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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Sorry to say, but there is no room that can contain this beast." He chuckles, and then quickly notes "It's probably not the smartest Idea to cover his eyes..."
Luna's heartbeat increased as he did so, herself growing flustered completely. Her sides began to tingle as he touched her, both from ticklishness and nervousness. "Z-Z-Z-Zero.." She squirmed, fumbling with her fingers in an attempt to ignore his actions.

Christopher was truly prepared to slit Zeros throat at the sight of such actions. But before he could react, his eyes were covered. Realizing this, he instantly raised his hand, tightly grabbing hold of the girls arm before her hand rested completely over his eyes. "If you want your arm, you'd stop."
Seyren froze. It'd been ages since anyone had grabbed her. Not since the Lab. Panic welled up inside her, strong currents threatening to break her carefully constructed persona. She shivered visibly, fighting the urge to attack him. In her unstable state, bushes and little animals began disappearing and reappearing erratically. Seyren tried to quell her fear, certain that the others could smell the stench. In her nostrils, she smelt the antiseptic of the Lab, felt their hands grabbing onto her, tying her down... "NO!" she screamed, shoving Christopher away from her roughly. Branches launched themselves at him, sharpening into spears in midair. Shrieks and terrified screams resonated in her mind, pulsating out to everyone around her. She wrestled for control, knowing that this was exactly the panic attack she'd always feared. "NO, STOP! STOP! HELP ME!" she yelled at the scientists in her memories. "DON'T DO THIS, PLEASE. HELP ME!"
Zero summons barriers in the air, making the spears disintegrate, and he quickly shadow travels up to her, quickly tapping her shoulder. Suddenly, they appear in a plain, deserted field, no objects in sight but horizon in every direction. he slides, breathing heavily. He then takes a drink from his cloak, drinking the contents. "You're fine now, I don't know what you've gone through but he's gone, no one will harm you now." He makes his voice as calming as possible, not wanting her to try and attack him.
Christopher didn't budge at all. He simply stood there, closing his eyelids over his hues,waiting for the said branches to impale his form. As they did, he reopened his irises, scanning the premises before turning his attention back to the girl. He had felt nothing at all. Oddly enough, both the girl and Zero were gone. Chris found this to be no surprise, and turned his attention to Luna. "We're leaving now, Princessa. It is not safe for you." With that, he went over, lifting her form into his arms effortlessly.

Luna blinked, scanning the premises with her own gaze as he did so. She had no idea of what had just happened, but she did happen to catch a small glimpse. She did wonder where the two had gone off to, but was still flustered by Zeros actions against her earlier. Contemplating it all as Christopher carried her away.
(clarification, we aren't ACTUALLY in a field, it's an alternate realm in the same location as we currently already are, basically, we're still there, but in our minds. How trippy is that?!? :D )
(Shhh. Let it happen. That will be used for future references. And plus the fact I already know that xD Just wanted an excuse to have Christopher do something)
Seyren squeezed her eyes shut and focused on calming her ragged breaths. It wasn't working. She could still feel their dirty paws on her skin, could still feel the injections and electrocutions. Like a crazed animal, she swatted at her arms, distraught. Focus, she told herself sternly. Trying to put her meditating to practice. Focus on breathing. 1, 2... 1, 2... Slowly, she returned to a level of coherent sanity. Still trembling, she turned to Zero. "I'm... I'm really sorry about that." Her voice lost it's usual confidence and chirp. Instead she sounded exactly as she felt inside - terrible. "But, uh, thanks for the save, zero hero." She managed a weak smile. "Looks like you've got the coolness to match your emo looks." She joked, crossing her arms over her chest in a pitiful self-hug so her shaking wouldn't be so obvious.

(And that's pretty damn cool :D What's it called, the Shadow Realm? :P Sorry, I had to xD )
John walks around exploring the room. "Can you keep secrets?" John looks around looking for cameras or anything.

(@AriaThe Watcher)
The area around them crumbles, and the original landscape they were in returns. He walks up to her, then bringing her into a hug, hoping luna won't mind. "We're all scared of something, so you don't need to hide your weakness in front of us." Zero is usually always a nice, warming temperature, and he says that with sincerity, and truthfulness. Of course, he mainly did this because he knows that the past can be unbearable... which is why he looks to the present now, not the past.

(And yes... it's called... the shadow realm.... >.>)
Luna pointed to the two standing and talking. "See? Now put me down." She then turned her gaze to Christopher as he continued to carry her off. She wasn't quite sure why exactly he found it too dangerous for her to be around the two. To her, it was extremely irrational.

