Daniel Reaving
Thirty Thousand Club
Hima giggled "you do but those words have truth in then for the symbol that resides on our hearts is one of love and life" she said with a happy smile on her face
Blake stood there on the roof of the school facing the woods and staring off into the distance "for theise days have been slow and boring" he said as he stared at the distant woods
Annabel sat there in a restaurant some where in town and ate by her self with a frown on her face a frown of lonleyness as she watched the numerous couples pass by and frowned more "should I have been into boys instead of girls" she asked her self softly
Blake stood there on the roof of the school facing the woods and staring off into the distance "for theise days have been slow and boring" he said as he stared at the distant woods
Annabel sat there in a restaurant some where in town and ate by her self with a frown on her face a frown of lonleyness as she watched the numerous couples pass by and frowned more "should I have been into boys instead of girls" she asked her self softly