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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Zenalth sighed and tossed Christopher aside, not even bothering to spare a glance. "I wouldn't say 'forgot'," he mused, dodging the attack fluidly. "More like trying to keep this fun." Silently, like a fallen angel, he stood and beckoned Zero tauntingly. "I know exactly what you are, child. It's going to take more than that to faze me." Grinning, he opened his mouth. Energy pulsated from him, resonating with the frequency of their bones. "Does it feel like you're about to explode yet?" the man murmured quietly. "Because you're about to. I haven't got the time to waste on petty things like you."
"not in the least..." he summons all his bones from his body, becoming a ghost like form. "now... Let's see if you'll like my next attack."
Christopher disappeared before the conflict had even started. Yawning, he reappeared, settled calmly upon a tree branch, just above the head of the opposition. "You know. You can't dodge everything, kid." He simply snapped his fingers, causing the earth below them all the began to shake as if it were to corrupt below them.
The man smiled, cruel and daunting. "Oh, child. I'm sure I'll enjoy it thoroughly." A little surprised at the loss of his footing, Zenalth recovered quickly enough. Wings, seemingly formed of pure energy, blinded them. He took this opportunity and flew off towards the dorms. He'd wasted enough time toying with those boys. Inside a room, Seyren's frantic heartbeat drummed erratically, trying to find rhythm within his chaos. Grinning at the taste of her terror, he smashed through the window and landed with the grace of something supernatural. "Found you, Seyren," he growled, a mad glint in his eyes.

Seyren had felt his coming before his twisted presence had tainted the very air in the room. In the back of her mind, she thanked Zero and his protective barrier around Luna. She'd only have to worry about herself, and that was daunting enough. Without hesitation, she unleashed a barrage of psychic attacks, trying in futility to break down his mental self. But he simply smiled, and grabbed her by the throat, clutching hard enough to bruise. "Enough." He pressed a kiss onto her lips, breathing his tainted essence into her and she was a limp bundle in his arms.
Christopher instinctively teleported to Seyren side before the male could even move. He took hold of Seyren, disappearing just as he did so. He hadn't the time to grab Luna, and knew she had already been protected by a barrier. Knowing this, he took Seyren, reappearing with her in his arms in an unknown location on a rooftop. "Dammit he's fast." Turning his gaze downward to Seyren, he grit his teeth. "Wake up. I made it in time."
Zero appears where luna and seyren were. "surprise, when I'm a ghost I don't got no eyes! So your little blinding distractions won't do shit." he goes to shadow of travel away, feeling that he successfully taunted him, especially after he didn't successfully aquire seyren.
Seyren blinked open her eyes groggily. The world was blurry and her head hurt. She felt like she'd been caught in a hurricane. "Where is he?" she croaked, trying to stand on shaky legs. "Where's everyone else? Are they okay? Did he hurt you?" Rapidly, she raked him over with her eyes, checking for wounds. But before she'd had the chance to do anything, Zenalth materialised on the rooftop.

"Really, you pesky insects are a lot more annoying than I'd thought." His voice was menacing, brimming with unspoken threats. "Enough playing around then." His expression grew dark as he muttered under his breath. "She's mine, in more ways than you can imagine." Seyren moved then. Her body was fluid, but her expression was dead. There was no doubt about it; she was being controlled, puppeteered by Zenalth. "Come here, Seyren. Let us go home."
Zero appears next to Zenalth, grabbing his shadow. "if you even try to move... I'll kill you faster than a clock could tick a second." he grasps firmly, obviously not going to budge. "if I rip this shadow from you... You will die. Not even a god could avoid it."
"I don't doubt you," Zenalth says, keeping his calm. "But I can exact the same fate on our little girl here. Kill me, and Seyren dies too. What's it gonna be, child?"
Christopher took hold of her again, disappearing once more. This time, he hadn't reappeared, but remained in an alternate plain of which only he himself could access and nobody or nothing could infiltrate. Huffing, he sighed, laying Seyren down on the grass below. "Regardless of what he does, he can't come here." He then took a moment to throw water on her face. "Get up. Nows not the time for relaxing." He then balled his fists together. "Dammit...Luna's out there..."

