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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Around the room were devices for communication and sorts of gadgets. "Slam the button over there. Tell them it's John Abraus, and to meet me at bunker No. 9238. After that, I'll control you for a few minutes. Is that alright?"
"Fine." He walks over to the button and presses it. "Umm..*clears throat*..testing, testing, 1..2..3.." Han tapped the microphone. "This is John Arabus, well sorta. Meet me at bunker number...ummm...oh yea! 9238. That is all." Han let go of the button."like that?"
"You fool... good enough. Just wait a couple seconds....." John takes control, getting used to this new body. "Okay..." He grabs control of it, and speaks into it. "Listen up. Everyone, we have a small hostage situation that we could resolve. Not only that, if we succeed, we could have new subjects for our tests. What do you say?"
When John took control, Han's spirit was sent to his shadow dimension. He prevented boredom by making a clone of Haiiro in a swimsuit.
"Okay everyone. We are facing something that might kill us all. In fact, that might happen." He shut off the device, relaxing.
Luna gazed from Mia, then back to Alucard. Sighing, she straightened her posture, angered the coward Han decided to disappear. Blowing her breath once again, she began to straighten her uniform. "Food anyone?"
Han continued to play around in his dimension by building giant, elaborate buildings, and then bringing them down. "Hey! Are you done yet? It's kinda getting boring."

(@captain forever)
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[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Luna gazed from Mia, then back to Alucard. Sighing, she straightened her posture, angered the coward Han decided to disappear. Blowing her breath once again, she began to straighten her uniform. "Food anyone?"

"I would love some" said Mia as she smiled. "What do they have here?" she asked curiously.
Catarina awoke to find herself underneath a bunch of rubble. "What...the....hell?" She said aloud. She pushed all the debris off of her using telekinesis and she walked towards the front of the school. As she passed the courtyard, she saw 4 figures. "Hey!" She jogged over to them. "Did you guys destroy the backside of the school?'
Satan smiled calmly, the epitome of calmness amongst all the destruction. Somewhere close by, souls screamed ever louder. The flames burned hotter and brighter than ever, in tune with their King's temper. "You think you can ruin me in my own domain? Where my every wish is reality?" The King of Hell scoffed. "Don't kid yourself, Zero. Throw your little tantrums. It makes no difference to me." He sat as still as a statue, gazing down at Zero with mad eyes. "All you're doing now is sealing your little friend's death." With a cruel laugh, he snapped his fingers and disappeared, leaving his servants panicking in the crumbling throne room. His voice seeped through the walls, permeating the air with his evil essence. All this suffering only empowers me. I will remember you, Zero. And you will remember me when I come for your soul.

Seyren flinched as strange, twisted demons crawled towards her on all fours, deformed creatures that had once invaded her nightmares. Even if she fought, there were too many off them. She wouldn't last long. Not that that'll stop me. Almost as one entity, they swarmed towards her, pulling and tugging at her clothes. Realising their cruel intentions, she opened her mouth to yell and was met with silence. No! Stop! she thought mentally, hurling them back and tearing at them with psychic links. But they seemed immune to pain, simply grinning every time and coming at her with renewed vigour. Get the hell away from me! She sent out a psychic pulse and impaled them in a bloody web around her.

"They are here. Be patient. God you are annoying...." Several humans, and actually other creatures were walking down. Some demons. Some of... everything... Some waved at John, and he smiled. "Found a new body? Nice..." John looked confused, and backed away from him. "Who are you?" The human chuckled, and slapped his back. "Drake. The Librarian? Man... you need to catch up with us... "These is my... family... as I would say... my brothers and sisters." He looks embarrassed that he had to call them in. "They are what I are..."
The puppet thing finally noticed the disappearance of Han and angrily slammed Haiiro against a wall, thinking that Han's disappearance must have been her doing. The Watcher appeared in the room and the puppet thing gave him his orders. "Find...him...NOW!" The Watcher nodded and sprinted away, searching the whole city top and bottom for Han.
"I won't. I just needed to borrow it, like I promised." He turned to the others and took a deep breath. "Everyone... I understand you want to do other things, but I really need your help. Plus, the first one who kills this target can use his body. I have to say, it is very... powerful." Everyone shut up, looking interested. "Now I have to give this person his body back... You know what to do." John relaxes, giving full control back. "There you go..."
Han was able to move his body again. "This is much better." He looks at the people in the room. "Well, I must be leaving now." He smiles "goodbye."
"Hunt me down Satan... go ahead and try. However... now, I shall have to end this." He folds his hands out in front of him, and screams "Cupiditatibus corruptus , omnes praeter mittere . Hac re facio : et colabit claritatem !" All his spheres melting objects eject back into him, and then suddenly a very large explosion rocks Hell, sending lava everywhere and creating utter chaos. Everything nearby disintegrates, and once the flash of the attack is gone, Zero is no where to be seen.


Zero appears in front of the school, all of his previous wounds reopening, and his eyes a dullful grey. He was back in his normal form, but he was too exhausted from the strain he put on his body. He collapses to the ground, closing his eyes, praying for Luna's safety before he enters the wave of sleep that crept over him.

@The Dark Princess @Zylvia
Han frowned. "What do you mean on my own?" Han's eyes widened. "You sent someone after me?" He began to laugh. "You must really want me." Han looked at Haiiro. She didn't look good. He would have to come up with something quick.
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