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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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The Watcher smiles and picks John up, slinging John over his shoulder as he walks towards the school, whistling a cheerful tune as he walks.
Unconscious, John thinks. What the hell?! Why would he do that?! I might kill him. Maybe slowly, with torture, or....

He keeps on doing this.
The Watcher walks down into his bunker behind the school and walks towards room 64, grabbing some ropes off of the wall and tying John up before tossing him into the room. It was just a simple room with a bed, gray walls, and a carpeted floor. The Watcher sighed, wondering whether this would work or not and wondering if he had made the right choice. He shoved those thoughts out of his head and locked the door to room 64.
DragonStorm said:
I nod before smiling and quietly saying "my parents on the day they disappeared, I heard screams and then I saw fire, I felt frozen in place as the fire was coming towards me" I stop for a moment "that's when I found out that fire cant hurt me and when I found out that my parents were dead. I had no one left, the foster home wanted to take me into foster care. I refused and took off into the air" more tears start to come "I lost everyone, the only thing that is keeping me together is being here"
Aqua nodded smiling as she wiped the tears that continued to roll down his cheeks,"Well I'm glad you're still able to smile and laugh, without those you can't enjoy life without them.."

She thought a bit as she said blankly,"Don't you think your life is like the poem you just told me just now?"

Her ears twitched as she stared at him.
Yumi punched a nearby wall and let out a sigh of boredom. "MAN WHY CAN'T SOMETHING COOL OR AWESOME OR EXCITING HAPPEN!!" she yelled out.
John suddenly woke up in a strange room, forgetting who he was for a second. "Hello?! Anyone?" He found that he was stuck, and couldn't move. "What the hell? I just leave for one week and now this!"
The mercenaries go to attack Zero, however they definitely were highly trained. With 4 of them attacking at once, zero struggled to deflect their attacks. Further more, Zero had to block all the attacks and couldn't attack back in anyway. One of their anti shadow swords scrapes Zero, and he grunts in pain, he screams at the top of his lungs "Daklong Fu Hijang!" His leg recovered, however he definitely appeared to start running out of energy. He pants heavily, as he sends a fury of attacks, them deflecting it with ease. "Those damn swords.... I have no choice." A large shadow that looks like a dragon replaces his shadow, all of a sudden he grows scales, a tail, a snout and lots of muscle. He snorts fire, and goes to attack the attacks, much faster than before.
The Watcher sighs, putting on a headset and talking through a speaker in the ceiling. "I really should have gagged you." He says to John nonchalantly.
Tao walked to Elizabeth's house. She hadn't seen her in a while. She knocked on her front door. (Sorry I haven't been on. Been busy and I haven't been getting any Notifications.
Yumi sat on the roof of the school. "Hey Jigoku anything....So there is someone strong nearby two huh okay lets check it out." She jumped off the roof and grew her wings flying off and finding the two one carrying the other. She landed in front of them. "Sup."
Seyren roused from sleep and was immediately hit with a wave of terror. After so many years in the lab, it was difficult to remember that she'd escaped. I'm safe here. Forcing herself to calmness, she dressed and stood dumbly in the corridor outside her room. Despite having been here a week and a half, the academy's winding corridors and dark doorways still baffled her. She walked around aimlessly, peeking into doorways and down passages, wondering why the place seemed so deserted.
Luna did nothing but watch his battle. She hasn't a need to worry about him, for it was clear he could take care of himself. Meanwhile, she snapped her fingers, allowing Christopher to take his own form. She hasn't a need for him to bother her at the moment, thus deciding to set him free for the time being.

As he was released, Christopher took a moment to look upward towards Luna. His glare was a solid green shade as of the moment, he was lost in thought. He wasn't quite sure why, but appearantly he was returned to his original form of being. Not that he cared either way, he simply remained kneeled down in front of her on one knee until she instructed him otherwise.
As christodead is summoned, Zero catches a glance of this, and as he goes to punch one of the mercenaries across the face, accidentally flinching, and punching him much farther then intended. The man goes flying, then a mountain in the distance reveals a cloud of dust. His eyes turn to pure fire, cocking sideways looking at him, disregarding the mercenaries. "Christodead... what a pleasure to see you again..." The mercenaries all charge him at once, when he drops to the ground, spinning and hitting all three of them with his tail, sending them into nearby trees, now stumbling on the verge of consciousness.
He said nothing, for he was aware he was to be punished if he were to speak in return. Having such knowledge, he simply kept his gaze downward, focusing all his attention on Luna. He cared not for this imbecile of which continued to bother him when he had much to be done.

Luna, on the other hand tapped her index finger upon the bottom of her chin, contemplating what she were to make him do. Noticing Zeros growth of hostility, she turned to glare at him, a clear look in her hues. Obviously, this wasn't the time for him to linger in the past about some petty sentences. Huffing, she then turned her gaze back to Chris. Cocking her head sideways, she began to speak. "Should I make you obey Zero? Or would you rather something else?"

