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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Zero bursts out laughing, letting this entire episode happen, then coming out of the locker, continuing to follow her. "so... I have a feeling one if those options wasn't right... It was probably lover wasn't it? I can't see my past self successfully getting a girl as good as you. That's like asking for a blind man with no hands to find a needle in a haystack..." he laughs at his own joke, waiting to see if that was the right one.
Luna didn't stop, but kept walking. "I thogubt you lost your memory, idiot." She then stopped walking once reaching the outside of the schools front doors, staring emptyheadedly at the courtyard. Not a single thought in her mind. She had no worries as of yet, and completely tossed the thought of Soulis from her mind. For now, she had only been aware of this newfound Zero, whom apoearently doesn't remember anything at all.
"Well... Recovering my memories isn't hard. However.... " he pauses, then says "it has some side effects." he takes out a vial, and reads the side. "side effects may include but are not limited to extreme dizziness, vomiting, extreme flu sickness, eyes/ears bleeding, dehydration, stroke, heat flashes, and in rare cases death." he looks up, and then finishes with "the safer way to aquire my memories back is by finding soulis, and beating the snot out of him and taking my memories back by force." his eyes are a slight shade of yellow.
"You do that then." She thought for a few moments before adding a question to her blunt statement. "Why are you telling me this anyway?"
"Because I want to see you fight... You seem like an interesting asset. Have you ever even helped my past self in a fight before?" he asked the statement bluntly, almost like challenging her blunt statement. His eyes are tinted purple.
"Asset." This word angered her, a flow of thoughts pouring back into her mind from her darkened past. She growled, gritting her teeth together as hard as possible. She then stormed off, refusing to speak with him any further than she already had. 'Asset'...that's all she was ever considered as in her kingdom and to those of opposing kingdoms. An 'asset'. One to be used and thrown away. She absolutely despised that one word. Hating its very existence. She could no longer tolerate his presence, turning into another random direction down the hall.
"fine... I'll just go by myself. I still think you'd make an interesting team mate though." he summons a black sphere, removing him from that realm into the realm soulis was currently in, he started laughing immediately. "so tell me Zero... How does it feel to make your own loved one hate you?" Zero gritted his teeth, a chain then appearing on his neck. "it feels very good master..." soulis laughed, grabbing his whip and lashing him on the back. "damn right it does! When I'm done with you you'll be nothing but a pile of unwanted flesh.... Hear me?" soulis' eyes glowed a deep red, blood dripping from his mouth that wasn't his own. "yes... I understand master." Zero sat on all fours, taking the whippings. "good boy... Maybe I'll feed you unlike the past month." a wicked grin forms on his face, a tear trickles down his face. "someone... Save me..." Zero sat alone, abandoned, forgotten.
Luna halted a few ways down the hallway. She knew she was wrong, but at the same time, she didn't want to turn back. Sighing, she took a moment to recollect her thoughts. Although it wasn't the Zero she grew to open herself up to, it was still Zero, thus giving her a reason to lend a helping hand. Once again, she had lost the one other thing that kept her relaxed. Shaking her head, she huffed, returning to the spot of which she left Zero behind. Luna figured, being typical Zero, he would've took it to the heart and ran off to do things on his own. Same-ole, same-ole. She shook her head making a small 'Tsk' noise with her tongue while she waited for his return. "He's about as stupid as a mouse."
Soulis threw him to the ground laughing. "now go back and break her some more... I enjoy watching this." Zero finally snapped. He summoned George, his immortal dragon friend, and then sucked his shadow up from him, then sending him back to wherever he was. Then all of a sudden, his entire body becomes scaley, he grows a tail, and his eyes become like crimson marbles. He also grows a bit of a snout, then fuming fire. "buddy... You are going to die." soulis laughs, putting his forearm towards him, revealing a gauntlet. "you know you can't defeat me... Weakling." Zero starts laughing a broken laugh. "Well I can at least try."
Luna slumped lazily against the tall lockers settled up against the halls. Shifting her weight to her left leg, she huffed, crossing her arms under her breasts while awaiting his return. For once, she had nothing to do, and couldn't go and do what she loved. For now, she had to wait for Zero to come back, most likely injured like last time. When would this conflict end? She shook her head, biting at her bottom lip while mumbling. "I can't talk...I have my own future issues."
"I've been waiting this whole month, saving up my power reserves to summon George and get his powers... even if that gauntlet can completely cancel shadow attacks, I know damn well it can't stop fire." His crimson eyes glow brighter then before, if even possible, and he breaths fire at Soulis. Soulis laughs, and summons a shadow wall in front of him, a wide smirk on his face. "Whatever amount of shadow I suck up... I can reuse, and you gave me plenty." Zero tsks, then appears next to Soulis, hitting him in the side of the face. At first it looks like a normal punch, but then at last second it becomes super fast, sending Soulis over to the nearby wall, leaving an indent. "Wow... that thing can pack a punch." Soulis grins, and frees himself from the walls grip. "Now it's my turn." He summons four black balls of cursed goop, and sends them flying at a super sonic speed towards Zero, Zero barely able to dodge it. He then goes and punches him again, and once pinned against the wall beats him relentlessly, not letting him