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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Han returned to the spot where Zero and Seyren where. He had scratches and cuts all over his body. "I'm back." He kneeled down in front of Seyren. "How are you doing? Do you feel better?"
Catarina wondered around the school, looking for a place to take a nap. She decided the best place would be on the roof. She climbed up and on the roof she found a bunch of cardboard furniture. "I'm sure whoever lives here wouldn't mind me sleeping up here for a bit." She went and lied down on the cardboard bed and fell asleep.
Mia took Luna's hand and drew her into a hug as she started to let out a soft sob, almost completely breaking down. In her sob Mia spoke to Luna, saying "Thank you for listening, my brother is too dead set on dying to let me talk to him about it."
Haiiro stopped her path of destruction and stood a couple of meters away from the school, grinning like she had gone completely psychotic, which ironically was the case at the moment. She touched the ground and large cracks started spreading up the walls of the highschool, severely damaging the structural integrity as she prepared to send the whole highschool crashing down.
John smiled back, sitting next to her. "Hope everything died down... haven't been in school for weeks."

Chase covers his eyes, glaring at the clone. "I hope you are happy..."
Luna allowed Mia to cry upon her shoulder. She knew she would act the same if Zero were doing the same for her. Sighing, she ran her right hand along the girls back in a diagonal manner, up and down her back to reassure her. It was the least she could do, knowing and understanding the extremity of pain Mia was currently going through all by herself.
Zero looked down at her, and granted her request. He held her tight, not crying, but being strong for her. "I'll heal you somehow. I promise."

Why... Why does this remind me of something? Oh... that's right... I remember now...

I was a little kid wasn't I? A normal human... but all my classmates were killed... and I was hauled off to hell... Then bloody satan himself told me he could grant me power... even my own realm. I accepted his offer, but only to betray him later as revenge. I tried... but then was utterly defeated, and cursed from hell. Yeah... that's why I'm a deformed son-of-a-bitch who has shadow powers...

Zero filled with rage, finally fed up with his life, how he received powers he never wanted. All he ever wanted, was to be a normal person. He didn't want to be a hero, he didn't want his life to be filled with drama, he just wanted... to be normal.

He set Seyren down, and punched his fist into the ground, chanting

"Aperite portas inferi, quod me in abyssum irent. Revela cataractae tuus nec servies ... potestas indulgentiae." The world around Zero broke into thousands of pieces, all falling and Hell appearing. The curse already started it's toll on him, but he didn't care. He appeared in the throne room before Satan, Satan grinning widely. Zero had destroyed the ground he appeared on, causing the nearby guards to be knocked unconscious from the impact.

Elizabeth hugs John lightly, sensing that something bad was about to happen. She was too weak to even stand up at the moment. The clone merely smiled as he and Chase appeared in the room from before again. Haiiro laughed as she caused the back half of the school to collapse, reveling in the destruction and chaos. (@captain forever
Han walks back to the school, only to find the whole back of it collapsed. "Oh shit. I just put my flower in my room." Han sighed. "Who has the power to do this" just then, han saw a female figure standing at the front of the school. "Hey you! Did you do this?" Han began to walk towards her.
"A goddess, you say?" Han gave a little laugh. "That's so cool. This school has everything." He looks back at the school. "Well, it had everything." Han looked at the goddess "Could you have at least warned me before you went and destroyed it. My poor rose."
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Haiiro breaks into maniacal laughter. "But telling someone would ruin the chaos!" She exclaims cheerfully, staring in delight at what had to be at least a hundred students trapped underneath the rubble, either struggling to escape or dying from being crushed. "Ahh...what lovely destruction..." She quietly mutters. (@Han Alister)
"It wouldn't ruin the chaos. I wouldn't have told anyone. I just wanted my flower." Han let out a big sigh. "Well, I guess I can't do anything about it now." Han unsheathed his knife and began to twirl it on his finger. "It kinda looks fun. Want any help?"
Haiiro pauses for a second, going completely serious. "I have some business to take care of in a nearby forest and was just stopping to, as they say, kill some time, although if you want to help me cause destruction on the way there I would be fine with it... Although I sense something a bit odd about you..." (@Han Alister)
"Odd? Me? Nooo, I'm just your everyday average demon from Hell." Han laughed. "Besides, odd is better than boring and normal." Han looked at the school and pouted. "You forgot the science wing. I absolutely despise science. Can you just...you know..." Han makes a gesture with his hands, imitating an explosion.
Haiiro shrugs. "I'm going to leave the science wing as is, last year the students almost caused a nuclear fallout and I'm hoping that happens again. And what Im sensing is potential, the potential to become powerful enough that Satan himself will fear you more then he does me...And I just happen to know how to unlock said potential..." She starts walking away, once again whistling the Super Mario Bros. Theme cheerfully as she walks. (@Han Alister)
Han sighs. "Damn you, science.". He looks at Haiiro. "Hey, wait up! What potential do you speak of. I mean I understand that Satan fears you, your good looks are already pretty unnerving and to add insult to injury, you can destroy things with the wave of a hand." Han sighs. "But me, I'm just a demon that was thrown from Hell and is now on Kemis's top ten most wanted list." Han chuckles.
John hears something in the distance, and stands up. "Just wait a second. I'll be back." He starts to run to the forest, upset. "Can't believe I'm doing this..." He reaches it, finding the trap door. He walks in, looking at everything and finds the radar. He opens it, finding something new. "What the hell?!" The school... crushed... and... Haiiro... He slams a button, creating screeching alarm, and speaks into a microphone. "This is John Abraus! We have found two unidentified people, one which has taken down a school, injuring children in the process! Any trained personnel, rush to these coordinates! Send everything we got!"

