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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Yes. You are correct." She nodded, poking at her bowl. She then turned her attention back to the two fighting, carefully licking on her ice cream.
Surrounding his book in his special type of ice, he saves the book from being burnt to a singe. Grumbling in protest, and in annoyance, he stands up and starts to just walk away. "I've already beat your familiar... or whatever you called" he snarled as he continued "It's pointless for me to fight anymore." He continues to walk away into the library while chewing on his "Icy lunch." "See you later he chuckled as the door closed"

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Don't piss me of, you know, if you want to keep your head"
Zero sighs, and flicks his wrist, making him walk backwards of his approach to the library back to where he was before. "That's a funny story you got there, you never killed the dragon. Also, I said I'd fight you myself, that isn't an opportunity too many people get, so take it."
" I didn't say I killed it" Tenax said while moving to his normal dark corner. "Besides if I were to fight you, you would end up one head short of a body, and I wouldn't have anyone else that can argue with me that well" Tenax chuckled. People started to stare as for many people know Tenax not to chuckle. "It be best you leave" Tenax stated bluntly "That girls injuries were getting worse, the bandages were getting more wet as we fought."
Luna sighed, running her fingers through her thinned strands of hair as she watched the opposition walk away from Zero. Yawning, she stood up, keeping her focus on where they both stood.
Oda glances up at Luna a questioning expression taking her face, wondering why she stood; But to lazy to ask.
Seyren awoke to Christopher's irritated gaze. She felt strangely distant from her own body, as if her muscles weren't quite used to listening to her. "Where are we?" She murmured, tentatively extending her psychic web to probe the area, but it was futile. It was like they were wrapped up in a spacial bubble, tucked away safely from the rest of the worlds. A sudden wave of fear washed over her. "Where's everyone else?" Had they been captured? Was this all a terrible dream? Was she already back at the Lab?

Zenalth fell, almost giddy with the brutal way his death had come about. Sure, he be having his shadow reaped right now, but death was a minor issue in the long run. Especially when the Lab had discovered what was virtually life-in-a-syringe. Still though, death hurt like a bitch. But he didn't scream. He simply laughed and disappeared. See you soon.
Christopher Huffed, turning his gaze downward upon her. "Relax. Its just you and I here." He took a moment to outstretch his legs, before leaning his head back against the tree. He was obviouly calm and collected, having no worries whatsoever. Turning his gaze skyward, he tucked his hands behind his head. "Everyone is fine. Your enemy is dead for now."
Zero just laughs, flat in his face. "I think you got your facts mixed buddy, you'd be the headless one." He flinches his head right, and says "I'll be back, looks like our little damsel in distress just woke up." He shadow travels away, appearing next to Seyren. "Surprise! I killed your little friend. I'll keep killing them all till' they lead me to the source...." He smirks, clearly enjoying the thought of this.
Seyren felt sweet relief wash over her like a tidal wave. Although it was difficult to believe that someone she'd feared her entire life was gone, she trusted Zero. She blinked away tears of joy and, not caring about the consequences, ran up to hug him. "Thank you, Zero the Hero." She didn't reach out to Christopher, but she lowered her head in respect and said, "Thank you for protecting me."
"uh... Yeah... No problem." he awkwardly hugs back, and then says "I killed him... For sure, but I have a gut feeling he'll come back somehow. I haven't received his shadow yet, which isn't a good sign." he frowns, realizing that that could mean multiple thing.
Christopher scoffed, shoving his hands into his pockets. Moments later, they were all standing in the courtyard. Seeing as though he was no longer needed, Chris sauntered off to return to Luna's side to ensure her safety.
Seyren frowned. She didn't know the meaning of his words, but one thing was clear. Something fishy was going on, and it was no secret that the Lab had plenty of tricks up their sleeve. Perhaps one of them was even capable of reviving the dead. "Be careful," she whispered, concern laving her voice. "The Lab... They don't follow the norm. Nothing means anything in that place. They might even be able to overcome death." She pursed her lips at the thought. "More people are going to come for me. I don't want to stay by the sidelines and be a burden." She gazed up fiercely, determination flashing in her sapphire eyes. "I want to fight back. I want to be strong. Train me."
"Why should I train you?" His face goes serious, now asking legitimate questions. "What makes you think you deserve training? Why should I waste my time on you? I could easily go find some other apprentice who seems more likable to me. " He stares her straight in the eye, "What makes you worth my valuable time?" He waits for a response, his eyes a cold grey.
Oda now leaning on the table staring at the sky, she wondered why all these people were so dramatic. Chuckling to herself she replayed the commotion, "I know I'm weird but this is like some sop. opera for teenagers with no time.. 'Fight my beastie!' 'Nah man I stabbed it to ice bro.' 'Fight me then!!' 'Nah man I'm going to go read all alone in a room with nobody' 'Z formation wrist snap! You will fight me!'" She laughs at how she remembered the whole event.
"Dramatic? You're funny." He stares at Oda, "I'm asking her to make sure she's dedicated, that's all." His eyes turn a slight red, "Also... your attitude really pisses me off."
She stares back her own green sparkling with humor, "Anyone's attitude can piss anyone off, the specifics font matter. And I know, I'm hilarious."
Seyren didn't back down. "You seemed to be fine wasting your valuable time on me until now," she argued, staring straight into those dark grey depths. "If I'm strong enough to survive what those bastards did to me at the Lab, I'm strong enough to survive whatever hell you have to throw at me." She smiled then. "And yeah, you could find another apprentice, but they wouldn't be half as hilarious as I am. Or half as dedicated." Her blue eyes flashed. "Whether you train me or not, Zero, I have to grow stronger. And I'd rather not have to go through unlikable methods."
"that's just the answer I wanted. I wanted to make sure... You never know." he turns into his reaper form, gesturing for her to come at him.
Seyren smiled at Zero's acceptance. "Let's get right down to it then, master," she teased, not bothering to hide her excitement or trepidation. Here goes. She walked towards him, trying to brace herself for whatever was in store.
"Lesson number one about any power... Learn how to use every inch of it. Being a shadow creature myself, I only have 4 aspects of the power. But since I know it inside out, I'm able to do super cool stuff.... Like this." He raises his hand up, and a transparent black sphere casts around them, causing everything to wither and die slowly except humanoids. "Always try to fight in the environment you're comfortable with... if you feel like you're at a disadvantage somewhere, change it. In your case, just teleport somewhere else." Black tarantula's burrow out of the ground, a dark aura surrounding them, and they suddenly start crawling towards Seyren.
Seyren listened attentively to Zero's instructions. She'd seen him fight, seen him win and decimate his opponents. That was the level of power she needed to achieve. She hoped her blind trust in him wouldn't fail her. It hasn't yet. It won't now. Rattled as she was by the death around her, she focused her attention on the spiders that targeted her. Fear rose up like bile in her throat. He wouldn't hurt me if I failed... Not really. Not wanting to test out that theory, Seyren teleported the spiders away. When it came down to it, it was easier to teleport small animals. Numbers didn't matter; smaller bodies meant easier dimension calculations.
"Good idea.... but what if the opponent is able to bring infinite amounts of them? You will eventually run out of energy." For every tarantula teleported away, another two burrow out from the ground, joining the swarm that was going to attack her. "Oh yeah, these things have real venom... try not to get bit." He grins, his eyes a bright yellow.
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