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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Luna stared calmly at the water mumbling to herself. "He'll be here soon...I don't want him to see...not yet..." A frightened tone was barely heard in her voice as she spoke. She was somewhat shaky about the entire situation playing out inside her mind as time passed on. Her fists balled up as she continued to think, a single crystal clear tear dripping off her face and into the water.

Christopher remained in his posted position, dropping himself in front of the two 'friends'. He stared at them both blankly, his face showing no sign of emotion whatsoever. "Leave her be." He spoke sternly, making sure they left her alone.
Zero whispers, "I'm no dumb ass. Why do you think I kept my distance from the bank? Listen, I might despise you, but I know that you know of her interests as much or more than I do. I just came to say, that when she's in the mood, tell her I'm at the school." He holds out a black marble, placing it in his hands. "When she's ready to go back to the school, tell her to step on it. It's destination is set for the front of the building." He taps seyren, in a "we're leaving" kind of way, and starts walking, not looking back.
The Watcher smiles, pressing a button on his headset. "What it does is suck a soul out of a body and become a flesh body to contain said soul." The statue starts to absorb John's soul.

(@captain forever)
Claudius enters the school as he continues to walk he was wondering why he can't feel any presence he thought he was alone but expecting there will be someone.
"What?! What the-Why are you doing this?" John tries to break free, but can't he is trapped, and feels himself losing consciousness.
Seyren was reluctant to leave Luna when she seemed so vulnerable. But the look on Christopher and Zero's faces gave her all the reassurances she could need. They knew her. She simply had to trust them. With a backward glance at the lone girl by the river, she followed Zero back into the woodlands. Somehow, his mood seemed to have shifted. She didn't ask any questions, but that was before the temptation to know grew unbearable. The trio's emotions were all over the place; she could sense it in her psychic web. Finally, she put an arm on Zero's shoulder and stopped his brisk pace. "Is she going to be okay? Are you?"
AquaSly said:
Aqua nodded smiling as she wiped the tears that continued to roll down his cheeks,"Well I'm glad you're still able to smile and laugh, without those you can't enjoy life without them.."
She thought a bit as she said blankly,"Don't you think your life is like the poem you just told me just now?"

Her ears twitched as she stared at him.
I chuckle and look up at you "sometimes yes but other times no" I get to the same height as you and I give you a hug.
Zero's eyes are a deep stormy gray now. "Since christodead is there, she'll be fine.... It pisses me off beyond belief, but christodead knows how to help calm her." He sighs, walking through the woods, when it suddenly hits him on how pretty Seyren actually was. Before he could think of it in his head though he bangs his head against a tree, drawing blood. "I just went insane for a few moments there.... Sorry." He continues walking, thinking Why would I even think that? I'm a Luna radical, and I plan to keep it that way. He sighs, forgetting for just that moment about her mind reading abilities.
Seyren yelped at Zero's sudden movements. Rocks and fallen branches levitated as she flinched; the instinct to survive and eliminate threats making her jumpy. With a shaky laugh, she let the debris fall. "Jeez!" she sighed, worry overriding her initial irritation. "You know, I really don't think doing that is helping your precariously low IQ." She laughed nervously, trailing behind him. Quietly, she tore a strip off her shirt and reached out a hand to spin him around to face her. Trying very hard not to think on his conflicted inner thoughts, she wrapped up his bleeding wound. "It's not a major wound, but..." She shrugged. As they continued walking, she couldn't help but blush. He thinks I'm pretty... But the shy happiness was quickly chased away by thoughts of Luna. It doesn't matter.
Luna sighed, turning her gaze into the direction of Christopher standing alone. She wasn't quite sure what he was doing, but from her knowledge, it had to be for her benefit. Breaking her gaze from Chris, she turned her gaze back to her hands. Instantly, she let out a loud cry of intense pain, blood staining her hands all while a sharp object impaled her from behind. She couldn't turn around, she couldn't move, she couldn't let out a single other sound. Nothing but a bloodied tear ran down her cheek as the sharp object slowly and painfully exited her body. Once it did, her body fell sideways, tumbling into the water as it did. Blood was continuously moving and flowing from her mid torso.

Christopher's eyes shot over to Luna's location, instant surge of protection shedding his nerves. He then disappeared, only to reappear at the scene of the crime. He retracted his sword, quickly cutting through the air, only to reveal an enemy rival of the kingdom. He grit his teeth, shoving his sword downward into the mans torso. "You've harmed my princess. Why?" He was clearly infuriated harm was beung to the one he was sworn to protect.

