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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Daemonia growled."Fine, but you haven't heard the last of me." He turns to Han "I will avenge our sister." Daemonia disappears into a black smoke.

Han stood, looking at Haiiro. "I thought you would've left by now. What stopped you?"
Haiiro blushes and quickly says, "You did, I didn't want you to get hurt." Seeming more than a bit embarrassed. She stares at the ground for a second, pondering whether to take care of her original task first or to bring them both out of hell first. (@Han Alister)
Han stared at Haiiro, then began to laugh. Han's strength was returning, the color in his face was becoming its original color. "Well thanks for helping me out. I owe you big time." Han hugged Haiiro. "Let's get out of here."
Haiiro nodded, feeling the power of Auros fading quickly, and they both appeared outside of Elizabeth's house in the exact spot they had entered hell from. She blushed and glanced at Han quickly before staring at the ground again, completely silent. (@Han Alister)
Han sighed. "Well I guess this is it." Han chuckled. "Thanks for letting me tag along." Han walked out the front door, but returned. "Ummm can you tell me which way the school is?" He gave an embarrassed laugh
Haiiro nods. "Y...Yeah, Go 3 blocks down and take a right, it should be right th..." She cuts off and her eyes return to normal as she collapses, having full knowledge that it was going to happen at some point. (@Han Alister)
Han rushed to her side, catching her before she hits the ground. "Haiiro! Are you alright?" They just got back from Hell and now this. Han wondered why he couldn't keep a friend unharmed for more than a day.

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Zero gritted his teeth. "Satan... take the curse... off.... for just a bit... so... I may speak...." He vomited blood, getting down on his knees. The curse was worse however much closer he was to satan. "I... have an... important request...." he shook in agony, and was deathly pale. To him, everything was getting much much colder, and he was starting to get dizzy.

Haiiro gave Han a faint smile, feeling weaker then she had ever been before. "I...It's...because I...called upon Auros's power...I....I knew this would happen...I'm fine..." She quietly said, trying to convince Han that she is fine even though she knew that she wasn't. (@Han Alister)
Han held Haiiro, a look of worry across his face. "When people lie, their aura becomes gray. Please don't lie to me Haiiro." Han sighed. "If you are truly fine, tell me to leave."
Haiiro thinks about it for a second and just silently stares up into the sky, not wanting to lie to Han but also not wanting to tell Han the truth because it would worry him. (@Han Alister)
Han sighed, then he gave a smile. "Hey remember, we're still partners. You don't have to be alone." Han grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Let me help. Please." Could Han help? What if he couldn't? No. Han wasn't going to leave her like this.
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Haiiro blushed and weakly said, "A...Alright...I'll be honest, I'm not ok..." She doesn't say anything else for a little while before saying, "I...I don't want to be a burden..." (@Han Alister)
"A burden?" Han laughed. "Things are more interesting with you." He was crazy for saying that. She is the goddess of destruction, but it's true. Things are way more interesting with her. If she hadn't been destroying the school, Han would be asleep on a cardboard box. But instead, he went to Hell and almost died. Han was saved by a goddess in Hell. Han gave a quiet laugh. And now, he is in a strangers house. Things are definitely more interesting.
A splitting headache washes over Haiiro, causing her to wince and bite her lip hard to keep from crying out in pain. She wanted to say something but stayed silent so as not to let Han know she was in pain. (@Han Alister)
"Pain is an emotion. All emotions show up in your aura." Han picks up Haiiro and carries her to another room, the bedroom. He sets her down on the bed then lays beside her. "This is much more comfortable, isn't it?" Han smiled.
Haiiro nods, the headache getting worse and worse with each passing second, it was almost unbearable. "Th...thank you..." She says quietly, slightly confused as to how Han is able to tell these kinds of things. (@Han Alister)
"I can see that you're confused. Well, I can see people's auras. I got it from my father. It's a rare demon trait and it is only present in a few bloodlines." Han grabbed Haiiro's hand and held it. "I also can see that you get embarrassed every time I touch you. Why is that?" Han laughed.
Satan watched Zero writhe with amusement. He watched passively as beautiful fountains of blood poured from his pores, watched the colour drain from his face. It pleased him to see such suffering, sustained him even. With a flick of his hand, he removed the effects of the curse, simply to amuse himself and hear out his request. Satan had no intentions of granting anything this traitorous bastard had to ask for. "Go on then, maggot." @PixelScoreMC
Haiiro blushed and looked away silently, refusing to make eye contact. After a few seconds she said, "Because you're the only person that hasn't been afraid of me that is nice to me." Very quickly without pausing inbetween the words, just stringing them together. (@Han Alister)
Zero grinned. "I know you think you wouldn't like to accept my offer... however, this benefits both parties." He summons a knife, and cuts of a patch of his skin. The skin reveals a scorpion mark, glowing purple and then fades, turning to black. "This... the essence that allows me to control my powers. Without it, I will destroy cities on accident. You enjoy destruction don't you? then listen to my offer. It isn't much." He looked at Satan with determined eyes, radiating a dark green.

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[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Luna allowed Mia to cry upon her shoulder. She knew she would act the same if Zero were doing the same for her. Sighing, she ran her right hand along the girls back in a diagonal manner, up and down her back to reassure her. It was the least she could do, knowing and understanding the extremity of pain Mia was currently going through all by herself.

After crying for a few minutes, the crying started to die down, and Mia was returning to her normal state of mind. "Thank you for this, it really helped out" said Mia, blushing as she searched through her bag for something to wipe the tears away.

Just as this happened a crowd of people started to flock behind Tenax as he came with the empty ice bucket, and with a look of stress he mumbled "Why can't everyone just leave me alone for once?" He put the book that he was reading down on a table, and filled up the ice bucket, then preceded to run away from the crowd, hoping to get away. In the mist of his hurrying off, he left his closed book on the table which was titled

Diary of Tenax.

@The Dark Princess
Satan listened with eyes narrowed. While it was true that the deal sounded harmless, as someone who'd been making deals his entire life, he knew there was no such thing as 'harmless.' He rolled Zero's deal over in his mind. Finally, he said, "How does it benefit you, traitor? Are you planning to use such untamed abilities to betray me again?"

@PixelScoreMC ((Sorry, I'm a bit of a rush! ))
"Well, I know what it's like to be feared." Han tried to make a scary face but failed. He began to laugh. "Silly, isn't it." Han got up from the bed. "Besides, you are the goddess of destruction, not fear."

Haiiro sighs. "They still fear me though, they fear that I will destroy civilization and treat me like some sort of monster, so that's how I act, like a monster, destroying and killing with no regard for others...I wish I could just be normal..." She seems a little bit depressed. (@Han Alister)
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