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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Ha! You think I'm just going to give up." Han stands and gives a weak smile. "We demons can be very stubborn." Han continues down the hallway. "Hurry along." Han felt very weak, but he will not leave. He had to go. He had to see Kemis dead.
Haiiro follows behind Han, hoping that they can get to Kemis quickly and kill him. "Don't push yourself too hard..." She mumbles quietly, not wanting to see Han get hurt.

(@Han Alister)
"Me? Push myself, are you kidding? That's all I ever do." Han laughs as he expertly navigates through the many twists and turns. "If my memory serves me correctly, which it usually does, there should be a room up ahead where I should be able to get the energy to shadow travel to Kemis." Han was in a lot of pain,but he didn't want to show weakness. Especially in front of Haiiro.
Haiiro felt an odd chill run down her spine and knew that something was wrong with Han. "Let's hurry, I don..." She bites her lip and goes silent, blushing a little bit and wondering why Han was making her feel so embarrassed. (@Han Alister)
"Ah, here we go." Han stopped in front of a door and pushed it open. Inside were 10 guards, all had bows drawn and arrows nocked. Han tried to use his powers but he was too weak and he fell to the floor. Breathing heavily, he tried to stand up but he couldn't muster the strength to do it.
Haiiro dashed over to one of the guards and as soon as she touched him his head exploded. "Uhh...not what I meant to do..." She started backing away, hands in the air, and whispered three words, "Auros, haglaz, ehwaz." And a shield of pure energy appeared around Han. (@Han Alister)
Seyren cried silently into Zero's shoulder, mourning the loss of her voice. But the big, fat droplets only came down harder at the silence that seemed to suffocate her. However, now that she had to rely solely on telepathy to communicate, her sense were sharper, more intimate. Zero's thoughts seeped effortlessly into her mind, permeating her thoughts with his anger and sadness. Oh Zero... She placed her hand gently on his, trying to comfort him in the little ways she could. But the next thing she knew, he'd once more opened the doorway into Hell. Seyren gazed into the depths and felt fear paralyse her. The portal closed, and Zero was gone. I'm a coward. She wanted to scream. She punched the ground in frustration.

Satan opened his arms in a wide gesture, almost as if asking Zero for a hug. "Welcome back, son of mine," he said, grinning even as the curse took its deadly toll on Zero. "How may I serve you?"

Han began to moan and the color on his face began to drain. "I'm fine. Trust me." Han barely had enough strength to breathe, let alone move. No way Kemis could be doing this. Someone else did not want him here.
Haiiro shook her head, and exclaimed, "No, you're not fine, I'm getting both of us out of here!" She started saying some sort of incantation. "Auros Ehwaz Haglaz Jera..." (@Han Alister)
"Stop." Han grabbed Haiiro's arm. "I said I'm fine" Han managed to stand and he began to walk, slowly, to a small,black diamond shaped object. "This should give me the power to get us to Kemis."
Han looked at Haiiro and sighed. "Let's just get this job done so we can leave and then..." And then what? Han hadn't thought that far. He imagined that she would just leave. After all, she was a goddess. Why would she want to spend time with a demon? Han grabbed the diamond. "Take my hand once more. Please lend me some of your power."
Han smiles at Haiiro. "Don't worry about me." Han transports the two of them away from the room. Haiiro appearing in Kemis's lair but Han, nowhere to be seen.
Han opened his eyes to find himself in a very hot room with red walls. "Oh no" he muttered. Han felt incredibly weak, too weak to have to deal with Him. "I hope Haiiro is alright. Oh what am I thinking? Haiiro can handle herself." Han missed Haiiro's company but at least he wasn't slowing her down.
Haiiro was nervous, she had no idea if Han was alright or if he was dead or if something else happened and it was driving her mad. She quickly looked around and yelled, "SHOW YOURSELF KEMIS!"

(@Han Alister)
Kemis appeared at the top of a flight of stairs. "Welcome, goddess. I could've swore you were with another. Where is your partner?" He gave a laugh. "Oh don't worry, he is being treated very well, for now." Kemis laughs even more. "And if you kill me, you won't find him."
Haiiro growls angrily, saying through gritted teeth, "Where...Is...HE?!" She had no idea why she was being so protective of Han, but she wasn't about to let Han get hurt. "I've been through enough shit just to get here, and I'm not dealing with this..." (@Han Alister)
Kemis laughed "What's this? The goddess of destruction, caring for someone? Isn't that a surprise." Kemis walked down the stairs, a smug smile on his face. "He is being held by Daemonia, the demon god. And if he hasn't already, Han will die."
Haiiro just stands there for a second in shocked silence before nervously asking, "Is there any way I can save him?..." And staring at the ground. She knows a way that could work...but it would cost her greatly to do so.

(@Han Alister)
"I think you already know the answer. Now you can either go and try to save him or kill me and leave Han to die." Kemis smiles. "Your choice."

Han sat in the red room, in pain. Daemonia was getting closer, and he knew it. He would torture Han and eventually kill him. Han began to think about Haiiro and how she had probably finished the job and returned to earth to cause more chaos. Han's pain worsened as the door opened and daemonia, his brother, walks in.
Haiiro stood there for a second conflicted about what to do, but finally decided that she had to save Han, but she could not allow Kemis to live, and she started saying an incantation, hoping she would have enough time. "Oh king of the gods Auros, I beg of you to bestow your power upon me so that I may smite Kemis and save Han." There was a loud cracking noise and a flash of bright light as Haiiro disappeared, reappearing beside Han. "My my my, it seems I am breaking the rules...Daemonia, I order you to leave this demon alone or face the wrath of the king of gods." She says calmly, her eyes completely white and glowing brightly, she had an odd sort of aura, as if it was the power of all the gods combined into one. "Now." (@Han Alister)
Daemonia stared at the goddess. "Leave?Now why would I do that? I haven't seen my brother in ages." He growls at Han. "And the last time I saw him was when he was standing over the dead body of our beloved sister." Daemonia walked towards Han with his sword held high, prepared to strike.
Haiiro appeared between Daemonia and Han with her arms outstretched. "By the orders of the king of gods I demand you leave or be destroyed, so wills Auros." She says calmly, surrounding Daemonia with chains made of holy light. (@Han Alister)
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