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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Dokm sros siae(damn that guy.)" Han shook his head and looked for the magic trail. Han found it, but it was very faint. She had stopped tracking Han. He had to hurry

Silva sensed a strong power coming from within her forest. Once located, she found Han and one other. She began to track them until the other male disappeared, for she found out Han's plan and she quickly tried to get rid of the trail. She hoped it wasn't to late.
Zero summoned a braclet into his hand. "It's Han's bracelet! Payback for him sending me back." He chuckled, and then said "By the way... you had some pretty good poses earlier." He grins slyly.
Han grabbed at his wrist for his bracelet, but he found it gone. "Oh shit!" That bracelet was keeping him in this world. Without it, Han began to disappear. "Well, I guess I failed." He chuckled.
Seyren took the bracelet carefully and slid it onto her wrist. It was large, but beautiful. She opened her lips to say something along the lines of 'thanks' and 'where was Han', but all of that was overshadowed by his next words. "What?" she exclaimed, jaw dropping open. "You didn't..." His grin, however, said more than words ever could. Blushing furiously, she smacked him hard across the shoulder. "Jerk!" Half smiling at the normalcy of all of this, she teleported a huge sphere of water over him and let it fall. A fish flopped onto his head. Seyren broke out into laughter. "I guess Magikarp has come to my rescue."
The world around Han began to fade. His head was spinning. "Damn it Kemis! I'm not ready. I haven't even said goodbye." That was the last thing Han said before he blacked out.
Zero laughed, and then took the fish from his head, throwing it back into the ocean. "Looks like magikarp is gone now." He summons a sphere of water himself, pouring it on Seyren. "Ha! Payback." His eyes glow an eerie yellow now,
Seyren ran off into the ocean, laughing for the first time in a long time. She looked back at Zero expectantly. "You going to stand there all day? I mean, attractive as you are, I figure it might get a bit boring. The next thing I know, you'll be baked into a Zero cookie." Internally, she kicked herself. Can you get any more awkward?
"Oh? So you want me to join you in that amazing looking water?" He walks over to a tree, pulling two scuba masks out of the shadow. "Come on, let's go scubaing!" He tosses her a pair, and then puts his on, diving into the water, waving at her from underneath the surface.
Han awoke in a damp, dark, and cold room. "Ah, the only room in all of Hell that is actually cold." Han tried to laugh but the pain in his head prevented him from doing so. Kemis walked into the room, smirking. "Hello, Han. Do you have any last requests before you die?"

Han frowned."Besides 'let me go'. Sure. Go tell my friends goodbye for me." Kemis laughed. "What a sad,sad last request. But I shall honor it."
Seyren catches it effortlessly and throws it on. With a smile, she dives under, swimming underneath Zero, deeper and deeper. Her hair billowed out behind her, like a weightless cloud. Eyes crinkled with joy, she twisted around, back-pedalling to beckon Zero closer. Catch up, slow-poke! she projected into his mind, making use of her mental capabilities.
Kemis appeared on the beach. "Hmm snorkeling, are they?" He touched the surface of the water and projected his voice all in the ocean. "Listen up, friends of Han. He has returned for execution early, for he has lost the object that anchored him to this world. His final request was for me to say goodbye for him. So, that is what I am doing. Continue with your play time. The demon kind have no more business in this world." Kemis let go of the water and disappeared.
Zero catches up to her, and grabs her by the arm gently. His voice appears crystal clear next to her right ear, even though he's on her left side, and says "I believe it's about time I gave Han enough of his torture lesson." He said that right before the voice appeared, and he sighed, surfacing on over the water, forcefully using his powers to bring her to the surface as well. "Let me see the bracelet, I'll have to borrow your powers to get us to him."
[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Luna thought for a few moments, before making her way over to Christopher. Once there, she leaned her back against the left side of his body and folded her arms tightly under her chest, just above the still bloodied stains on her shirt. "I can't quite remember what he said. " She took a moment to recollect her thoughts from that point of time. "He did seem, distasteful of the school."

Mia looked at Luna, smiled and said "Well, I'm sorry to waste your ti-" She suddenly ducked behind the table as if she was hiding from someone.

Tenax came walking by on the opposite side of the court, still reading his book. He got the bucket of ice, through a few cubes into his mouth, and walked away the same way he came.

