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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Zero busts a hole through the wall at the end of the hallway, summoning a portal in it. "Christopher, quickly run through! The castle is about to collapse, and this will teleport you to the school. I'm right behind you." He holds it open, waiting for him to run through with Luna.
Christopher did just as Zero said, for once. Zimming through the portal while holding Luna safely and securely in his arms as he did so. He was more so concerned for Luna's safety then his own, and would do whatever it took to keep her safe and out of harm. Disregarding the fact he himself was injured, he used the best of his ability to place her in a comfortable spot, regrettably, in Zeros room. Laying her carefully on the bed.
Zenalth may not have the useful ability of tracking others via psychic auras, but he had something much, much better. As he walked towards the school Seyren had foolishly enrolled in, he could feel his every muscle thrumming with the thrill of the hunt. She'd hide. He'd chase. Already, the thoughts of her palpable fear fed him, encouraged him. And when he succeeded, as he undoubtedly would, Nox would give him what he'd searched for his entire life. A shudder ran through him at the thought. He was so close. All he had to do was bring the stupid experiment back home. "I'm coming for you, Seyren," he whispered to the wind, knowing she'd hear.

Seyren walked around the area, staying just far enough to avoid the effects of the psychic shield. It was already her fifth scout of the place, but that didn't reveal anything. The place looked as ordinary as ordinary could be. What the hell is going on? But all thoughts of that disappeared when she picked up that familiar voice in the wind. Cold, paralysing dread coursed through her. He was still distant. She still had time. Her mind worked at a thousand miles a minute. He can't find me if I stay on the run. I have to pack up and leave. NOW. Panicky and scared, she tore off at a sprint towards the dorms, not trusting her emotions enough to teleport. Run.
Christopher sensed more danger. Although Luna wasnt fully awake, he had to go. Sighing, he disappeared, reappearing at Seyren's side. Taking her hand, he refused to allow her any moment to speak or even try to escape his grasp. He then disappeared once more, taking Seyren along with him. Eventually, they both returned at the side of the bed of which Luna was laid in previously. "Stay here. Don't move." He spoke sternly to Seyren, refusing to allow her to catch any harm as well. After speaking, he didn't wait for a response before speaking again. "Watch her." He then disappeared again.
Seyren barely had time to react at Christopher's handling of her before she was whipped away to Luna's bedside. For a moment, her own fears and troubles fled her mind. She gazed down at the girl, vulnerable and unconscious, somehow seeming much younger than her years. Quietly, she asked, "How is she?" She turned, but Christopher was already gone. Seyren bit her lip, feeling the loss of her newfound friendships already. And I haven't even left yet. Steely and cold, she turned away without another word and made to leave the room. Zenalth's hunt for her would involve them all, and that was simply a risk she couldn't take.
Zero is waiting next to the door, arms crossed, then turning to look at seyren. "So, let me guess. You came here, enjoying friendship, then realizing that you were still part of some scheme of someone elses and feel like you need to keep running away from your problems, which is why you want to neglect us now." He walks out in front of her, and puts his forehead to hers. In her mind, he says "I'll break this emotional barrier of yours, and any pursuers. So quit running from your problems." He leans back now, hoping she'll find resolve.
Seyren had been expecting Zero to try and stop her, but it didn't ease the anger that bubbled within her. "I'm not neglecting you," she growled, growing increasingly uneasy as Zenalth's violent presence lurked closer. "I'm trying to protect you. Someone's coming for me. Someone dangerous. You think you're powerful, Zero? You are, but he's something else. I've never..." She broke off at his touch, surprised at the intimacy. Seyren blushed and resisted the urge to reestablish the contact. "I can't stay. I can't involve all of you." Gently, she placed a hand on his cheek. "I don't want you to get hurt." She glanced back at Luna. "Or her. Or Christopher. While I'm around, nobody here is safe." I'm trying to do the right thing, she whispered in his mind.
Zero laughs, and says "So, you think that this all mighty beast, you're capable of handling by yourself? Don't make me laugh. All you have are teleportation abilities, and can bend them on other objects apart from yourself. Trying to handle what you think you're talking about? That's funny." He looks her straight in the eyes now, his eyes a deep green. "I am strong, and I could most likely handle him. If I couldn't however.... I have a population of billions of shadows to help me. I won't fully die until they're all dead... There is one loop hole, but I never will utter it to anyone." He lifts her chin up to look directly at him. "So, will you accept help? Zero the Hero is willing to oblige." He chuckles, quoting it from her earlier statement in the forest.
Chris shook his head, reappearing posted up against the wall nearby. He had been watching the two, but hadn't made his presence known. "Enough flirting you two." He rolled his irises, before turning his gaze upward. "He's coming. You two go and watch over Luna." He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. "If she happens to wake up and see you two like that, it'll be hell" Be waited for a response, or at least for them to start moving. He hasn't the time to be worried about the both of them. He already had to much on his plate with Luna's depleting health. Frustrated, he stared them both down, waiting.
"You finally came out, I was waiting for you to stop hiding." He walks up to christopher, then saying "Look... I may, MAY, have gained the slightest bit of respect for you. Look, I know I can trust you to save her when I'm not there... so I feel at ease now." He then summons a dark spherical ball, similar to the one he gave her before but with gold markings. "Crush this, and poor the dust over her wounds... it will heal her." He returns to his original form, now standing in the doorway. "When she wakes up, tell her I love her, more than anything." He disappears, leaving nothing but a rabbit skull where he was standing.
Christopher grit his teeth together, clearly agitated. He then mumbled to himself. "Always trying to play hero." Shaking his head, he disappeared as well, leaving Seyren to be the one to determine whether Luna lives or dies. Chris himself hadn't put much thought into his decision, but decided he may as well let something happen to bond those two together.
Zenalth smiled as the crest of the hill approached. Once he was on the other side, he'd see it. The majestic school. Even from this altitude, it looked spectacular. He could see the appeal. The air hummed with all kinds of strange energies. It set his nerves on fire. Greedily, he licked his lips, soaking up the fear and terror that hung like a veil over the school. "I'm coming for you, Seyren," he whispered again, chuckling darkly as he sped down the hill. Soon... Soon, he'd have that pesky girl back where she belonged. And I'll have my beloved back where she belongs - by my side.

