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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Haiiro starts to calm down a bit, loosening her grip and blushing. "S...sorry for...h...hugging you all of a sudden..." She says quietly, wondering if Han was being honest or not. (@Han Alister) Elizabeth stares at the ground. "I...It's just...ImkindofembarrassedthatIhavetorelyonsomeoneelsetodosomethingassimpleaswalking..." She says nervousely, blushing so much that the fur around her cheeks turns a bright red color. (@captain forever)
"No problem at all." Han smiled. "It was nice. You know, for a goddess of destruction, you're pretty shy" he laughed.
Elizabeth gives John a weak smile, still blushing, and says, "W....Well alright...just for one day..." (@captain forever) Haiiro blushed even harder, her cheeks turning a bright red as she stared at the ground. She quietly says, "I...I'm not...shy..." Even though she knew she was,just lying to herself by saying that. (@Han Alister)
"Oh really?" Han laughs. "The crimson on your face says different." He teased. Han began to hold his breath to imitate the color of Haiiro's face. He burst out laughing.
Haiiro blushed even harder at that, embarrassed by the simple fact that she was embarrassed. She let out a reluctant giggle before deciding to change the subject. "S...So, we're at the beach...uhh..." She trails off, completely forgetting what she was trying to say with that sentence. (@Han Alister)
Han laughed. "Yes we are." Han snapped his fingers and his clothing changed into a bathing suit."people usually swim at the beach." He ran into the water. "Well come on!"
Haiiro smiled and waited a couple of seconds before looking around for somewhere to change. She was kind of jealous of the fact that Han could just make things appear out of nowhere. (@Han Alister)
"Gosh, you're so slow." Han teased. "There's a changing room over there." He pointed to a group of palm trees. 'Hurry up, would you?" He laughed.
"About time!" Han smiled. Han splashed her. "Is the water cold? I don't want to put my head in." Han began to laugh hard.
Haiiro gives a look of surprise and is caught off guard by the fact that the water wasn't cold. "You've done it now!" She exclaims jokingly, rushing into the water and splashing Han back. Elizabeth shrugs. "I...I'm not sure...but...something is going to happen...I just know it..." (@captain forever @Han Alister)
"Oh you should not have done that." A bunch of shadows rise from the water and they began to splash Haiiro. "Surrender or perish. Your choice." Han continued to splash her.
Elizabeth quietly whispers. "The Watcher...he is the victim and the one who causes it..." Haiiro laughs as the ground rumbles and an onslaught of rapidly forming and moving small waves start splashing against Han. "Who has the upper hand now!" She exclaims jokingly.
"Guess I gotta play dirtier. Sroduv vrora." A giant shadow of a whale rises from the water and sprays Haiiro with water from its blowhole. "I can do this all day. I'm having a WHALE of a time." He laughs at his joke.
Haiiro grins mischievously and goes under the water for a second as an enormous wave starts forming, with her laying on top of it as if it were a bed. "Two can play at this game!" She yells as the wave starts slowly moving towards Han.
Han creates a shadow portal and it sucks in a bunch of water, including himself. The portal opened over Haiiro and dumped all the water over her. Han appeared next to her, laying in a 'sexy' pose. "It's only a game when both people have a chance."
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