Christopher grit his teeth together, but just barely hard enough for them to connect. He had no response for a few moments, before speaking within the slotted time period she told him. "It is your wish, Princessa."
Zero got his composition together, his shadow returning and his form coming back to normal, and he walks up to the group, giving christodead a glare, and Luna a curious look. "I've missed out on something, because things aren't matching up here with christodead." He flicks christodead on the forehead, to see if he really is waiting for luna to command him.
Luna found this to be a chance at entertainment. After all, Christopher did owe her for playing with Zeros feelings days ago. Having this knowledge made her smile a quite wicked smile as she turned her attention to Zero while still speaking to Chris. "Very well. You will obey Zero until I tell you otherwise."

Christopher, was secretly wishing she wouldn't tell him to obey such an idiot. Regrettably, he had no say in the matter, which resulted in him having to obey the one he didn't like. He said nothing for the moment, but simply shut his eyelids over his hues as he slowly rose to his feet, acknowledging her command. Once up, he then turned his gaze towards Zero, speaking between clentched teeth. "As you wish, Princessa."
"Oh man... What should I do..." He scratches his head, pondering in thought, then says "Tell me your funniest joke, while walking around in circles in a handstand." He chuckles waiting to see this spectacle
Even as Seyren walks around the academy, she feels ill at ease. Somewhere close, she sensed violence. It lingered in the air, reverberating through tangible threads in her psychic web. Briefly, she gave thought to her impulse to seek out the source of the commotion, and quickly discarded it as a foolhardy idea. Who was she to intrude on private business? But the temptation grew stronger, rapidly becoming irresistible. The simple notion of a fight sent thrills through her body. What am I going to do here anyway? Socialise with ghosts? With a wicked smile at her own humour, she teleported herself away, following the tastes of conflict in the air, and found herself facing two men and a woman and no signs of a fight. She cursed internally. I must have just missed it. "How many psychologists does it take to change a lightbulb?" she asked, having caught the male's strange request for a joke. "Just one, but the lightbulb has to want to change from within." She quirked an awkward smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude..."
Luna rolled her irises, refusing to allow Christopher to do such a silly thing. "I may have to call it off faster than I thought." She glared at Zero and his childish behavior. Huffing, she held up her arm in front of Chris, blocking his path.

Christopher himself hated the dispicable idea of such childish idocy himself, and didn't care to rebel upon the Princessa's orders. Thus, he simply turned his gaze at the arm she held out in front of him to block his onward pace. Moments later, an odd girl arrived, seeming to be looking for something. He didn't pay it much mind, but noticed her presence and lack of humor.

Luna cocked her head over to the side while examining the girl. She had no intentions of 'making friends' at such a point in time, but still decided to be as one of her title would. "No matter. My name is Luna. And you are?"
Zero sighed, knowing she wouldn't allow it but at least he tried, he turned to the girl. "A genetically altered human? and an interesting one at that." He inspected her, saying "And thanks for the joke, mr. christodead is Suuuch~ a buzz kill." His eyes turn a shade of purple, and then the slightest, SLIGHTEST, shade of pink.
Seyren shudded as the girl raked her eyes over her. Despite the distance between them, she felt violated. There was no doubt about it; her presence wasn't welcome here. The hostility was almost palpable. Feeling uncomfortable under the scrutiny, she replied with a curt, "I'm Seyren." The air between them grew tense as silence was met with more awkward staring. When one of her companions talked, she almost cried out in relief. "What can I say? Anyone with the name Christo-DEAD can't be much fun." She was on the verge of a laugh when she stopped short. After her first few days at the academy, she'd grown accustomed to strange people with strange abilities to rival her own, but she'd always kept her history under wraps. "How do you know what I am?" she asked, trying to shake off the dumbstruck look on her face.
"That's an interesting question... and for an interesting answer," He summons nearby shadows of the wildlife, summoning it into his hand, becoming a revolving sphere. "I'm the lord of shadows... I can see a shadow, and make out their traits and abilities..." He thrust the sphere into the ground, the shadows then growing into dead husks of the previous selfs. He then summons it all back, dispensing the shadows to their original spots.
Luna couldn't help but laugh. It seemed as though the girl felt intimidated by her own examinations. She then let out a soft sigh, turning her gaze to Zero. "Stop calling him that. Play nice deary." She giggled at her last word, realizing she sounded like an old woman talking to her grandchild. Shaking her head, she removed her arm from Christopher's path. "Nice to meet you Seyren."

Cheistopher scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest while Zero amused himself. Chris couldn't help but regret he allowed the Princessa to make such a decision and allow one of extreme idiocy to control him. Shaking his head, Christopher obtained a position beside his temporary instructor's side. Carefully examining the newcomer known as Seyren he spoke to.
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