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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Yes, I know what you mean." Han smiles at her. "But normal is boring." Han's stomach growled. "Wow. I haven't eaten in forever." Han laughs. "Well, I'm going to get something to eat, care to join me?" Han shrugged. "Sure, I can summon some food but that's not normal."
Haiiro pretends to think about it for a second before nodding silently. She is still a bit depressed and kind of embarrassed to have revealed her feelings to someone else. (@Han Alister)
"Great!" Han motions to Haiiro. "Let's go! I know this really great place!" Han starts walking out the door. "Try to keep up." He teased.
"Before we eat..." Han turned to Haiiro. "We can either attack those soldiers or make friends with them." Han doubted she would want to make friends with them but he wanted to give her the extra choice. "And while we are there, I could check to see if my flower survived your attack."
"No no no no... Of course not. I couldn't kill you if I tried, and I acknowledge that... However, it benefits me because you grant one of my mortal friends with her voice again. She lost it when she visited earlier..." His eyes are a stone grey, his facial expression screaming "losing is not an option" I'll get her voice back.

Han was genuinely surprised, and he showed it on his face. "Oh, umm ok. Let's go then." He watches her stumble. "Do you need to stay? Or, maybe I could carry you."
"Then don't" Han took her hand and shadow traveled the both of them to the soldiers. "Hello humans. We request an understanding, maybe even a friendship with you."
"Understanding... you really think I trust your kind? Explain now." John glares, lowering his gun, but signaling everyone else to still aim their guns. "Some of us are not human. Something new besides, like me."
"We do not have time to indulge in your mindless conflict." Han snaps and all of the soldiers' guns disappear. "If we can't be friends, then maybe just a peace agreement."

(@captain forever)
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"Peace?! She will strike again! I used to be like that... killing randomly, and for what? These soldiers have done the same, following my orders. No innocent people should die. Never more. Now, I have a job. To protect anyone from monsters like her. If you will not stand down, we will kill you as well. Most humans fear you. Same with her. We do not want that to be the case anymore. Stand down or simply disappear."

He smiles, stepping closer.
"My men have done it before. They can do it again. Be happy this isn't all of them. More will come. Stronger ones. Some that aren't even human. I am not built for strength, but to lead. But why not fight one on one hmm? Not like you can kill me."

John grins, stretching.
"Kill you? No." Han smiles. "But trap you in the shadow realm? Yes." He frowned. "I didn't come here to fight, even though as much as I want to. I came here to make friends. I'm not like any other demon. I can help you." The shadows around Han disappeared.

(@captain forever)
Federoff said:
After crying for a few minutes, the crying started to die down, and Mia was returning to her normal state of mind. "Thank you for this, it really helped out" said Mia, blushing as she searched through her bag for something to wipe the tears away.
Just as this happened a crowd of people started to flock behind Tenax as he came with the empty ice bucket, and with a look of stress he mumbled "Why can't everyone just leave me alone for once?" He put the book that he was reading down on a table, and filled up the ice bucket, then preceded to run away from the crowd, hoping to get away. In the mist of his hurrying off, he left his closed book on the table which was titled

Diary of Tenax.

@The Dark Princess
Luna slowly nodded her head, a small smile wiping upon her once dullified facial features. She hadn't the need to say much. She was glad she could help someone other than heresekf and finally had somebody to keep her company. Thinking about that thought, she began to wonder where Zero had been for the past few days. She hadn't heard a single word from him in such a long time. It began to worry her. She knew he could take care of himself, but all in the same she knew he wouldn't do such a thing without a valid reason, unless something had happened.
"That's what all demons say. They all say that. Until the bodies start piling up. Since no one wants to stand up to them, it is my duty..." He trails off, thinking about several others.
Haiiro completely snaps and stumbles a few steps forwards angrily. "Go ahead John, talk about me like I'm not here, call me a monster, I don't care! It is people like you that made me like I am in the first place... People like you make people into monsters...one way or another!" She yells before starting to breath heavily. She stumbles a few steps backwards and goes completely silent, having said all she needed to say. (@captain forever)
"People like me. The ones who were the victims. Ask the kids who you hurt Haiiro. The ones who were killed." He walks over, grabbing her. "You make me sick...:
Han grabs John and throws him on the ground and plants his foot firmly on John's throat. "Don't ever touch her again." Han put the tip of his sword between John's eyes. "Got it?"

(@captain forever)
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