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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Zero then laughed, and waved the guards aside, them flying into the nearby wall, and zero sending a wall of darkness over the crowd, he then slowly walked back over to the portal and walked through, then gazing at Luna. "I've been looking for you..." The portal sinks back into the ground, and he then gets down on one knee humbly, putting his hand to his heart and putting his head down. "Welcome back princess." he stood back up, and added "It took me this long to get you back... wow, Layla is a lot stronger then she used to be... however that did take quite a bit of my acting skills to cook up ya' know..." He grinned, then waiting to be yelled at so he could explain.
Luna rolled her midnight blue irises, glaring at him. "You know, you can be quite annoying at times." She grit her teeth together, crossing her right leg over her left leg as new bowed. Seeing this she mumbled a single word,"Idiot." right before he stood up. "Indeed. She is." Luna brushed a stray group of strands of her hair behind her right ear as he spoke."Stop toying with her. It pisses me off." She took a moment to blow her breath, causing a select few strands of her hair to be blown. "Now explain."
"Yeah, well I don't think you really understand my situation." He looks at her, and adds "How am I suppose to love two girls in the same body? It just doesn't feel right." he sighs, and then says "What am I suppose to do? you don't like my idea of separating the bodies... so I don't know what else to do." his eyes are a light purple, and a hint of green.
Luna scoffed, gritting her teeth together. "Layla isn't real. Idiot." She shook her head, tapping her right hand upon the arm rest of her throne. "Are you afraid or something?" She tossd an object behind her, only to have one of her subjects catch it, the subject disappearing just as it appeared. "Layla is the mentality made to conceal my true self from those trying to destroy me." She then rolled her irises. "It can get truly annoying."
Zero sighs, "Okay... so I'm going to get this straight once and for all. Layla is fake, you're real, and that guy is your fiance?" He looked almost... desperate? more the kind that he was desperate to get things right. his eyes glowed purple.
Upon his last questioning remark, she grit her teeth together, crushing the object of which she held in her left hand. She took a moment to take a few deep breaths, collecting calming thoughts for a few moments. "Yes. Correct." She spoke between clentched teeth, not wanting to accept the fact her father had set her into an arranged marriage. She truly, truly found herself angered by this improbable fact.
Zero was pissed off by the last remark he made, not wanting to remember that douche in her body, and couldn't help but say "If you ever decide to kill him some day.... please let me help... PLEASE." He had his right hand clenched, and black powder started falling from it. He then took a few deep breathes and then got a hold of him self. He truly despised that man, no matter what Layla said about him.
Luna didn't allow him to finish his sentence, nor did she allow him to speak any further. "Hush. I'm aware of what you want." She then stood up, the tall throne disappearing as she did so. She then dusted her clothing off, stretching her arms upward after regaining her sense of balance. "Now then." She made her way to Zeros side, holding out her hand. "Take it before I change my mind."

(Gtg. Have to get up early later today.)
She rolled her irises due to his comment. "Try not to use my title too much. You never know who's watching. " Luna then allowed him to take hold of her hand as she led him down the hallway.

(Go to bed, sleepyhead)
"you know, you never actually told me you were a princess.. I was just teasing, but yes. I will exercise caution." he chuckles as she leads him down the hallway.
"Did I?" She the made a 'tsk' noise within her throat as he made his statement. "Then forget what I said." She continued to lead him down the hallway, pulling him into one of the empty classrooms.
"Wait... actually, I think you may have..." he was deep in thought for a moment, and then said "I'm actually pretty sure you did, but my memory has been being a bit out of wack lately.." he knocks his head, and then says "well regardless, I could figure that much out just by the fact of your-" his fist is balled, and then he takes 3 deep breaths. "Never mind." his eyes are now grey and stormy.
Lun averted her gaze to him, tilting her head in a clockwise manner. "Oh?" She then took a moment of random silence before tapping her index finger on her chin ,deep in thought.
It had been a day or two since the incident in the hallway, and she had found her dorm room and already unpacked. Koyuki opened the window to let some fresh air in with a small smile on her face. After finishing decorating the walls with lightly colored posters she slipped into the bath room to shower. She left the door barely cracked so that the steam could escape, and pulled some dark curtains over the small bathroom window once she locked it.

Koyuki took her time to shower, lightly humming. Once she finished, she covered herself with a pink towel and began to brush her long hair carefully. She braided the dark hair loosely once she finished and began to get dressed into pajamas. The clothes she usually slept in was actually just a long baggy t-shirt with various designs and a pair of shorts, along with socks. However, she had forgotten to grab her shorts from the bed. Considering no one was there, she crept from the bathroom and grabbed them.