Mia asked in a hushed voice "Is he gone?"
Seyren frowned at the voice and at Zero's confusing words. Staring him straight in the eye, she said, "What did you do?" Her voice was hard, accusing. Almost regretfully, she tore the bracelet off her wrist. "What did you do to Han? Did you leave him to die out there? Alone?" Her eyes had grown cold with the hurt of betrayal and guilt. How could she have stayed here, frolicking in the sea when... She shook off the thought. There was still time.
Han sat in the cold room, shivering. The pain in his head had worsened. His execution grew closer. "No" Han thought. He snapped his fingers and his knife appeared in his hand. "I'm not going down like this." He cut through the bars of door and made his way through the snaking halls.
"Anyways..." Zero twirled around in circles, throwing the bracelet into the sand. He hovers his hands above it, then chanting,

"Audite, audite, quaeso potentia. Deorum hoc accipias tibi concedo , et converterentur ad cogitationes ibi potentia . Audite, audite, nunc agere." He turns over to Seyren, a dark, void black swirl surrounding the ring and making strange sounds. "Seyren, I know you have very capable teleportation skills... we're gonna have to use them now. Put your hand into the bracelet, and imagine Han." He looks at her, his eyes now a void black.
Seyren gave her best glare at Zero, angry for her lack of answers. Wordlessly, she grabbed a hold of his hand and thrust her own into the bracelet. "Brace yourself. It's nothing like shadow travelling." She closed her eyes and tapped into the energy humming within her. Immediately, the world disappeared, like it was whisked out from under their feet. Seyren let out a soft groan. Breaking into the demon world was proving more difficult than she'd anticipated. The duo hung in limbo for seconds and slowly tricked into a minute before the young woman broke through. They found themselves in a dark corridor, extending endlessly to the left and right. Seyren heaved, trying to catch her breath. "Split ways?" she asked Zero, determination flashing in her eyes.
Both Luna and Christopher tilted their heads at the girls reaction. Luna slowly nodded her head in a small response to the girls question. "You can stay if you'd like." As she spoke, she slowly tilted her head, until it landed carefully upon Christopher's left shoulder. Once making contact, she muffled a yawn just as she picked up his hand and began to fumble with it. It wasn't much of an activity, but it was enough to keep her occupied. Besides, it was better than what she had to turn to all day.

Christopher turned his gaze skyward, scoffing at the appearance of Tenax. He despised the name itself and truly wanted nothing to do with the owner of the title. Shaking his head. Afterward, he turned his attention to Luna and the arrival of her head laying upon his shoulder. Sighing, he also noticed the arrival of the tiresome expression upon her face. He simply placed his own head over hers, enjoying the comfort he felt around her, without having to put up with a certain person.
Zero was on a heap on the ground, when he sucked in the nearby darkness into himself. His face flushed red, when he quickly took a vial out of his cloak, chugging it instantly. "I... I remember now... I'm not on very good terms with hell at the moment..." He sucked in all the nearby darkness for quite a whiles a way, until color finally returned to it's natural state. "We have to hurry... A curse was put on me before for assaulting satan... If we don't hurry now, I'll have my ass.... handed to me." He started running, absorbing any sense of deadly energy into him to keep him up and running.
Han quickly ran down the halls, remembering the way from the last time he was here. He had to get to Premca, the Demon Prince. He was Han's only chance of escaping Hell. As Han ran, he was stopped by a group of guards. "Sroduv kemeumk, cuka su ka." Han chanted. Immediately the guards' shadows rose from the ground and began to attack them, allowing Han to run past them.
Mia got up and brushed herself off. She preceded to explain herself "I'm sorry for that, Tenax like that I try to get involved with what he does, I can't blame him though, not after what he has been through." Mia sat down and looked down, as if she was in pain.
Zero was running down the hall, when he saw Han make the guards shadows attack themselves. "Han! Wait up!" He ran as fast as he could, but was severely limited to energy due to his curse.
Seyren followed Zero through the winding halls and dark chambers. Worry permeated her every thought, but she pushed it down. This was Hell. She was nothing like Zero or Han - not a demon or a reaper or anything. She was a petty little human. One wrong step and I'm here to stay. I really don't like the decor. Pursing her lips, she pushed herself forward. Somehow, it felt like gravity operated differently here, like the air was heavier for it. Moving was difficult. "Han!" she called, desperately trying to reach him. But she was too slow. "Han!" She cursed aloud at her own weakness and tried to teleport. But she was still recovering from her previous teleportation. Dammit.
Han thought he heard Zero, but it couldn't be. "It's probably Kemis, and his damn shapeshifting power." Han began to run faster.
"No! Han, stop running! I have your bracelet!" Dammit, I'll have to shadow travel in front of him.. It will take up almost all my energy though. Zero drank another vial from his cloak, once chugged, tossing it aside. He traveled right in front of Han. "Han! Stop! It's me Zero, dude, we need to get you back... I'm cursed in hell, and I'm about to faint... Really... Soon-...." He took another vial from his cloak, chugging it, tossing it aside. "Please, believe me! I don't have much time left!"
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