Seyren's heart sank as Christopher disappeared after Zero. As much as she wanted to join in the fight, Luna's fate rested in her hands. Cursing violently, she strode purposefully back into the dimly lit room and did as Zero had instructed, waiting with trepidation for the girl to open her eyes. Please let this work.
Luna was comepltely still. No sign of any configurating movements coming from her body. She laid there, as pale as she usually was, both eyelids locked tight over her eyes as if they weren't willing to open. Seconds passed, minutes, possibly even a long awaited hour before anything was seen moving on her body. The first thing to move, were the fingers on her right hand, slowly twitching as time continued to fly. Then eventually, her left hand began to allow its fingers to move as well. As time progressed, her eyelids began to vibrate, just as the wound in her torso began sealing itself up. The blood was still there, as well as her dampened clothes and etc., but she was healing. Eventually, her eyelids shot open, just as she sat up, heaving in a huge breath of air as her heart began beating hastily. Frantically, still subjected to the fear she experienced while being held captive, she scurried and tumbled out of the bed, forcing herself into a nearby corner. She didn't care to take the time to see where she was or who she was with, but simply wanted to get away.

Christopher sighed in relief. Eventually reappearing to stand on the tops of the roof, he stood there, taking a few moments to calm his once worried mind. Now focusing his gaze on this seemingly treacherous fellow of which was coming after one of his newfound f-...acquaintance, he rolled his irises. He found it quite irritating that every day something was happening at this school. This truly was a mistake of the royal family to send the princess to such a school. Shaking his head, he shook off the thought, now focusing his attention on protecting the girls.
Zero then talks again, in the middle of the doorway. "Well well, looks like she has a heart. Bravo." He claps slowly and sarcastically, then saying "I was here the whole time... nice vocabulary you got there, might compete with mine." He laughs, then realizes Luna is over in a corner, saying "Luna... are you okay? We saved you, and we're currently in my room, we're not at the castle anymore." He waits, hoping she isn't broken or anything.
Seyren couldn't keep the hurt from her voice as she said, "Did you really think I didn't have a heart? Thanks, Zero." Watching his concern over Luna warmed her heart, but it also left a dull ache that she wished would disappear. Focusing on anything but the two, she reached out to Christopher telepathically. Christopher, be careful. And promise me something. If it comes down to it, I'll go with him. Your duty is to protect the princess. She needs you. Promise me?

