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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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She couldn't help but blush due to his words. Even so, she didn't mind for once in her life. She felt as though she could show him her weakness and he'd still know she was forever strong. Giggling, she placed her hand over her heart. "I'm surprised you do."
"Why's that? Have I not shown enough affection? I can up the scale ya' know." He chuckles, feeling happy. "You know.... It's weird. Around you, I can show weakness and feel okay with it, but around anyone else I feel like I have to prove I'm better..." He sighs, "I don't know if you have ever felt the same thing, but I'm not sure how I feel about that yet." He laughs, feeling relieved that she was someone she could trust so heavily.
She blinked, lifting her head from being buried within his chest, only to meet his gaze as he spoke. "I have....I do." She gave a soft smile, leaving it there for a few moments before realizing what she was doing. Once she did, she blinked, her some fading simply to allow her to blush at her actions of pure vulnerability.
DragonStorm said:
"It's not suppose to"
//Sorry my Alerts haven't been working for a while

Aqua looked confused,"It isn't? Why?"

It sounded sad and kinda happy to her she didn't understand why it's not suppose to.
Zero then grabs her by the hand, and leads her gently over right next to the tree, and then he slowly sits down against the tree, and brings her down to his level, gently placing her head on his lap. "We don't want you to miss your beauty sleep," He looks down at her and smiles, his eyes a gentle pink.
Her irises were now a tender shade of lime green, one of which eliminated her feeling of comfort and calmness. She couldn't help it as her cheeks painted themselves with a light shade of pink once more. She had never had anyone take care of her in such a way. She simply yawned, resting her head in the exact place her sat it. She was both happy and confused all in the same.
Once she decides to close her eyes, he thinks Whoever did that... ya' dun goofed. He looks around, barely moving his head as to not alert Luna at all, something had interrupted his barrier, even though it was infamous for not having any intruders. He then spotted the intrusion, a long black blade with a black aura slowly but surely started cutting through the barrier in dead silence. This'll be a long night... He closes his eyes, and starts putting his emotional energy all into the barrier, making sure that their moment of piece is not interrupted by this intruder. He also makes sure to keep the happy energy in the air as to not alert Luna.
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"To tell you the truth I dont really know" I sit down "My mom didnt have time to tell me why all she said because I said the same thing was that it was not suppose to make sense" I sigh "Before she left she said that I'll understand someday, I've looked through Every book trying to find the meaning of it and I never found out why" A teardrop start to form before it went down my face.
Luna remained resting with her head in his lap. She curled herself up, bringing her knees as close to her chest as possible. She enjoyed having time with Zero, without any sudden attacks from one of his enemies, or one of her enemies. Coughing in her sleep, she stretched out, before retracting her body back into its position.
"Hey Luna.... I'm kinda' curious, can you sing?" He smiles, and honestly looks like he wants to see her sing. The real reason though is because he needs emotions to feed the barrier. He keeps healing the cut, but this sword that is breaking through the barrier is cursed and has a hell of a specialty for breaking shadow. He could only think of one person, Soulis. Even though the thought made him wanted to punch a wall, he thought about Luna and them together, and all their happy memories. He made sure not to let out any negative emotions. His eyes remain a pink and yellow tint.
Luna's eyelids fluttered open. Regardless of what he did, she knew and was well aware of what was going on. "I can..yes." She then sat up, planting her lips softly upon his cheek. As she did so, she whispered into his ear. "My knight in darkened shadows."
Zero sighs, and looks now seriously pissed off, not at her, but at the intruder. "I can't believe.... that no matter what I do.. we can't have one damn moment alone together..." He summons the entire barrier back into himself, giving his powers back. Instead of Soulis though, It was his stall friend Vector. His eyes then glow a void black, and he instantly appears right in front of Vector, slamming him into a nearby tree leaving a mold of vectors body inside the tree. "You better have a hella' good reason for this... otherwise...." He makes a knife slicing across his throat motion. "Sir... Please... Let... me... Speak..." Vector is obviously dying, and Zero loosens his grip just enough to let him breath. "The festival... It was... ransacked by bandits... they also killed lots of people... 27 dead, 43 injured... all precious things tooken..." He struggles to speak after being choked, but he continues anyways "Please... help them..." Zero looks him dead straight in the eye. "And you think I care because why?" He waits, then adds "I'm the king of a shadow realm, a place that advertises killing and slavery as a good thing. I've killed more people than the stars that shine in that night sky... so why do you think I care about a pesky 27 dead people?" Vector looks at Zero back with the same glare, "Because you never wanted to be evil... you were raised that way and you found your way out... I know you're a good person at heart..." Vector as a strict look of determination in his face, and finally, Zero replies "You got way more balls then you used to have... Finally grew a pair." He laughs, putting his hands in his hood, walking over towards the festival. "You can come with me if you like Luna, but the scene is pretty bloody." He walks off over to the festival, not waiting for her if she chooses to come or not.
Luna's face lit up. "You promise?" She couldn't help herself. She was filled with so much excitement. Plus the fact she had been craving the tatse of blood for awhile now. Regarding this thought, she sprinted off ahead of both Vector and Zero. Pure excitement coursing throughout her veins. Smelling the beautiful, delicious auroma of blood in the air made her semi-happy. Not of happy as nature made her, of course. Still, she was happy to help and all in the same, get some longed food. She then halted abruptly, having finally calmed herself. He....doesn't know... Realizing this, she then turned her gaze behind herself, waiting for Vector and Zero to catch up.
Zero then shadow traveled next to Luna, looking like he was whispering into air but the sound appeared right in her ear. "That bastard's with Soulis. Either by death threat or bribery." He kept walking, then explained "If there were so many casualties, why does Vector not have a scratch on him? and not to mention, he has that cursed blade Roziela... It's an anti shadow weapon used in the ranks of the light realm against shadows. He's stupid if he thinks I don't see these things." He kept walking, a calm composed stride kept. Zero hen finally arrived a the festival, people brutally slaughtered laid everywhere, blood staining everything, and corpses rotting. Zero licked his lips, and shot black goop at all the corpses, leaving nothing but the skeleton. He then slams the skeletons against the ground, causing them to melt into the ground.. "More for my collection I suppose." He kept walking, and then before finishing the last corpse comes up to it and inspects it. He uses his finger and rakes it along a cut, and then licks it. Then, Zero opens the cut in his stomach wide open, an organ falling out and blood flying everywhere. "They used anti shadow infantry weapons. I don't get it, do they think I'm stupid or something?" His eyes widen up, and he looks like he's the stupidest person ever. "We just fell into a trap.... But I don't sense any presence near us." He looks on high alert, ready for anything.
Luna said nothing, but kept her own composure. Vector having turned against Zero was bound to happen sooner or later. She shook her head, turning her gaze to stare into the darkness of the shadows surrounding them. She mumbled, but allowed the wind to carry her words into his ear. "Zero...should anything happen...I will return to you."
He processed those words for a moment, and realized she meant either a few different things.

