily yells at The Watcher, who responds by flicking of the puppet before disappearing. (@Han Alister)
"Someone's a little angry." Han frowned. "Now let them go or I shall lock you in the deepest abyss of the shadow realm." Shadows began to swirl around Han.
The puppet thing breaks into laughter and shakes it's head. "Not happening, these two are the key to the end of existence itself! I am going to finally finish what I started." Suddenly the puppets childish voice turns into a mix of hundreds of different voices speaking at once, each one a half a second off cue. "Or should I say we will finish what we started." (@Han Alister)
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