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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Zero see's that Luna had decided to catch up to him, and starts laughing (broken of course) and then says in a rhythmical tone, "Heya Luna.. I spotted a big black bear... covered in fur, he caused quite a stir..." He dances to his own little tune, "He wondered and he pondered 'How do I become decent?' and the moma and the dadaaaa~ said.... Ya' need to get some meat for the family... cook it up real nice, give it lots of lice! We all like eating meat with lots of rice... So contribute for once you little worthless big, BLACK, BEAAAAAAAAR~!" He finishes his tune, looking up at her, his eyes slightly blood shot, a motor tick in his left eye.
Luna sighed. She quietly approached his side, settling down beside him. Shade knew what was going on a and why. Realizing this, she laid down, resting her head on his lap. Whispering to him, she stroked his hand with her own. "I love you...so come back." She then allowed her eyelids to drop down over her irises.
"I don't know... I kinda' enjoy this! I can act worthless, and then people won't expect much of me." zero brokenly laughs, and makes the skeletons walk up behind him. "you know who these people are? People who were the same rank as vector..." the skeletons seem eerie, not because they're skeletons but because of something else. zeros eyes were a stormy grey.
"I know you aren't worthless. You've displayed that fact many times before. And you don't have to be afraid of showing weakness in front of me. I'm not your enemy."
"Are you my psychiatrist or something?" He sadly laughs, the skeletons turning to dust, him resting his head on her shoulder. "I'm so vulnerable now..." He cries silently in Luna's shoulder.
DragonStorm said:
"To tell you the truth I dont really know" I sit down "My mom didnt have time to tell me why all she said because I said the same thing was that it was not suppose to make sense" I sigh "Before she left she said that I'll understand someday, I've looked through Every book trying to find the meaning of it and I never found out why" A teardrop start to form before it went down my face.
Aqua sat closer to him wiping the tear. She smiled softly,"There no need to be sad about it. What do you picture when you hear that poem?"

Her ears twitched as she continued the to smile,"Even if it not what it really means. We're different if we had the same minds you would know what I'd picture."
John held his head and walked toward the city. He was tired, and his head ached. He might've... maybe... He renewed it. The creature was alive again, and John smiled. He held out his hand, and made a small orb of energy, which disappeared after a few seconds. Its something... I need training.
Luna smiled, gently brushing her hand on his head as he did so. "Its fine...I'm vulnerable too." She giggled, turning her gaze elsewhere.
"I finally drew them out." zeros look goes to his battle face, the tears gone and his face back to its normal shade, but he looks at this band with interest. "Some hired mercenaries eh?" Zero summons his scythe, getting in a defense stance.

@The Dark Princess
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I nod before smiling and quietly saying "my parents on the day they disappeared, I heard screams and then I saw fire, I felt frozen in place as the fire was coming towards me" I stop for a moment "that's when I found out that fire cant hurt me and when I found out that my parents were dead. I had no one left, the foster home wanted to take me into foster care. I refused and took off into the air" more tears start to come "I lost everyone, the only thing that is keeping me together is being here"
John walked around the city, happy. He felt alive, refreshed, and a little stronger. Not with muscles though. He remembered may things before and laughed. He had to deny what would happen. Eventually...

John bumped into a lamp post, and rubbed his head. "Oww..."

He turned to walk to Elizabeth's house, and frowned as he entered. What should I say...

"Hello? Anyone home?"
(Elizabeth is currently at the high school) The Watcher slips behind John silently and unnoticed and taps him on the shoulder a bit roughly before clearing his throat.
The Watcher pulls out a gun, holding the barrel point blank against John's forehead, his hand quivering the slightest bit. "If you want to live than don't say anything and lay down, pretend that you're dead." He whispers, glancing nervously over his shoulder.
"What? What did I do?" John smiles a bit. "I did nothing wrong. I just renewed some bonds. Nothing wrong with that. It takes a week for the process with this kind..."
The Watcher slams the barrel of the gun against John's head, hard enough to hurt but not knock him out. "Last chance, do it before I have to pull the trigger. This is bigger than the both of us." He whispers, seeming the slightest bit afraid of something.
The Watcher glares at John, keeping silent but holding the gun as if about to use it to knock John unconscious.
"Tell me. Or not. Anyways, not like I'm going to be here for long. Do you know where Elizabeth is?" John starts to stand up, frowning. "I have to tell her some things."
The Watcher smiles mischievously, starting to act a bit odd. "You need not worry, you will be with her soon." He says calmly before slamming the gun against the top of John's head in an attempt to knock him out.
Luna broken her gaze, averting it into the direction of Zero as she did so. She said nothing, nor did she react to his statements ore sudden changes of heart in any type of way.
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