get out of the wall. "Die... Die... Die..." Zero chants as he keeps beating Soulis against the wall, and finally he stops. Soulis is a bloody mess, barely conscious. "I'll get you again... mark my words." Soulis slowly closes his eyes, and Zero comes and takes off the gauntlet from his hand, and drops it on the ground, he then sends a powerful stomp, breaking it and returning most of his power. "Finally..." Zero says, but then adds "Wait... he could have defended himself from those attacks... Oh well, if it bites me later so be it... someone is waiting for me." He shadow travels over to where he left, still looking like a dragon humanoid, yet the lashes on his back are clearly visible. "I'm back Luna... finally free." And he smiles, then adds "and... with my memory back. you're going to have to lie to her... you had your memories the whole time. his devil side of him laughs, and then he thinks to himself I know... otherwise she will hate me... He sighs, and his eyes become a light blue.
Luna sighed, turning her gaze slightly towards him with only one eye open. "Really?" She then took a moment to reclose her eyelid, allowing herself a moment to recollect and gather her most conscious thoughts. "Then why are you brutally injured on your back?" She was somewhat concerned, but all in the same knew he could handle himself.
"Errr.... soulis is stupidly good with a whip..." He then slightly gasps, remembering he's still a dragon, and chants "Sidow clon firis George!" The shadow of the dragon disappears in a fancy show of particles, and Zero returns to his normal self. "Much better..." He says to himself. Now, he doesn't look skinny but very muscle toned. "Finally got the majority of my power back... and... my memories." He gracefully bows, and outstretches a hand. "I apologize for everything the memoryless me did... he said something he should've never said." He says it with sincerity.
She said nothing, only gritting her teeth at the memorization of what he once said to her. She took a moment to take a deep breath and began to rock back and forth on her heels to keep herself calm. "Don't...mention it...please."
"I won't, I just needed to apologize for that..." He pauses, and stands in silence, then summoning two ice cream cones into his hand, one chocolate and the other swirl. He hands the chocolate ice cream to her. "Here... I never managed to give it to you." His eyes were now a light pink, his face developing just a slight blush.
She turned her gaze to the ice cream. She wanted to teach him a lesson, but all in the same couldn't resist the temptation of her favorite treat. Realizing this, she carefully scooted closer towards him, quickly snatching the ice cream and bringing it close to her face, before sliding back over to her original position. Once there, she stuck her tongue out, carefully licking the top of the swirl, before turning her gaze toward him and mumbling. "Uhm....Thank you."
"When the night comes you should be afraid, when daylight breaks through the night you shall be brave. If I'm injured then finish me, if you're brave enough to do so, when I'm coming you should be armed and ready. As I'm coming for you, when night comes keep a watchful, lookout as I'm the shadow of the night. If you fail to kill me then I will be back, if you bring me to the ground then I'll continue to fight until the last of my dying breaths, if you succeed in ending my life then congrats as I'll be back to finish you off as of now I will be your worst nightmare to come. Hide all you want but I will find you soon enough, anything in my way will be destroyed until I find you and once I'm finished with you I will head back home where I can live life normally. Once I'm home I can once again reunite with my family, this is my life and I shall live through it. I shall pass through each obstacle that lies ahead of my journey, this very moment I am now a legend to be feared and from battle to the end of life, I am grateful to be here"
Zero chuckles, and starts eating his own ice cream. Time to start making amends I guess. He smiles, and starts walking down the hall. "Come on, let's do something." His eyes are a slight yellow.
Luna blinked, tagging along behind him as he ventured forward. She was curious as to what he was suggesting they do together, and decided to follow behind him and find out.
Zero then stops abruptly, and takes her hand. They then appear at a local festival. "So, I thought one of these would be fun..." He quickly runs off, and runs back, holding two caramel apples in his hands. "So, do you want to join me?" He had a bit of a grin on his face, smiling.
Luna took a moment to observe and allow the sight of the said festival to sink into her irises. "Uhm.." She took hold of the caramel apple he gave her, a slight smile wiping upon the bottom of her face. "Join you....?" She took a moment, pretending as if she was truly considering it. "Yes. I shall."
DragonStorm said:
"When the night comes you should be afraid, when daylight breaks through the night you shall be brave. If I'm injured then finish me, if you're brave enough to do so, when I'm coming you should be armed and ready. As I'm coming for you, when night comes keep a watchful, lookout as I'm the shadow of the night. If you fail to kill me then I will be back, if you bring me to the ground then I'll continue to fight until the last of my dying breaths, if you succeed in ending my life then congrats as I'll be back to finish you off as of now I will be your worst nightmare to come. Hide all you want but I will find you soon enough, anything in my way will be destroyed until I find you and once I'm finished with you I will head back home where I can live life normally. Once I'm home I can once again reunite with my family, this is my life and I shall live through it. I shall pass through each obstacle that lies ahead of my journey, this very moment I am now a legend to be feared and from battle to the end of life, I am grateful to be here"
Aqua's ears twitched as she just blankly sat there. She said looking at him,"That sounds quite sad and happy at the same time, thought I don't really understand it either."

