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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Seyren stood rooted to the spot, enchanted by the man's casual display of power, fascinated by the dark shadows that seemed to constantly dance around him. She'd never seen anything like it. And 17 years in the Lab spoke for a lot of mysterious sights. With a wry smile, she cracked another terrible pun. "I guess you're pretty shady, huh?" Tentatively, she reached out for one of the elongated shadows of a bush, wondering at the texture of something intangible like it. Twisting back to look at the man, she said, "Usually everyone's an open book to me. Looks like I'm getting a taste of my own medicine. So much for being the mysterious new kid." She laughed then, a light lilt and added, "It's nice to meet you too, Luna. So, are you three all friends? And is anyone else going to tell me their name?" She gazed pointedly at two males.
"My name's Zero... Nice to meet you. And yes, I am... shady..." He couldn't help but bust out laughing at that, Oh man, this new kids a riot. The person next to me is christ0d- I mean, christopher..." He sighs, sad that he can't call him christodead anymore, but then turns back to the girl. He looks at her, his eyes rapidly moving, he nods to himself, summoning what looked like a pure black ring with gold markings on it, and puts it on his left hands ring finger.
Luna turned her gaze to the girl, taking a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking. "Yes. We're all....'friends' you can say." She thought for a moment, unsure of what to call Zero and herself. Pushing off the thought for another point of time, she yawned, folding her hands together.

Christopher rolled his irises, turning his gaze toward Zero, and then back to the girl. "As....he...said. I am Christopher." He didn't care much to extend his hand, but seeing as Luna was watching his every move, he found himself extending his hand outward to the girl, awaiting her reaction.
"What t... what are you doing! Why?" He looks around in fear, and struggles to break away. "Must be nice to have humans to mess around with. .."
The Watcher sighs and sends a shadowy clone of himself into the room to untie John. "I am mostly doing this because someone is forcing me to, although I kind of completely hate you so I have no regrets when it comes to kidnapping you... Elizabeth on the other hand, I regret kidnapping her..." He says, trailing off as he loses his train of thought.
Seyren smiled at the sound of the man's laughter. Given the awkwardness in which she'd arrived, she figured she'd done pretty well for herself. Clap yourself on the back, kiddo. Despite how strange and robotic Christopher's movements and words were, she took his hand and gave it a firm shake. "Good...to...meet...you...Christopher," she replied, mimicking his slow, careful speech. She followed it through with a smile, hoping he understood she'd meant no insult. "I guess it's complicated, huh?" The young woman turned back to Luna and eyed her mischievously. "Well, if you ever need to girl talk or rant, I'm always stocked on ice cream. And not to toot my own horn or anything, but I make a pretty to-die-for dessert chef too." Seyren winked playfully, not yet aware of the complications that went on inside the academy. Inside her psychic web, she noted the appearance of the strange ring, but made no comment. Somehow, it felt private. She turned back to the trio, "So... Would it bother you terribly if I hung around for a bit?"
"What... why her hmm? Not strong enough to make your own decisions? " He started to laugh. "Even I, a mere human being, can stand up to stronger powers. Afraid of dying?"
"I wouldn't mind, however christod- christopher.... and Luna, I'm not sure how they feel about it." He noted that she saw the ring, and said "Oh, and don't worry about the ring, I just need it for energy..." The ring then creates small black and red rose vines, climbing up his arms and onto his chest, where they then align with his veins. Shortly after that, they sink into his skin, Zero flinching slightly. After this process is done, he sighs in relief. "That brawl earlier left me drained." He chuckles, waiting to see is luna and christopher are willing.
The Watcher laughs halfheartedly. "It isn't my death I'm afraid of." He says as the clone finishes untying John. "Welcome to my B.O.E, base of operations. You are currently in room 64, which is isolation room number 2. This is where I usually keep the people I experiment on, now get up." He says calmly, the clone disappearing from the room.
Luna simply shrugged her shoulders. Caring not at all for the girls presence. All until the mention of 'ice cream' came about. Her face instantly lit up, a lightened shade of pink forming upon her cheeks. "I-.....Ice cream?" This truly excited her, making her once blank face, then into a vibrant smile.

Christopher turned his gaze to Luna, before returning his gaze to the girl. "Fine." He released his grip on her hand, stuffing both of his hands into the front pockets of his pants. He had not much of a say in the matter, seeing as though Luna would do whatever she wanted regardless of what he had to say about it.
"Wow, this girl already figured out Luna, I'm semi-impressed." Zero laughs, patting her on the back. "I'm pretty simple myself ya' know. Just give me a nice skull and I'll be on my merry way!" He chuckles, walking over to a nearby tree, and sits down next to it, beginning to sleep.
The Watcher smiles. "Elizabeth is in isolation room number 1, room 63 which is right across the hall and used for the same purposes."
Seyren was pleasantly surprised at change in Luna's face. "Wow," she murmured, half in awe at the girl's beauty. "From ice queen to miss universe, huh? That's gotta be a first. Looks like today's just full of surprises." She smiled warmly, feeling content despite the strange conversations. "Well, like I said, anytime, Luna. Just ask your shadow where I live. I'm sure he's seen it already." She shrugged. "Good thing I didn't have any underwear lying around, huh?" For the first time since she'd escaped the Lab, she felt something other than dead.

