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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Yes, it is funny to watch them struggle. But why do they follow orders? It is much more fun to do what you want. But apparently, the Demon King thought it was 'disrespectful' and that I should be killed for doing that." Han chuckles. "Everyone just wants to be in control, the most powerful. But why? Why make everyone fear you when you can pretend to be weak. Then it's more chaotic,as you say, when you pounce on them." Han imitates a cheetah pouncing on a gazelle.
Mobius one. He thought he was g- He hit a surface hard, coughing. Same with the rest. "What are we facing..." He looks down, not finding anything.

John finally stopped, looking at them. "We really can't beat a demon. We really can't. So naive... Ask the ones we have you know... dissected..." He steps out, frowning, aiming a gun. "Some of these people aren't human. Some are my sisters and brothers, created by that same DNA. Anyways, enough talk." The soldiers run out, guns firing, John joining them. Several of them run past toward the school.

@Han Alister

"Oh great." Han groans and begins to chant. " Sroduv kemeumk, du kae beddems" The soldiers' shadows begin to rise and they start attacking the soldiers. "So arrogant."
Haiiro smiles and nods at Han, completely ignoring everything else. "Exactly!" She exclaims cheerfully. "Anyway, so, how do we lure 'em out? Or should we just take the fight to him? I wanna kill this Kemis dude as soon as possible." She says calmly. Elizabeth starts weakly trying to make the soldier carrying her let go. (@captain forever @Han Alister)
"I say we can attack them." Han smiles. "It'll be quicker and then we can can get back to the main task." Han laughs. "The cheetahs pounce on the poor gazelles!"
Haiiro facepalms. "I wasn't talking about these insignificant ants of soldiers, I was talking about Kemis, how do we lure HIM out, or should we just up front kill 'im?" (@Han Alister)
John starts to run at her, slamming the butt of the gun against her head. He watches his soldiers still fight, some dying, some not. Some bleed a black ooze, smiling. "Everyone except human soldiers, target these two!" The ones who bled black turn, and charge at both of them.

The two soldiers run past the fighting, looking forward. "Listen, John is trying to protect some kids from dying, and we need you out of here."

Several soldiers start to pull the rubble off, "Don't worry everyone! We'll get you out!"
"Ah I'm sorry. Silly me." Han gives a slight laugh. "It would be more fun to go into his castle and kill him. We would definitely cause more chaos that way."
Han picks up John by the collar and punches him in the face, and throws him back down. "Let us be off then."
"I have seen too many people die! I will not let you do the same!" John staggers, but keeps on running. "Screw it. Hey Watcher! Need help here!"

The soldiers drop Elizabeth off at the clearing, putting her into the bunker.
Haiiro nods. "Lead the way." She says calmly as The Watcher silently sneaks in and grabs a soldier without being noticed, dragging him off and taking the appearance of said soldier and rushing back to where the soldier originally was, thinking to himself that he must not let things get too out of hand.

(@Han Alister @captain forever)
"It'll be easier to get there if we teleport from an area of high emotional connections." Han looks at Haiiro."Do you have a connection with any place?"
A small truck full of the wounded drives by, swerving to avoid the conflict. John keeps on attacking wounded. "Don't make me waste another body. Just die..."

The soldiers stand guard, looking everywhere, talking to each other. "Why would he want her to be saved... he hates you know..."

"Yeah. It confuses me too."
Haiiro shrugs. "Not really, unless hatred counts, in which case yes, Elizabeth's house." Haiiro grabs Han's arm and they both appear at Elizabeth's house. "Will this work?" The Watcher starts firing on soldiers on John's side against his will, being controlled by some outside force. Elizabeth glares at the guards. "Y...you might as well l...let me in on the rumors..." (@Han Alister @captain forever)
Han looked around. "Hmm, this is a nice house. But this should work if you really hate it. Hate is a very strong emotion." Han extended his hand. "Grab my hand and think as hard as you can about how much you hate this place."
Haiiro grabs Han's hand and starts focusing on how much she hates the place, feeling the slightest bit embarrassed to be holding hands with someone else...it wasn't something she was used to doing, as most people were too afraid of her to even talk to her most of the time. (@Han Alister)
John looks around, and scratches his head. "Now what..."

The soldiers, surprised, catch bullets everywhere as they crumple to the ground. "Wha?"
"Alright good." Han looked at Haiiro and saw her aura was a slight pink, the color of embarrassment. He gave a quiet laugh. "Alright, hang on. Wouldn't want to lose you in the void." Han snapped his fingers and the two were transported into a damp, dimly lit cave. "Welcome to Hell."
The Watcher tries to resist and stop himself but is unable to control himself in the slightest, moving jerkily like a puppet on a string. He keeps firing until out of ammo and then runs away as quickly as he can. Haiiro looks around for a bit. "How odd...after all of the favors I've done for Satan I've never been to hell itself...I imagined there would be alot more fire..." She mutters, trying to regain her composure.

(@captain forever @Han Alister)
"Ah yes. Most demons hate fire. It's actually a weakness to all but a very few. But Satan loves it so much that we have to have some." Han led Haiiro out of the room. As they walked, he talked. "Fire doesn't bother me at all. In fact, it's one of the reasons I'm hated by most demons." Han suddenly collapsed onto the ground, his hands on his head, sweat forming on his forehead.
John finds him running, and walk up to him. "Did you get them? Please tell me yes..."

Chase tries to crawl out of the vent, using all his strength.
Haiiro quickly kneels down beside Han. "What's wrong?!" She exclaims, seeming genuinely worried for once. The Watcher tackles John, pinning him down and regaining just enough control to say, "Run! I'm not in control here!" The clone grabs Chase and binds him with unbreakable shadowy chains. "You aren't escaping that easily." (@captain forever @Han Alister)
"Nothing. I'm fine." Han stands up. "Kemis knows I'm here and he is trying to stop me from advancing." Han tries to walk but he collapses onto the ground again, this time coughing up blood.
Haiiro gives a nervous look and stands back up. "T...Then just wait here or leave...I'll take care of him so you don't have to get hurt..." She says, blushing a little bit and wondering why Han getting hurt bugged her so much, considering she had seen the same kind of thing happen to many people before. (@Han Alister)
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