Luna sat blankly staring at the damages of the events taken place in front of her. Sha had little time to react, for when she tried to, they were all already gone. Huffing, she stood, sauntering off to the courtyard in order to get a better glimpse of the situation. She hadn't the slightest idea of what exactly was going on.
Once he took Zenalth again, he ripped only half of his shadow, ripping a half of his torso with a large clean cut, unfixable unless the shadow was reattached. "now... Tell me why you're trying to capture her, or the rest of your life go bye bye." he said it with all seriousness, and he wouldn't be afraid to do it either.
Zenalth cursed. Even with his powers and abilities, tackling two of them at once was difficult. "I'm just following orders, kid," he confessed, cocking his head mockingly. "Nox wants her alive for further research. She's the only success we've ever had, you see. Now, we want to know why. Once the secret's unlocked, well..." He trailed off and chuckled. "It would finally satiate our hungers. Unlike you, our powers aren't natural. We feed off energies, souls, emotions. But if we could create more psychics, feeding off their energies would be like achieving a new high." He grinned then, a cruel thing. "And yes, it would kill them. That's where all the fun lies. Even if I die, Nox will send someone else. Eventually, he'll come himself. You're better off without her."
"Well... Thank you for clarifying. Now that I have a name, you've outlived your usefulness. I'll enjoy torturing your shadow." he completes the rip, shredding it in half, and the part that'd left attached slowly sinks into the ground. The result would have him slowly withering, then nothing left but dust, that then drifts into the wind.
Luna sat in the courtyard, calmly nibbling upon her bowl of ice cream. She was completely surprised that Seyren had knowledge of her favorite ice cream, which both made her happy and surprised her. Kicking her feet as she enjoyed her treat, she hummed to herself, awaiting the return of the others.
Sitting a few feet away from Luna was Tenax sitting their all alone and looking annoyed. Finally he snapped yelling "YO KEEP IT DOWN!" as he hit the table he was sitting at, causing it to crack "SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO HAVE SOME QUITE!"
Luna blinked, turning her marbled blue gaze over to the male sitting only a mere few feet from her own location. She was quite baffaled by his sudden outburst and demand. To her, it was an act of pure idiocy of which should deserve no attention. Realizing this, she rolled her irises, turning her attention back to the ice cream held in her lap.
Hearing these words, Luna slowly rose to her feet, disregarding her treat. "Insult me, and you die." Automatically, her irises went from their peaceful marbled blue shade, to a deathening bloodied crimson red as she slowly approached the arrogant male, staring him down completely.
"Go ahead and kill me then" said Tenax in a monotone voice. "At least when I'm dead I wont have to live a cursed life anymore. His yellow eyes meeting hers. After a few moments of standing there he walked past her going for some ice. He started to eat the ice, while stating "Besides dragons don't die easily" he said leaving a small quick smirk on his face.
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She raised her brow all while continuing to look at him. "Why do you test me?" Clearly there was aggravation heard in her voice, herself resting her hands on her bloodied hips. She had forghotten all about her dampened and blood stained clothes while she left, only being concern of her ice cream."Dragon."
"Test? I do not know what you mean" stated Tenax not understanding what she meant. After pausing for a moment he then continues with "I would check on those wounds if I were you" while chewing his Ice. "Blood attracts predators."
Luna rolled her irises, folding her arms under her chest as he spoke. She didn't need him to be concerned about her own affairs. "That's none of your business." Shaking her head, she raised her brow, continuing to watch him.
After about a minute of silence he then quietly admitted to his defeat saying "Sorry" pulling one of his hands from his pocket to lower his scarf. He walked to the bowl that had fallen and picked it up. He then quickly asked "What type of ice cream do you like?"
"Chocolates her favorite." Zero appears next to Luna, holding a brand new bowl of chocolate ice cream, handing it to her. "So you're a dragon? That's interesting... I have a similar trait." He laughs, at the realization it's not really his power to turn into a dragon.
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