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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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The voice makes an odd clicking sound before saying, "Wake them up, now." The Watcher injects both John and Elizabeth with a neural stimulant that should wake them up and Elizabeth immediately wakes up. Haiiro shakes her head. "N...No thanks, I'm fine, its nothing too bad." She says, still embarrassed at the thought that she had been watched at such a time. (@Han Alister @captain forever)
"Look, I need to go." Han smiles. "Don't you go dying on me." He began to walk towards the forest that bordered the beach.
The room seems to shake as a shadowy, puppet like figure appears in the room with a creepy smile on its face that almost looks like it was drawn with blood. "Welcome welcome, my newest puppets! You may leave Watcher." It says cheerfully in an almost child like voice. Haiiro quickly follows behind Han. "Where are you going?" (@Han Alister @captain forever)
"It's official demon business." He laughs but then becomes serious. "That means you aren't coming." He stops and hugs her. "Don't worry. I'll be back." He continues to walk away from the beach.
Han walked all the way to the partially destroyed school and went to where his 'room' was. He dug through the rubble until he pulled a rose, which was wilted. He poured the demon blood on it and it instantly sprang to life. "There you go little guy." Han smiled. This rose was the first thing that he saw and touched when he ran to this world. He wasn't going to ever let it go. He then went to one of the standing walls and fell against it. He never fully recovered from the trip to Hell and now his head was killing him. "Wow. Whatever my brother did, he was pretty good at it." The world around Han began to spin. He fell all the way to the floor and blacked out.
"I told you to stay." Han said, waking up. She hadn't seen why he was really leaving. Good thing he decided to come and get his flower. "I'm fine, trust me. You can go back to the beach now." He stood up. "Important demon stuff, remember?"
Haiiro rubbed the back of her head. "Look, just promise me you're ok and I'll leave." The Weird puppet thing appeared behind Elizabeth, holding her up by her neck and tilting his head the slightest bit. "Perfect, no scratches, The Watcher did a good job with this one." It says cryptically as Elizabeth starts trying to pry it's hands off of her neck, barely able to breath. (@captain forever @Han Alister)
Han pulled Haiiro into an embrace and kissed her. He didn't know why he did it. It just felt right. "I promise that I'm ok." He smiles. "Now hurry. You wouldn't want to be in the forest when it gets dark." Han turns and walks away.
Strings appear out of the puppet's back and wrap around John, coiling as tightly as possible. "No one interrupts me now...Nobody..." It starts laughing manically. (@captain forever)

Haiiro nods reluctantly and sprints off towards The Watcher's base, sensing an odd presence. (@Han Alister)
Why was Han doing this? He didn't like that John guy but for some reason, he had to help him. Han walked over to a group of trees and stood in the middle of the shadow. He concentrated on John's shadow and he appeared in a room with four people.
"That's enough from you... I'll at least die trying to do something useful then!-" He suddenly doubles over, but then ignores the pain, holding out his palm.

"Exsulta exsultate , da mihi ... Concede huius mundi non respondent cuti, nemo abiders punire . Ad mea mihi , et tibi dabo eis. Non favens meo ille vos finiendum tuae uidebuntur ."

Nearby darkness that lurks in corners and shadows of everything near him start to come to him, filling him, and growing him to full size, a towering 15 foot reaper, however he still had his skin.

"Exsulta exsultate , da mihi ... Concede huius mundi non respondent cuti, nemo abiders punire . Ad mea mihi , et tibi dabo eis. Non favens meo ille vos finiendum tuae uidebuntur ."

He stops, his veins now flowing a deep black liquid, his eyes glowing a bright green. He summons his scythe, and then finally yells,

"Rerum Destroyer !"

He slams the dark end of his scythe into the ground, causing transparent black to be thrown everywhere, going straight through every surface. Slowly, all the objects in hell start to melt after their shadow appears to melt. Then, the ground starts shaking viciously. "Surrender now, and I shall let you live... Even if you kill me, Hell is doomed. You will be forced to the mortal world, where your power is limited by the human mind." His eyes glow a deep green, his appearance changing between all the different people Satan killed, along with how he killed them. He slammed his Scythe into the ground again, causing the Palace walls to collapse, and the view of hell clearly visible.

Haiiro slammed her fist into the ground and fell straight into The Watcher's base, right behind Elizabeth. "What the hell is..." She is cut off as a string from the puppets back wraps around her neck and starts chocking her, somehow nullifying her powers. "My my my, another one, how delightful!" (Brb)
Han looked around, but he didn't see John. All he saw were red walls. "Oh no. Not again." This time he didn't have Haiiro's help. Along the wall stood Daemonia, Silva, Primca, and a demon that Han did not recognize. He sent a shadow message to Haiiro."So you know how I said I will be back...well I'm not so sure about that anymore." Han looked at each demon. "Well, let's get started."
Alucard woke up from his nap and decided to take a shower. He got dressed afterwards and thought of anything he could do. He made the decision to go to the courtyard and meet some new people. He teleported over there and appeared right next to a group of three people. Two girls and one guy. He bowed and said, "My apologies. Sometimes my teleportation goes a few feet off." He stood up straight. "Anywho, I am Alucard." He smirked faintly showing his vampiric teeth.
Luna blinked, cracking a small smile as she began to giggle at Mia's action. She couldn't help it but double over and allow herself to lean against Christopher as she laughed. Eventually, regaining her composure, she nodded her head, taking hold of Christopher's hand, ready to drag him alongside her whether he likes it or not. "I could go for food.." She took a moment to glance behind herself at Christopher to check his reactions. Just as she turned to do so, a male by the name of...Alucard? appeared before them all. Blinking, she tilted her head in a clockwise manner, refraining herself from speaking at all to him.

Christopher, on the other hand, immediately reacted to the sudden appearance of this..Alucard. Gritting his teeth together, he scoffed, slowly revealing his crimson bloodied red irises from beneath his pale eyelids. He directed his gaze straight towards this foreign newcomer, one of which was just like himself and Luna, which only made him all the more hostile towards Alucard.
Daemonia stepped forward and spoke, "Do not worry, Han. We only summoned you to tell you that all crimes against you have been cleared, and we are at your service." Han stared at the demons in disbelief. He opened his mouth to say something but he was teleported away. He landed next to a group of students. "Alucard?"
Alucard noticed how the two had reacted to his appearance and said, "Pleasure to meet your acquaintance." He felt incredibly awkward at this moment and he scratched his head. He took a single step back to put some distance between them. He looked over his shoulder when he heard his name. He saw Han and smiled, "Greetings! How have you been?" He closed his eyes from how big his smile was.
"Oh you know me." Han laughed. "I've been hanging around with the goddess of destruction lately." He began to frown. "Seyren lost her voice and I don't know where she and Zero are."
At the mention of Zero's name, Luna's eyes grew in a state of concern and longing. It had been quite a while since she had last seen him, and then the fact he was with an endangered Seyren. For a moment, all she could do was worry, before another sense of, somewhat jealousy engulfed her. Shaking off her consciousness, she parted her lips and began to speak. "You know Zero? You've seen him? Is he okay? He's alive right?" She couldn't help but allow the comments, statements and questions to pour out from between her lips
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