Mobius was relaxing at the base. First time in a few weeks, no missions... A alarm suddenly sounded, people immediately running. "Attention all pilots! Scramble now, there are soldiers to support! Sending coordinates now!" He got up, running to his plane, starting it up. Already, people were taking to the skies, heading toward one direction. With that, he took off, heading in the same direction. Two pinpoints appeared into his radar, showing who.
Haiiro stops in place and turns around rapidly. "Huh...that's funny...you mentioned the same person I've been sent to kill...Annnyway thanks for the compliments. I could unleash your full potential after I finish what I must do, but I prefer to keep others in suspense~" Elizabeth tried to get up, but only succeeded in rolling out of the bed and hitting the floor with a loud thump. (@Han Alister @captain forever)
Han suddenly stops. "Wait, you've been sent to kill Kemis?" Han begins to walk again. "Well, you might as well get used to me because I'm going with you." Han gave a snort. "Because I want to see that smug look wiped right off his face while he is laying in a pool of his own blood." Han began to laugh. Han summoned his sword and he began to cut the grass as they walked.
John meets the others outside the trap door, sending some soldiers to evacuate some civilians. "Listen everyone. I have summoned you all to take down a prize hunt. A goddess. Not only that, several kids are stuck under this rubble from a school. Now, what I need it for some of you to help those people, and the rest, to take her down. You two. Go to this house..." He hands them a piece of paper with an address. "And take her to the bunker. The rest of you, move!" They all start to move at the same time, sprinting.

Mobius one had arrived at the town, finding the targets. "I have visual! Closing in!" He swoops down, ready to strike. "Locking on..."
Haiiro gave Han a mischievous grin and all plant life in thirty meters of her location caught fire. "Why cut when you can burn? And what do you have against this Kemis person, I know zilch about him?" She hears something nearby and smiles causing an enormous wave of pure energy to sweep through the skies in a fifty mile area, destroying everything in the sky that moved.

(@captain forever @Han Alister
"W-What the hell is that!!!" His plane starts to deconstruct, atom by atom, until nothing is left. "Please no...." The ace fell through the sky, trying to grab anything, falling faster each second. Not only that, his wingmen are around him, surprised looks on their faces.

John looked at his radar, all air units disappeared. His hand starts to shake, eyes narrowing. "We can't sneak up on her, we will kill her by force... everyone, charge! Be brutal, several of our good aces will die! Kill her!" He starts to run at a faster pace, breathing heavily.

Several soldiers knock Elizabeth's door down, running inside. "Miss, we have to get you out of here." He slings her over his shoulder and starts to run.
"I prefer cutting. Burning just isn't one of my specialties." Han smiled. "Well Kemis is the Demon King of Lameness. He rose the power by killing the old king. You know cliché type stuff. He sent an order to have my family killed. Which was carried out. By a friend. Ex-friend." Han sighs. "Before I escaped to this world, he tortured me. He was looking for some kind of info, even though I did not know what he was talking about." Han stopped talking when Haiiro sent the wave of energy. "Are we seriously being followed. Stupid humans, thinking they can take down a goddess and a demon. I bet they couldn't even beat you, let alone the both of us."
Elizabeth gasps in surprise, completely taken off guard and scared out of her mind. "Wh...what are you doing?...W...where are you taking me?..." Haiiro decides to have a bit of mercy on the pilots and an enourmous portion of concrete rises up to save them from what would be a surely fatal fall. "You have to admire their insanity and stupidity though. Honestly, you would have thought they would be scared shitless by now."

(@captain forever @Han Alister)
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