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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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A small girl sat outside of one the dorm's rooms sound asleep. the frail figure was curled up into a ball, using the wall as leverage for her back. Koyuki never found her room last night, and had fallen out from yesterdays events before she could ask for help. The noise didn't seem to bother her, in fact, she was drifting deeper into her dreams with each quiet breath she took.m
Ran scoffed, trying to ignore the fact that she was being followed. Anger wasn't something she was easily pushed into by anyone, and this wasn't going to change that.

She began to walk faster, turning a corner to find the sleeping girl. Ran eyed her curiously before a random flush of warmth rushed through her. The girl was so small and cute she couldn't help but smile. However, it was a hazard to have someone so small sleeping in the hallway, she was bound to be tripped over. She leaned down and put a hand on the girls shoulder giving her a gentle shake.
Nenma didn't look where he was going and tripped over something it was Koyuki he grabbed her and brought her behind a wall. "Damn she knows about me I can feel it. Sorry Koyuki you okay?"

Nenma knew he had been spotted know after grabbing Koyuki in front of her.
Ran stood back up and watched the boy hold the girl. A slender hand met her hip and she pointed at the young girl with her other. "Do you know her?"
Koyuki rubbed her eyes, her vision blurry. she looked up at the strange woman, then to Nenma. "Nenma..?" she yawned, attempting to stretch as she wasn't fully awake.
She watched the girl and hid a faint blush behind a stern look. She was so cute it made ran want to squeeze her to death. she snapped out of her thoughts upon hearing the boys voice. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" It took a moment for her to analyze his words, "Ran Fuzen," She stared at him seriously.
Nenma smirked. "Oh no it's too late for that someone likes cute things and I can't blame you Koyuki is very cute." Nenma said petting Koyuki.
Koyuki listened to them, trying to figure out what she was doing in the hallway. She looked down shyly once she figured it out but was snapped out of it by being pet. a question came to her mind and she look back up at Nenma, "um, Nenma, why are you in the girl's section of the dorms?"
Nenma looked down at Koyuki still petting her. "That's a good question Koyuki but if I answer you answer my question so the answer I got lost. Now my question are you ticklish?"
She was caught off guard at the girls reaction to the situation and smiled. So, your name is Koyuki? She questioned, studying the girl curiously. Ran crossed her arms and raised a brow. "you were the one following me." She shifted her stare to Nenma, though her attention was still on the girl.
Nenma look to the side. "No way like I said I got lost I'm telling the truth Koyuki tell her." ("My only hope is Koyuki believes me she would be able to convince Ran.")
She leapt out of Nenma's reach at the word 'ticklish' and glared at him stubbornly, cheeks pink. "I w-wouldn't know.." Koyuki said, looking at them both.
Nenma chuckled. "I'll take that as a yes you know your laugh must ab the most cutest thing ever." He looked over at Ran with sly smile.
Judging by the girls reaction, she could tell he was lying. She continued to glare at him, her arms tightening beneath her chest. She wouldn't have cared about him following her if he would've told the truth. Ran took a deep breath and moved a little closer to Koyuki. "Why were you asleep out here?" Her voice was back to normal and she focused her red eyes on the girl.
Koyuki filled her cheeks with air and exhaled, trying not to get embarrassed from Nenma's words. she looked down, and twirled a strand of her dark hair around a small finger, "I only had her show me to the dorms." she huffed quietly,"I thought I could find my room by myself but.. I fell asleep here" she she drifted her words a little.
Layla continued walking with her ice cream, focusing her gaze downward on her feet. She had no true destination, nor did she know where she was going. Eventually, still focusing her gaze downward, she sports a pair of feet. In fact, three pair. By the time she realized she needed to look up, she bumped into the owner of the single pair of feet. Before her entire body fell on the girl, she shifted her weight to the side, only brushing her skin against that of the girl just before she tumbled to the ground, crushing her ice cream directly below her chest.
Nenma chuckled and petted her head. "It's fine you did have a long day with all that happened." Nenma gave her a smile.

Nenma heard the girl fall. "Hey you were with Zero Layla right you okay?" He held out his hand to help her up.
Ran smiled at Koyuki and started to place a hand on her head. "Don't worry about it." She stopped when she noticed his hand doing the same.

She cut off what she was going to say and directed her attention to the girl who had suddenly fallen.

Ran leaned down and lifted the girl up from the ground and gently placed her on her feet. "Are you alright?" She asked carefully.
Nenma moved his hand and looked at Ran. "Go on have fun it's really soft Koyuki make sure you tell Ran to help find your room I got to go." He walked past Ran and whispered. "Take care of her for me thanks." He left just saying that a went to the dorms.

(Getting off now guys see ya)
Layla slowly sat up, the smushed ice cream dripping from her nose and mouth. Due to her fall, it also stained the top half of her shirt, a surprised expression shading over her face once she realized what all and happened just then. It took a few moments to sink in, but once it all did, she was completely and utterly embarrassed. Her face completely turned red, just as her irises turned to a beautifully light shade of blue. "I-...sorry!!"
"Tch.." Ran glared at the guy as he left. Not many people could aggravate her, but he seemed to be one of the few successful ones. She pulled her attention back to the strange new girl. "No need to apologize," She said with a smile.
Koyuki backed a few steps away from the girl who had fallen. she frowned, feeling bad that she didn't notice in time to help. "are you ok?" the words were like a whisper filled with genuine care. She realized something bad must happen everyday here, and it had only been two days for Koyuki.
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