Turning back to Zero, she shot him an approving glance. "A skull, eh? That's no fun. You're not defying my expectations at all, Zero," she murmured, admiring his comfort around her. It wasn't often that people accepted her unconditionally. These three weren't there yet, but she hoped they would be one day. "Plus, I feel bunnies suit you better. A light to balance your dark. A fluffy to your... unfluffy."
He opens one eye, looking at her "I'm okay with a bunny skull." He laughs, appreciating her attempt of enhancing his character, but he prefers to be the weirdly optimistic sadist he was.
Luna blinked. "I...dont mind me!" She panicked,quickly scurrying over and hiding herself behind Zero. She refused to allow herself to be seen in such an embarrassing state. She didn't allow anyone but Zwero and Christopher to see her acting as such.

Christopher simply watched the three. He had no point in talking, so he decided he'd just keep watch for trouble. He didn't have much of a care for socialization, keeping his opinions to himself for once.
Zero laughs at this, and summons a cheap looking shadow sword. "I shall protect you my dear princess." He says in a robot like voice, swinging at the open air next to him halfheartedly,then laughing again. He turns around and kisses her on the forehead. "It's all right, she won't hurt you. but if she did... Well, you won't need to worry about that." He chuckles, whether or not that statement was a warning to seyren is up to her to interrupt.
A chill crawls up Seyren's spine at Zero's words. She knew, instinctively, that a fight between them wouldn't just be dramatic. It'd be the death of one of them. Probably me. She shook off the thought and smiled, but there was no hiding the goosebumps crawling on her skin. "I'll take you on any day, zero hero," she teased, adopting a fighting stance. "Just remember that you owe me two sodas if I win."

Straightening up, she turned a surprised sapphire blue gaze on Luna. "Princess?" As she stared at the sulky Christodead and the protective Zero, it dawned on her. "A guard," she said dazedly, pointing at Christopher. "And a lover," she finished, gazing at Zero. "Guess that explains the complicated relationship between you three, huh?" She gave a low curtsy, feeling inadequate and childish for acting so in the presence of royalty. "Princess."
The second she adopts a fight stance and finishes talking, zero speaks behind her even though his body is still next to the tree. "Girl, you may have teleportation skills, but I can shadow travel, which essentially is the same thing and more." black goop suddenly crawls through the floor, impossibly sticky and surrounds Seryen. It then retreats though, as the zero at the tree smiles, and says "You couldn't beat me if you tried miss... Sorry to break it to you." He laughs, and then the mercenaries he beat up earlier have the worse timing. As they slowly wake up, he grins. "Finally! Something I can add to my collection." He shoots 3 black balls of goop, each landing on the mercenaries. At first it does nothing, but then it quickly surrounds their entire body, burning everything except bone. The mercenaries scream in tortured pain, until just a corpse is left. The remaining goop then sinks into the ground, and the skeletons walk over to Zero. "Yes... come here, don't be shy." The skeletons come to zero, and he feels their skulls. He blushes slightly, then saying "You're so smooth..." He then summons what looks like a black portal beneath them, causing them to fall and disappear, the hole closing behind them.
Luna's cheeks flushed at the mention of 'lover'. She couldn't help but feel extremely embarassed.Burying her face into Zero's shoulder, she clung to the back of his shirt, refusing to let go. She overheard the girl mention her title, causing her to grow even more embarrassed. She was acting in such a ridiculously childish manner in front of those who knew of her title.

Christopher grit his teeth together, glaring over towards the newcomer. He didn't appreciate the girl making Luna uncomfortable, and truly found it aggravating.
Zero laughs slightly nervously over towards christopher, and says "Don't worry christopher, she doesn't mean harm. Plus, I make her uncomfortable all the time. Like this..." He reaches over to luna, and licks her on the side of the ear, slowly, then kissing her behind her ear. while doing this, he runs a finger up the side of her torso, where women usually are tickilish.
The Watcher breaks into maniacal laughter. "And the best part of it, John, is that she thinks it was YOU who kidnapped her!" He yells mockingly
"You're cocky," Seyren smiled, unable to resist the temptation of a challenge. "We might have to test out your theory some day." However, at the sight of Zero growing intimate with the princess, she felt her face flush. Flustered, she whipped her face away, as if the sight would blind her. "Woah, guys, get a room!" She kept her tone light and playful, staying true to the facade she'd lived her whole life. Live the lie. Until the lie becomes your life. Inside, her psychic web shivered and shuddered as she tried in vain to keep it in check. Her loneliness had threatened to consume her before, and it did so again now. She drew a deep breath and turned around. "Seriously, not in front of the kids." She covered her own and Christopher's eyes, trying to appear unfazed.
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