"That's none of your concern, Christopher. You cursed guardian." The man growled, shading his pain behind his anger for being caught. "It was bound to happen. She will die whether you protect her or not, kid." With that he chuckled, laughing menacingly, just as his body began to disappear. "I will return...with more."
He lets her bandage his head, even though it's not needed because of his powers. However, he then flinched slightly, a serious tone on his face. Suddenly, it then changes back to normal. "you better be doing your job Christodead, or I won't forgive you." he sighs, and continues walking down the forest. All of a sudden, a large momma bear comes from behind the trees, obviously trying to protect the cubs they stumbled across on accident. Zero then steals the Bears shadow, replacing it with his own. He becomes a large black bear, then growling back. Finally, after a long stand off, the bear decides not to start a fight, walking away with her cubs. Zero returns it's shadow, and continues walking.
Seyren lingered on the verge of telepathically commanding the bear to retreat, but Zero proved more than capable of handling himself. As the animal lumbered away, she breathed a sigh of relief. They continued down the path in comfortable silence, but with every step, she was feeling increasingly ill at ease. Nausea washed over her and she stumbled before tossing her head to the side and promptly throwing up. "Something's wrong," she muttered, swaying with dizziness. "This area... It feels wrong. I can't go in there." Dimly, her psychic web picked up on the traces of someone else's aura. Another psychic's. She didn't recognise it, but it felt oddly familiar.

Shaking and clammy with sweat, Seyren also picked on something else. Bloodshed. Her web reverberated with it. Blood rushed in her ears to the drumbeat of a battle hymn. With effort, she traced it back to... "Luna," she gasped, trying to fight off the splitting headache. Her proximity to this strange place was quickly taking its toll. "Luna... Trouble.. Go!"
Christopher released his hold on the sword of which he had piecered through the mans torso, causing it to disappear as he did so. Huffing, he then turned his attention to the area of which he had left Luna. She was...gone? This truly puzzled Christopher for a few moments. Once realizing what had happened he couldn't help but growl and punch his hand into the earth below him, shouting at himself. "Dammit! He was fast." He then took off, disappearing within seconds of this action. He reappeared in another sense of universe, standing on the roof of a castle, mumbling to himself. "This...is where they took her..." Christopher's eyes turned crimson red, a strong sense of anger engulfing him.

Luna, finally awoke in what seemed to be some sort of...room? She had no clue of where she could possibly be at the moment. Instinctively, her gaze hiut downward towards her once impaled torso, which was now bandaged with a white sort of material that was damaged with her blood. Grunting, she sat up, shifting her gaze repetitively around the premises of the room. "Where...is this?" She took a moment to contemplate the places she could be, before freezing in fear. "N-no....not...here...." A clearly made tear ran down her right cheek once she realized where she was. It was her family's enemy castle. The family that wanted to force her to marry their son at the tender age of 5, and would kill her if they ever found her again. She shuddered, clinging to herself, afraid of what was to come of her.
Zero stopped Seyren, not grabbing her but simply putting a hand in front of her. "Seyren, I'm about to use my last option to save Luna. However, this is something not even she has seen me do before. When I do this, you will hate me afterwards, utterly despising me and cursing me to the ends of the earth." His face sunk, then saying "It's been nice having a second friend, but i'll have to use my powers as an enhanced reaper..." He becomes 10 feet tall, all skin and flesh melting off of him, decaying into mushrooms and insects. Flame replaces his eyes, and his cloak grows bigger along with him. His long double ended scythe appears in his hand, and he swiftly slams it into the ground, opening what appears to be a strange black portal, still as glass. "I'm able to sense Luna's location... because it is soon my time to reap her shadow. However, I shall not allow this to happen." While he is in his new form, any nearby beings will see their worst fear flash before their eyes repeatedly, Zero being the lead of the nightmares. He steps through the portal, then appearing next to christopher. Confused, he asks "Where the hell is Luna? I put a tracker on her and it should have led me to he- Or... right. you two sharing the same form... Dammit." He stood their in awkward silence, giving christopher repeated visions of all the different ways Luna could possibly die.
Seeing these visions, Christopher balled his hands into extremely tight fists. Holding them to the point where he made himself bleed. "Dammit!" He punched the roof below him, causing a hole to be made. He then settled back on the edge of the roof, contemplating his next move. "I don't know what room she's in....but I know she's in that castle." He kept his gaze focused on a castle just a few yards away from where they stood. He was purely enraged and truly disqusted with himself all in the same. He allowed himself to get distracted with one of them, which allowed an opening for two others to grab Luna to his demise.