A. If I were to die, she'd commit suicide and rejoin me.

B. If I were to die, she'd somehow return me back.

C. She's turning into another persona and if she senses her presence is needed she will return, which Zero already knows it wouldn't be Layla in this case, it'd have to be christodead.

D. She was running off to get something, and will return.

E. She was about to do something incredibly stupid, hoping that she'd be able to return.

At these thoughts, Zero somewhat shuddered at option C. He just shook his head, clearing his thoughts.

"What do you mean by that?" He looked somewhat worried, that she might change into christodead, but He was hoping she wouldn't be that stupid.
Luna giggled, a bright smile shining upon her face. "Just wait and see.." After saying those words, she said nothing else, simply remaining silent as she awaited an event or something to take place.
They waited a while, and then Vector finally comes out, Zero very well acts like he has no idea about the betrayal. "Vector! Where have you been? I already collected the corpses. for my collection." "Sorry Sir... I just had to recatch... my breath." Zero sighs "Yeah sorry about that. Hey tell ya' what, come here and I'll heal it." Vectors eyes light up, and he says "Yes please.." Once he gets within a 3 foot radius, Zero is fast. He sidesteps him, and disarms his anti shadow infantry sword from him, and throws it away. He then casts black goop onto his writes and ankles, it then suspends him in air. "Oh man.. you're gonna' wish you were with the devil instead of me buddy." He caresses vectors face gently, and then says "Don't worry.. it will only hurt a little bit..." He summons a black bowie knife into his hand, stained in blood. "I'll kill time till' soulis gets here." He cuts off the ends of all his fingers, Vector then yelling in agony. He blocks the flow of blood out with shadow barriers on the end of all his fingers, so he stays conscious as long as possible. He then goes to his arm, and slowly starts skinning him, taking the very top layer of flesh off. Vector no longer yells, but he looks up to the sky, tears flowing down his face. "So... tell me why you did what you did, and I may let you go." He stops skinning him momentarily, seeing if he'll answer. "None of your damn business..." Zero laughs, and says "you'll crack eventually." He continues skinning Vector, half of his left arm completely skinned.