Koyuki slipped the shorts on and stretches, letting out a soft yawn. She looked around the room, satisfied with the girly interior. With a small, bell-like giggle, she jumped onto the bed and grabbed one of the plushies, pulling close to her chest.
"can we go get ice cream? Or something please?" he sighed, looking at her with deep blue hypnotizing eyes, almost pouting. (but not quite.) he was molding a ball of black goop in his hand until it showed Christopher being pierced by 30ish different Spears. Zero let out a slight gasp, and made it disappear. He just kept walking, his eyes now a stone grey, not wanting to show emotion.
Luna sighed, turning her gaze to him. "This time. Don't let me fall and crush it. Okay?" She smiled slightly, pressing her thinned lips up against his cheeks just as she whispered in his ear. "Don't hide things from me."
Zeros entire face turns a shade of red, and he puts his hands in his pocket, looking down at the ground trying not to show his blush. "that was way to much of a turn on..." he thought to himself. His eyes are a shade of pink now.
She raised her brow, resting her head against his shoulder after a few moments. "You look cute when you blush." She then hooked her right arm through that of his left as they made their way out of the classroom and out into the hallway.
"you know Zero, you totally lost your macho personality." Soulis teased him in his head. "yeah... Whatever. I don't need you to remind me." his eyes suddenly just turn a deep crimson, his eye brows bending slightly. "Is it because of this girl? I can fix the problem." Soulis snickered. "no... Maybe... I don't know..." he just let luna lead him out of the classroom. "I don't know almost anything anymore..." Zero suddenly just holds his head. "where... Am I?" he asks out loud, looking at luna slightly confused. "you look familiar... Why are we holding arms?" Soulis says in his head, "you are here to kill that girl standing next to you... She is a threat."

(things just got interesting.)
(Can't wait to see what he does this time.)

Luna halted in her tracks, taking a moment to listen in to his questions. She allowed it to swirl through her mind, before considering scenarios. It took a few moments, but she eventually giggled and retaliated. "You know. You're getting on my nerves, Soulis." She grit her teeth together, being sure to keep the sound of her voice at a low mumble. The tone in her voice on the other hand, was loud and clear. Agitated and angry. She took a deep breath, calming herself before continuing, this time addressing Zero. "Kill me if you must, but on the right accord."
Zero felt somewhat confused, and then said to soulis in his head, "I will not kill this person... There is something about her, a warmth." he bent down slightly, looking at her with careful eyes. "and I also sense no harmful intention... Except towards you soulis." soulis laughs in his head, and says "she's the one who has crippled you into the weakling you are now!" Zero almost laughs out loud. "you know what? I've had enough of you." Zero searches around in his cloak, and finds a vial, and drinks it whole. Then Zero is torn completely in half, in what appears to be an extremely painful process, and then the halfs reform into one Zero, and the other soulis. "oh you punk... YOU didn't just do that." soulis dramatically says, and then walks up to zero, looking a bit loopy. "you body was comfy.. I don't like my own..." Zero gives him a death glare. "get lost. I'll recover my memories on my own." soulis laughs, and replies with "you sure about that? Well... I don't care either way... You'll come crawling back to me anyways. Later loser!" he disappears in a thick mist of black smoke, Zero left staring at luna. "what is your name girl?" his eyes are a deep green.
Luna clasped her hands together, placing them both carefully on her thighs. "Nobody important Zero." She took a breath, glancing over to the could of spoke that remained behind in Soulis place. She was glad that was over, but all the same, was prepared to keep Zero from getting into any further trouble by distancing herself from him. For his own good. Eventually, Soulis would return and all hell was sure to break loose. She rolled her now crimson red irises at this thought, before walji g off ahead of Zero, leaving him to depict his situation or the path he wanted to take from then on.
"This girl has good intelligence..." he thought to himself, "may as well see what she has to offer then." he shadow traveled in front of her, except this travel was obviously faster, stronger, more... Perfected. The path of what was in the way was knocked over, Zero made careful note not to shadow travel over luna. "So you're just going to ignore me after I chase off that guy?" he walked backwards with her, his steps looking graceful. "believe me, he pisses me off maybe as much as he pissed you off..." his eyes were a tint of purple, his head slightly tilted. "I know you were of importance.... Were you my daughter? Lover? Advisor? General?" he asked. These with a very flowing voice, showing no signs of falter.
Luna halted in her tracks just as her began to release the word 'daughter' from his lips. Great anger ensued her, causing her to whip around, shoving him into a locker, not far behind them. She didn't hold back, but didn't truly intend to harm him. She simply stared straight into his eyes with her own now burning blood red crimson optics. She said nothing, moved nothing. But simply stared at him. Her expression itself spoke all that she wanted to say, laughing in his face mentally, before she retracted her hand from being plastered against his chest. Herself then turning her back to him, allowing her now blackened curls to lightly slap his face just as she began to walk away.
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