Luna sat silently on the bed inside the room she was placed in. Slowly lifting her head from its position between her legs, she glanced about at the walls. "No windows.." That simply made her situation worse. She couldn't see where she was and how far away she was from the others. Having no true sense of location, she slowly slid out of the bed, disregarding the pain in her torso. She made her way directly to the door, tugging on it as she attempted escape. Seeing as though the door way locked from the outside, Ashe clearly wouldn't be able to get out. Cursing her situation, she huffed, kicking at the door with all the strength she had left.
The Watcher sighs and presses another button on his headset, causing the statue to become an actual body capable of sustaining life. "I'm doing this because I can. No other reason." He says calmly, hoping that John stays conscious so that he doesn't lose time for conducting experiments.
"Don't blame yourself too much for this christopher, all it means is you need to train harder." Zero then sends tiny threads of shadow into the castle, using it as a scouting tool to find out where luna is. After a while, the threads come back, red marking all over them. Zero groans, and then says "Christopher, I'm going to blindly trust you and your stealth capabilities right now. I'll go to the plaza, and create a distraction. While I do this, you go follow the markings on the floor. They'll lead to Luna's room, and hopefully she's hanging on." He jumps off the roof, landing and then walking into the middle of the plaza. The guards yell and run up "Don't move!" Zero grins, and their shadows are instantly torn in half, even though zero doesn't move a muscle. The guards then suddenly have a paralyzed look on their faces, as their actual torso is ripped in half, sliding off their bodies. Guards flood the area, attempting to attack him.

(OOC: The Dark Princess, if there are any special types of guards that I will encounter let me know.)
Seyren blinked in confusion at Zero's strange words. Reaper? "Zero, what're--" she broke off, feeling every nerve in her body shoot into hypersensitivity. Memories flooded her mind even as her psychic barriers strove to drive away the nightmarish terrors. Her walls crumbled, leaving her prey to her darkest fears. She was back at the Lab, staring into the fluorescent lights, into cruel eyes. Her nerves were on fire. She was burning up. "Disappointing," they crooned. "Test subject is unresponsive." She parted her lips to scream, but the scene dissipated before her eyes. Shaking with fear, Seyren looked around. Zero was gone.

"Dammit," she cursed. She attempted to teleport, but the psychic force in the area was too suffocating. Without any other choice, Seyren stumbled along the path they'd come from, ending up at the scene of the crime: the river. Weak as she was, she couldn't just stand around while Luna was endangered. Here goes. She rounded up her energy and, using Luna's spilt blood as an anchor, teleported to the princess.
The Watcher appears in the room holding a syringe behind his back and shakes his head. "No." He starts slowly walking towards John.
(@Zylvia , I'm just gonna' say that might end up not being the smartest move... Just saying.)

All of a sudden, in the distance from the castle on all horizons, a flood of black water rushes towards the castle, filled with skulls. Zero transfers into a ghost like form, spinning rapidly around the entire castle, slowly withering away at the outside contents. Once the water reaches the castle, it melts any living life forms outside. However, the water does not seep into the castle even if there are any open windows. Zero finally submits to his powers, allowing them to take control. Bats fly over head in circles like vultures stalking dying pray, and the water dies down, seeping into the ground. Now, swarms of tarantula's flood the ground, devouring any remains.
Christopher followed the said markings into the castle and eventually to the room of which Luna was being held. The only problem was, the door was locked. This seemed to be easily resolved, which made Chris all the more uneasy. He knew something had to be up, if retrieving Luna was to be this easy. Disregarding his knowledge, he kicked down the door, frantically looking about for Luna. Once spotting her sprawled out on the flood in a pool of her own blood, he instinctively lifted her up into his arms, carrying her back in the same direction of which he came.

Luna's eyelids fluttered open from above her irises. They seemed to be a deathly grew shade, one of which showed how weak she currently was. Her lips parted to speak as she was lifted from her oddly comfortable position on the floor, he clothing being soaked with both water and blood. Squinting, she realized who her rescuer was. She knew she would be alright now, as long as she knew who had come for her. Letting out a tiresome effort of a sigh, she allowed her eyelids to cover her hues once more, falling unconscious once again.
(( @PixelScoreMC Oh well, too late to do anything about it now :P .. Maybe not, actually xD ))

In the dimension between dimensions, Seyren searched frantically for signs of Luna, Zero and Christopher. Disoriented and weakened as she was, working out the exact mechanisms was taking longer than usual. She cried out in frustration, feeling useless in her friends' time of need. She didn't know how long it took for her to trace their locations. It felt like hours had passed. Fearlessly, she gazed into the chaos of the world and was greeted by a reassuring and frightful sight. Zero stood outside a grand castle, exuding power. Christopher was with Luna. Though she appeared injured, she was also very much alive. Seyren breathed a sigh of relief. They've got it covered here. I'm just going to a liability in my current state. Reluctantly, she travelled back to the forest, deciding to investigate the strange psychic force.

Nox Anvulus watched Seyren through his mind's eye with increasing pleasure. Her actions were rash and foolhardy, but her powers were maturing better than he'd expected. "Yes," a voice behind him murmured, almost giddy with excitement. "She was a special one." Smiling cruelly, he nodded. "Indeed. She will serve our purposes excellently." With a dismissive wave, he muttered, "Fetch her. Alive."
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