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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Han was running until Kemis teleported in front of him. "Damn you!" Han shouted as he drove his knife into Kemis's leg and began to run again. Han snapped and his sword appeared.
Zero howled in pain, as he drove a blade into his leg. "What the hell?! Why did you drive a damn knife up my leg? FINE! Just rot in hell for all I care! I guess I'll just die now as well." Blood started seeping his wound, as he grunted and pulled another vial out, this one with a skull symbol on it and wreaked of death, this also happened to be his last vial. "I... have no choice." He drank the vial, and then slowly his skin turned a void black, bones growing out of his skin, tearing flesh apart. His skin boiled and mutated into a strange mask, his muscles growing exponentially. He dashed forward, grabbing Han by the skull and slamming him into the ground. "I'm not Kemis you dip shit! I'm Zero! Now do you want to get back or not?!" Even though he looked completely different now, his voice was the same and had the same "annoying" tone, especially since he was on the verge of death.
Luna slowly pursed her lips together, before returning her facial features to a blank expression. "I apologize." She took a moment to observe the premises of the ground below her feet before continuing to speak. "Are you alright?"
"God damn it, dude. I knew it was you." Han rubbed his head. "I just needed some payback for you taking my bracelet." Han got up. "Touch me again and I'll remind Satan about what you did."
Seyren watched the scene unfold through frustrated eyes. Seeing the drastic measures Zero was taking spurred her on. Focusing every ounce of energy she had on her, she teleported the bracelet into her arms and managed to catapult herself ungracefully onto Han's back. Grimacing and faint with dizziness and exertion, she fought with his flailing figure. "Han, stop! It's me, Seyren! Zero and I are here for you; it's really us!"
Zero flinched at the mention of Satan, and says "If you even dare to do that... I will dedicate my entire after life to making you live in another hell, much worse then this one." He gets up, and pukes blood on the floor, wiping his mouth. "We have to get a way out of here quick... the curse and the vials are taking their toll on me..."
Han grunted as Seyren landed on her back, without any grace. "Ow! Damn it pink! First my head and now my back." Han suddenly became aware of something. "Wait, what are you doing here?" It was one thing to have a shadow reaper in Hell, but a human.
"I didn't think it was a good idea to bring her... But I needed to use her teleportation powers to get us here-" He vomits blood again, looking like he's in agony. "Hurry up... we have to get out of here..."
Han silently laughed at Zero. The big, bad shadow reaper, in pain. "Fine. We all need to use our powers to get out of here." Han was weak but he had to try.
Seyren grunted in reply. It was all she could manage. The pressure was bearing down on her, seeming to draw her life out of her even as the seconds ticked by. Already, her eyes were sunken, her skin an ashen grey. With one last burst of effort, she grabbed Zero's and Han's hands, drew on their last remaining powers and teleported them away from Hell. Halfway through, she passed out, leaving the trio in the clouds above the forest.
The Watcher punches Chase in the eye and gives him a smile of obviously malicious intent as a shadow clone of him appears behind Chase, grabbing Chase's legs. "I am very sorry but you will have to excuse me for a moment. There are a few...issues...I must deal with..." The Watcher says before disappearing into thin air, regretting having to do what he must do. He appears on Elizabeth's roof, pulling out a pair of binoculars and an odd, black, spherical stone with odd symbols carved into it that seemed to suck in all light around it. He knew what he must do...but he didn't know whether he could truly do it. Elizabeth slowly regained consciousness, giving John a faint smile. (@captain forever)
As Zero was falling from the sky, he finally got his powers back from not having the curse act on him anymore. He yelled "Darkness Breaker!" He casts multiple black spheres, erupting and then drawing back in, when it finally breaks the reality they're in and causes them to fall slowly. "We made it back... Alive..." Zero passed out, and after a while they'd land silently on the ground, his spheres then all returning, the birds in the forest chirping. Zero looked pale, but he was definitely alive, just sleeping.

