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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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It moves faster, and faster, at a running pace, and actually jumps, breaking the skin, and flowing inside the body. Finally, a new host...

John stares at the watcher, pissed. "You know he will come back. He is coming, and will get his revenge. He might use you..." He starts to laugh a little, just waiting.
The clone smiles. "And that is exactly what I am counting on. If you need anything other then something to help you escape, just ask." The microphone cuts off and goes to static as the clone in the room disappears.
Sora turns around to see the strange liquid around Masaki, stares at it with an angry look on my face as Masaki screams in pain as it breaks into his skin, sora tries to get the liquid off by making vines suck up the moisture but he knows its too late.... "M-Masaki?..........."
John just stares at Elizabeth, backing up into a corner. "You can't do this..."

The corruption flows inside the new body, and begins to work. He finally finds the persons mind, and starts to talk to him. "Listen, I just need to borrow this really, really quick."
Sora stands there with clenched fists as he gritts his teeth and says "What have you done to Masaki! Whatever you are leave him alone! NOW!" Looks at Masaki as his eyes look empty but not dead.
Soras eyes go a bright green as vines come out of the ground and wrap around 'Masakis' foot to prevent him running further, sora says "Find someone else!" He starts to get agitated, "what do you want?!"
The clones put the base into high alert lockdown and the place quickly fills up with enormous concrete statues, holding guns and strapped with c4
"Why, hmm? I have to do something real quick. I have to free someone, and I'll be on my way. But please, just let me!" He stops moving, staring at Sora.

John walks over and stares at Elizabeth. "God damn it..." He shakes her, trying to bring her awake. "Hey!"
looks at the corruption and says as I walk over to him "Free who exactly? A friend? A family member? A lover prehaps? Anyway. Dont drag my brother into it. Gove me one good reason why I should let you do this? Let you put my brother in danger?" He sighs. "If you make him go I will have to go too.... Im not leaving him"
John stares in confusion, thinking that she might have... No, she couldn't just... Screw it. John kicks her, and yells in her ear. "Wake up!"

"No, if it is too dangerous, I'll just do it myself. Please." He tries to undo the vines.
Sora looks at the corruption and says with a harsh tone "I dont care, if your using Masaki as a 'host' then I will be going with you. I need to make sure he doesnt get hurt. Just let me go with you... Not like you have a choice, i go where Masaki goes"
The corruption smiles, and looks into the distance, "Fair enough."

John looks at her, suddenly afraid. "I-I am not who you think I am!" He sits down, shaking. "He left..."
Elizabeth gives John a confused look. "W..what do you mean?...What are you talking about?..." She asked, seeming as if about to pass out again. She was barely awake and it was getting harder for to stay awake with each passing second. (@captain forever)
"Listen, I-I understand you are confused, so I am... he is coming back. The person who you thought was me... Just don't worry. Hang tight." John looked at her, thinking why could the corruption even like her...
sighs and makes the vines disappear "If any harm comes to him... I will killing you myself... So you better have a good reason to do this...." I follow the corruption cautiously
"I-I don't know... your friend... what his name... the watcher I think? He is... doing things. Damn asshole..." He looks at her, just staring. "What are you? And how did he turn me into one of you..."

The corruption finds the same place, and decides to get out of the body. He slides out of the body, and enters via sewer.
Masaki lays there unconcious but is still breathing as I go over to him and sit there poking his face to try wake him, looks to the direction of where the corruption went"hmm.... When Masaki wakes we will find out whats going on here...."
Elizabeth yawned. "What do you..." She trails of as her vision seems to repair itself, allowing her to see clearly. "What happened John? Are you ok?" She asks nervously, seeming genuinely concerned.
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