Christopher sighed, walking a few feet further off before halting at a nearby riverbank. He set her down upon a flattened topped rock, posting himself firmly at her side afterwards. Being sure not to alert the others of their newfound location. He couldn't tolerate an unstable person around Luna.
Seyren hugged him back almost robotically. It felt strange to be in control of her body again. Like it does every time. She sighed, and moved back to gaze Zero in the eyes. "I--" she began, but thought better of it and changed the subject. "Thank you for helping me." She smiled, and changed the subject again. "Nice eyes, by the way. Changing colours and all that. I can totally see you threatening bunnies and kittens."
Zero blushes slightly, looking away. "Shut up... " It's not like I wanted to be born killing bunnies or kittens... He sighs, then realizing that christopher, and Luna, are both gone. "Did you see christodead or Luna leave? I'm usually aware of these things... but something is disorienting my tracking ability." He summons a stick from the ground, then dropping it. It falls a direction, and Zero says "Thata' way. Come on, we'll go for a walk." he picks up his stick, waiting for her to catch up.
Seyren's smile dropped when she tuned into Zero's finer emotions and his thoughts. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean... It was just a..." she broke off, not sure how to word it properly. "I'm sorry." She settled for that and followed him silently through the woods. She'd been the one to start all the conversations. It was time to give the steering wheel to Zero.
Luna turned her gaze towards Christopher, before averting her gaze back to the water. "Did you....bring me here purposefully?" She blinked, finally allowing Christopher's intentions to sink in. It seemed as though he didn't want her to sit bored, but rather wanted her to observe what she lobed most. This fact enlightened her once dull mood, brining a soft gaze to her irises.

Christopher said nothing, knowing she already knew the answer judging by her reactions. Satisfied with his actions, he began to reminesce upon the past events with the girl. He was somewhat curious as to why she reacted in such a way. But all in the same more so agitated with Zero.
"Don't worry, I know you can read thoughts, I didn't say it out loud earlier though... for luna's sake." As they were walking, he explained "Luna... has a touchy past. If she realized you could read thoughts, she'd be very uncomfortable around you." He continued walking, a powerful and authoritative part in his stride. Not on purpose, but simply from habit.
"The reason I was gone because... I had to renew something. It keeps my memories, and return, it gives me intelligence, plus as a bonus, a few powers. Two of them cannot live in a body, which is why the other one was destroyed. This one has been with me all my life. It is a type of corruption, except, instead of adding strength, it adds courage and intelligence. I do not wish to have it anymore, but if it dies, all of these memories disappear. Instead of a day to be alone, it takes a week to renew the pact. Don't tell Elizabeth this. Anyways. not like you have to deal with me much longer. It's dying, and soon will disappear, along with my memories, personality, everything. The old me, the one who lived in the human world will come back, and... he would probably run from this place." John looks down, with disgust at himself, and sighs. "When it's time, I have to leave. I do not want anyone to see who I really was. How pitiful, and weak. And don't try to stop me."
Seyren nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I can imagine," she murmured, shutting down all thoughts of her own past. "It overwhelms me sometimes. Sometimes I can't shut them out. It's like hearing and feeling everyone's pain and despair and happiness all at once." She focused her eyes on the ground, picking out deer trails. "Makes me feel like I'm going to go insane." She smiled wryly, and continued. "I know Luna isn't the only one with a dark past either, Zero," she started, feeling awkward, but needing to say it. "I'm glad you three have got each other. Especially you and Luna. Love is hard to come by these days." She felt a wave of jealousy as she said the words and hated herself for it.
Zero raised an eyebrow, then playfully elbowed her. "Hey look, I don't give two damns about my past. For the most part, it was all stuff that happens to all forms of roya- To most people in the shadow realm." He continues, "It's more the recent events that are starting to get to me." He then summons a stick in his hand, and bends it and crushes it into lots of little pieces. Then he cups his hands, a dark aura radiating from them. Once opening his hands, it reveals a heart, saying the words:

Love is hard to come by these days.

He then gives the heart to Seyren, saying "What's this? you got your own little quote now." he chuckles, continuing walking through the woods.
Luna simply kept her gaze on the flow of the water below her. She was excited to see such a thing happening before her eyes. Nature itself was that of another universe in her eyes. She paid no attention to Christopher as he posted himself up beside her, remaining her focus upon the glistening clear water.

Christopher glanced over at Luna, before wandering off by himself. He felt as though he should allow her time to observe the things she loved most by herself. Even if she would hate him for it, he could tell she wanted a few moments alone. Due to these facts, he sauntered off into the woods nearby, keeping watch of other things, turning his back to Luna.
The Watcher sighs. "About half of what you said I didn't even understand, but anyway..." He says trailing off as an idea pops into his head. "But anyway let's start the experimentation!" He exclaims cheerfully as an identical statue of John appears in the isolation room. The statue has a weird rune on it's forehead. "Place the palm of your hand on the rune, John."
"So you're royal too, huh?" she mused, more to herself than anyone else. "That explains the arrogance." She nudged him playfully. "My prince." Staying behind him, she offered him the same she'd offered Luna. "I know we don't even know each other, but if you ever want to talk..." She trailed off, shrugging as she said her next words. "Well, I've got ice cream and my epic cooking skills to boot."

Something in her fluttered at the sigh of the crude, wooden heart. Cautiously, she took it and admired it. Smiling, she teleported it back to her room, leaving behind a mere wisp of smoke. "I have to say, that heart was pretty good. My inner OCD is satisfied." Without warning, she punched him lightly in the back and yelled, "I'll race you to the river!" With another wisp of smoke, she was gone, appearing yards ahead in the space between seconds.
"Well that's no fair!- wait, how did you know it was a river? I was gonna' leave that a surprise!" He shadow travels to the river as well, in just moments appears about 20 feet behind the river bank, trying not to attract luna's attention.
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