Zenalth ignored the boy who watched his every move. It was almost funny. Opposition so far from the academy. Well done, Seyren. Who'd have thought a lab rat could make friends? Carelessly, he strode down the hillside, rapidly approaching the elitist school. He stopped at the gates, and whipped around with such speed it caused a small tornado. "Kid, you going to hide all day or what?"
Luna's gaze shot up from the floor, focusing completely on Zero. Having blurry eyesight, she could only barely see him. Even so, she was just as happy to have that little visual of him. Regardless of how much she pushed it back, tears began to stream continuously down her face. She unfolded herself, but remained in the corner. Every single strike of fear came back on her in that single moment, her body allowing itself to pour out all her tears all at once.

Christopher couldn't help but chuckle. Instead of responding telepathically, he simply spoke aloud. "Don't worry about me. Focus on Luna." He was the quiet for a few moments, averting his gaze to the nuisance below him, of which seemed to be spinning. "Shut up? You aren't going with him." He was silent again before mumbling his last words. "You're too cute to be imprisoned." He then fell silent, jumping down from his position, only to stand in front of the intruder.
Zero's internal danger alarm went off, "Luna isn't safe here." He summoned a black barrier, encasing her entire body, that will prevent her from physical harm. "It's going to have to do for now... Someone with hostile intent got on campus grounds, and is approaching swiftly." He hugged Luna, possibly for the last time. "Luna... I love you more than anything, So don't make me reap your shadow yet, you got that?" He kisses her, tears streaming down his cheeks. She's gonna be alright... Everything will be okay... He appears next to Christopher who is standing infront of the intruder, now calmed and collected. "What's the game plan christopher?"
Zenalth laughed aloud. Did these two children think they could take him on? "The game plan, boy, is handing over what I seek. Do that, and I'll be kind enough to leave without a hassle." His cold, slate grey eyes glinted dangerously in the light and for a split second, fear struck into the hearts of every citizen of the academy. "Seyren Valentine. Hand her over."

Seyren approached Luna tentatively, fearing another breakdown from the girl. She understood all too well the horrors of the past coming back to haunt. "Hey," she began gently, sitting outside the barrier Zero had erected. "Remember that promise I made about ice cream?" Smiling gently, she held out a hand, palm side up, where a fresh pot of ice cream sat. "Shame I can't give it to you. Zero would murder me for breaching the barrier." With a soft sigh, she leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. "Sorry about what happened. Sorry I can't comfort you."
Luna's eyes stared tentively at the bowl of ice cream. She herself reached out to grab the said bowl, extending the barrier as she did so. Once taking hold of the ice cream, she began to stick her tongue out and lick it happily. Earlier, she was hugged by a crying Zero, which was really all she needed in order to lift her heavily burdened spirits.

Christopher shurgges his shoulders, carefully shoving his hands deep into the front pockets of his jeans. "Look. I've had enough shit for one day." He rolled his irises at the male having the nerve to demand an action from him. Gritting his teeth, he couldn't help but grimace. "And you're trying to boss me." He then paused, opening his eyelids to reveal bloodied crimson irises, ones of which held a burning blue flame at their center. "I don't like being bossed."
Seyren smiled at Luna's seemingly raised spirits. "Glad to see you're enjoying that," she remarked casually. Inside, her emotions churned. She should be out there, fighting her own battles. Not sitting inside babysitting. But logic told her what her heart would not - that she'd be nothing but a burden with her current prowess. Frustrated, she sighed and raked a hand through her hair.

Zenalth sighed, as if sorely disappointed. "I guess we're going to have to play this the hard way, huh?" Casually, he lifted a hand. "Your loss." Without warning, and faster than the eye could see, he grabbed Christopher by the throat, and tossed him effortlessly into the air. A spear that seemed to be made of pure energy materialised in his hand and, with a dark chuckle that bordered on madness, he thrust it into the man's shoulder and twisted.
The Watcher smiles and appears right in front of John stabbing him in the arm with the syringe and injecting the liquid into John. "That was a powerful sedative. You should fall asleep sometime in the next ten seconds, which will allow me to do a few more experiments." He says calmly.
"forgot someone bitch." Zero appears behind him, and thrusts a ball of dark metal about 10 feet in circumference, right onto his head, hopefully sending him to the ground.
DragonStorm said:
I chuckle and look up at you "sometimes yes but other times no" I get to the same height as you and I give you a hug.
Aqua's ears twitched as she hugged back, her tail wagging like a dog.
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