(Well... Here's the real Zero for ya'.)
Luna simply settled herself down beside a bloodied corpse. She had the urge to simply lick each and every speck of blood from its battered body, but she decided to act as lady-like as possible in Zeros presence.
Nobody showed up still, so Zero kept going. After a while, vectors arms and legs were entirely skinned, the blood being kept in by Zero, Vector in immense pain. "So, gonna tell me yet?" "I'm already dead you bastard... no point.." Zero laughs, "Dead? Hardly! I can assure you that you're just gonna be going through hell and start to see some hallucinations real soon. He then cuts Vectors shirt in half, now starting to skin his stomach. "M-m-mommy? I.. I was good I promise... See? I kept it all clean!" Vector has an idiotic smile on his face, looking like he was drugged. I almost just felt sympathy for this shadow... Zero finishes, his almost entire body skinned, and still alive, his eyes crazed. "Zero... You gonna die! Die Die DIE!" He jerks, obviously on the bare edge of consciousness now. "They told me that If I help them you no die.. I tried... maybe they lied... Maybe it's tied!" Vector giggles madly, as he starts trying to rhyme words. A tear falls down Zero's face, but he feels nothing but pure anger towards Soulis. "Thanks... for everything." With that, Zero stabs him in the heart. However, after he does this weird red and black vine patterns appear on him, making Vector's body disintegrate quickly, leaving only his blood laying on the ground. He looks at the pile of blood, no clear emotion on his face.
Watching in silence, Luna froze. She know it must have been hard for him to kill his beloved friend. She knew how that felt, and still knows. Sighing, she waited for him to recollect his thoughts and sanity before returning to her side. Thus, she stayed settled in her spot as stated before, curiously poking at a nearby corpse beside her.
Zero brokenly laughs, shrugging the corpse off, "He wasn't important anyways... I can replace advisors in the blink of an eye..." He picks up the blood from the ground, and draws a big X across the pile of blood, and then stands up, his expression completely still as stone, his eyes a very deep blue. He starts walking towards the direction of the school, not shadow traveling, not caring if Luna is with him or not.
Luna sighed, watching as he walked away. Shaking her head, she turned, venturing over to where Vector had fallen. Bowing her head in respect, she couldn't help but shed a twinkling tear. Thankfully, her back was turned in the direction of where Zero was headed. Luna decided shed walk back alone, that way shed have time to recollect her train of thought, rather then allow herself to take down her walls. Realizing this, she stood up and straightened her posture, turning her gaze skyward.
as soon as he was out of sight of Luna, He collapsed to the ground, the tears now flowing. "Who am I kidding... that crap about showing weakness to her... I still feel like trying to be strong in front of her, when I can't even admit that I killed my own friend!" He slammed his fist into the ground, sending a tremor in about a 50 foot radius. Then he starts laughing, another broken laugh. "Well... I may as well cope with my past friends who I also killed... Isn't that right...?" He summons a giant pile of corpses that rise about 15 feet high, all skeletons, he walks up to the pile and lays on it. "I don't need that Luna whore... I can do my own thing and chill with my friends... Ain't that right?" The corpses all nod somehow, then return to being dead in the pile. Zero has clearly snapped.
By the time Luna had finally caught up with him, being only a few feet behind him, she froze in her tracks. All she heard was , 'I don't need that Luna whore'....She stayed where she was momentarily, silently looking at him. She didn't speak, nor did she move. Just stared. A full blank expression painted upon her face. She herself was both confused and doubtful. Now, wasn't the time to be hearing such things. She blinked, but only once, a single time. Her entire body was silent, even her heart slowed with its pace.
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