(I have to go study for exams... I'll be back.)
"Damn it." As they were falling Han put one fist over his chest and the other on top of his head."please Aeris, help us. Now is the time for that favor you owe me." They continued to fall but before they hit the ground, a gust of wind broke their fall and they landed with a small thud.
(( Good luck for your exams! ^^ @PixelScoreMC ))

Seyren was out cold, blood leaking from her nose and mouth. She'd used intense teleportation all within the span of minutes, all thrice of which involved Hell. It took a larger toll on her, a petty human, than it did on the other two. Her eyes were sunken, her entire body grey and trembling, her breathing shallow. She looked like she'd aged years.
Laying on the ground, Han began to laugh, until he saw Seyren. "Pink!" He rushed over to her. "Pink, what's wrong?" She looked like she aged 30 years. "You weren't used to how time passes in Hell. It affected your aging process." Han looked around and he spotted what he was looking for, a rose. Han went up to it and picked three petals. He summoned a bowl and put the leaves in it. He then drew his knife and cut a small line in his wrist and let a drop of his blood drip into the bowl. Han mixed the petals and the blood together and handed it to Seyren. "Here. Drink it. It may taste bad, but it should help."
Zero moaned, sitting up holding his head. The color returned to him, when he rushed over to Seyren. "No! Seyren! You didn't deserve to age!" He weeped over her, then sitting up, wiping his tears. "This was my fault as well. Han, I'll try to help too." He sits her upright, taking grasp of her shadow. He reforms her shadow into a circle, and then delicately reforms it back into her shadow. Slowly, her young features started to come back, however she looked like she aged about 5 years still.
Seyren awoke to something cool being pressed against her lips. The world was foggy and out of focus. Dimly, she registered that everything in her body hurt. Someone was trying to tell her something, but she couldn't understand. "Wha..." she tried to say. Her lips moved, but there was no sound. Half-heartedly, she tried again, barely managing to stay conscious. Again, no sound. With a wry smile, she realised, I'm mute. Who knew Hell made people mute? The thought was almost funny. Her head lolled as she faded back into unconsciousness.
"You guys shouldn't have gone to Hell. I was fine on my own." Han was grateful, but now Kemis will see them as enemies. Zero is already on Satan's bad side. Han knows he shouldn't have brought them into this.
"No... It was my fault you went into hell again in the first place." He saw Seyren try to speak, and then become unconscious again. "Is... is she mute? Nonononono. That's not an option." He summoned a vial from a nearby tree, saying "This will heal her... hopefully her vocal cords as well. If that doesn't work...." He paused, and said "I'll have to study human anatomy, and then fix it myself." He let the contents of the vial seep into her mouth.
Seyren awoke to lights and the woody smell of the forest. Everything still ached, but she looked more or less her age. Blinking the grogginess out of her eyes, she smiled at the two men kneeling over her. The worry on their faces was palpable, but there was something else. An underlying sadness she didn't understand. "We made it guys. We're all okay," she said, but only silence met her ears. Frowning, she tentatively touched her vocal cords. "What..?" Again, nothing. Realisation dawned upon her like a ton of bricks. I guess going to Hell had a heavy price, she projected into their minds, smiling reassuringly even as tears gathered in her sapphire eyes. It was worth it though. I'm glad you're still with us, Han.
Han summoned a bandage and covered his cut with it. "I am sorry, but I have to go. I need to tie up some loose ends in this forest." Han grabbed his knife and threw it into the nearest tree. "Ya feel that, Silva. Soon that knife will run across your throat." Han went up to the tree and grabbed his knife. "I hope Pink gets better." He then disappeared into the forest
Zero looks at her, a tear swelling in his eye. "I... Will... Not... Tolerate.... This..." A book shoots towards Zero at a supersonic speed, causing a large gust of wind to fill the air, and Zero catches it, causing the nearby plants to sway painfully back from the strength of the gust. The book was titled, "Human body: Vocal Cords" and Zero began furiously reading through it.
Gently, Seyren wiped away his stray tear and put her hand on his shoulder. With soft hands, she pulled the book away from him. I don't think there's anything that can help you in there, Zero. The effects of Hell on a human were bound to be severe. But we saved our friend, and that's good enough. She leaned her head against him, strengthening their mental connection. It's okay. Sadly, she remembered how she'd sung in the bathroom by the beach, fighting back the overwhelming urge to cry. For once, just once, she wanted to be weak and vulnerable. Turning to Zero with tearful eyes, she said, Will you please hold me? Just this once?

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[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Luna slowly pursed her lips together, before returning her facial features to a blank expression. "I apologize." She took a moment to observe the premises of the ground below her feet before continuing to speak. "Are you alright?"

Mia looked up and wiped some tear starting to form at her eyes. "Yes, its just that its hard not having a good relationship with your brother, even more so when they are your hero" explained Mia.
Luna was speechless, knowing exactly how that feeling was. Holding back her urge to cry, she shook her head in an attempt to clear her head. "Its sad...isn't it?" For a moment, she wanted to just abandon her image and fall to her knees just to comfort Mia. Regrettably, she was constantly watched and couldn't do so or she would be punished by her father for showing weakness. Sighing her pain away, she silently held her hand out to Mia, waiting to bring the girl into her embrace.
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