Aqua looked like she was in deep thought as the silence grew...
Soulis La Shadonia (AKA: Zero)

Currently at a local festival, about 20 miles away from the high school. (w/ Luna)

Zero laughs in a happily, and takes her by the hand, lightly tugging her along through the festival. He keeps walking through the crowd. The festival isn't a big one, with about 15-20 stalls to visit, about 10 of them being food, but Zero still looks like this is the best thing that's happened to him since meeting Layla. There are lots of lanterns strung up, and the locals obviously put hard work into doing the festival. Zero says Hi to the stall vendors quickly, catching up with these people since he hasn't seen them in such a long time.

"Ah... here we are. My favorite stall in this entire festival!" He walks up to the stall vendor, and leans in, whispering to him. The stall vendor nods his head, definitely agreeing with whatever he is talking about. The stall vendor then asks "Sir, where do you wish for this to happen?" To Luna, this voice should sound very familiar... almost like one of Zero's assistants... One that may have had an unpleasant surprise that Zero did not take too kindly too.... "Under my favorite tree in the field next to here, you know what to do." The vendor which seems very familiar than nods rapidly, and goes to the back of his stall clearly packing stuff. Zero has a wild grin on his face, his eyes a mix of pink and yellow.
Luna grit her teeth together, once they reached this single stall. She instantly recognized the similarity of the vendor and one of Zeros assistants of which betrayed him with an unpleasant surprise. She rolled her irises as these multiple identities ran throughout her mind. Soulis...Skorn...Soulis? She didn't speak, nor did she make any type of eye contact with the vendor whatsoever.

Although, she was quite intrigued by the way Zero leaned in while speaking his instructions. He seemed to have planned something out with this vendor, this sight catching her attention.

It took her a few moments, but she raised her brow, crossing her arms carefully under her chest while she observed the two, talking in secrecy.
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