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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Nenma was slammed but again he appeared behind him unhurt. "Dude you didn't have to smash his face in he's too handsome for that."
Suddenly Cypher couldn't see anything that was happening with his good eye and he frowned "...oh come on that's..." He stopped speaking for a moment due to a tar bubble popping where his mouth was. "...any fun." He looked across at the girl but closed his good eye and opened up the one made of gold. As it started to shine he could see what was happening in the realm and gagged a little from the sight "eww...that's yucky." Cypher said in a childlike way. He was unable to interact with the things inside the realm but he could still watch and talk to them. "No not really just like watching...sort of like gladiators." He said to the girl still watching the boys.
Zero laughs, and melts into the ground. His voice now appears to be coming from no where. "go my slaves!" all the nearby trees and animals grow in size, and weapons appear in there hands. "let's see how you like my little... Friends. A very special venom is tipped on there weapons, on scrape and not even god himself will survive." the animals however, are not slow. They disappear, leaving vacuums of air in there place from moving at such a fast pace, and all appear next to nenma, over top, and on the sides of him, leaving few options for escape.
Nenma just smirked as he didn't even move but a force sent all the of his attackers flying. "Be a man and fight your own battles don't think some lackeys can take me." All of them just seemed to be ripped to pieces by something. "And you know how you said physical attacks can't hurt well too bad for you then."Nenma just chuckled as he said that.
"a wind user! Haven't met one of those in a while. Alright kid, I'll grant you the honor of seeing my ultimate attack..." he reappears behind him, holding his shadow with two hands. "make any sudden movements... And your shadow goes bye bye. Also, I should mention, when that happens you also go bye-bye!" he laughs almost madly, and his flesh reappears in patches, what is back so far, his veins glow a bright green.
Nenma laughs. "Wind user well yes and know. Yes I have wind powers but know that's not what ripped your boys to shreds what I meant was my legs have been blessed so they can kill anything supernatural. But I in a way wasn't the one who ripped them up they were." Then Nenma while still standing in front of Zero appeared behind him and sent a kick at his spine.
"wrong move boy." a split second before he appears behind him, he rips the legs of his shadow, completely in half, and takes the kick directly to the spine, not moving an inch. He laughs, and says "your legs aren't much good now." he turns around, and goes to round house kick him to the face with tremendous speed.

(your legs super natural effects don't work anymore, however the normal legs do.)
The Nenma whose legs where cut disappears. And the Nenma that kicked him ducks dodging the round house. "Wrong the one whose shadow you cut was a fake and so am I you think that I'm dumb enough to take you head on with that ability geez man give me some credit."

(The clone and Nenma are two separate beings with two different souls so the attack doesn't work on the both of them.)
Zero sighs again. "I figured you had some kind of trick.. Whenever I attack you a second person appears... So I take it you have a handy clone. Interesting." Zero then grins, all his flesh is back, and he grabs his own shadow. He then yanks it from its place and clones them multiple times, making them stand side by side of him. Then slowly, other zeros grow out of the shadows, completely identical of Zero.
"Your both so boring! Add more flare set the place of fire or something." Cypher stood up still only being able to watch. "I thought you guys were going to fight but all you've been doing is playing ring around the rosey. Even I understand by this point, shadow guy is compensating for something with all his quote on quote mighty powers. Then speedy over there has some issues he just runs away from or won't even face his problems for himself. Instead send his clones. Your both so proud of your powers and didn't do anything to deserve them. You didn't have to work for yours, you were just born with it or given them. Then your gonna tell me some sad sap story about struggles you went through to get them? How it wasn't easy being given your powers or living with being and shadow omnipotent thing or speed freak with a personality complex." He paused for a moment. "If your going to fight actually do it!"
"Yo are you challgeing me to a clone war? Cause I'm all game for that!" Nema begins making a bunch of clones as well. "So ready!" All the clones say.

Nenma looked around when he heard the voice and just laughed. "HAHAHAHA a sad sap story you really are an inserting person I'm not sad about my powers and I don't care how I got them what I know is I like fighting so I'll fight until I'm king of this school no the world no the universe and that means one day I'm coming for you to kid so get ready!"
He hears the voice, and laughs. "I'll add some flare then." the entire ground cracks, and Lava starts spouting from the ground, the buildings all crumble, and the ground tilts back and forth in different directions. He summons his clones to his aid, then says "try not to touch the Lava... Hehehe" all his clones dissappear, then reappear opening the cracks in the ground wider with there scythes, making the ground open wider and causing more Lava to erupt. However, the Lava is black.
Nenma and all his clones kick the air sending a wave of wind slashing the lava making it rain down on Zero and his clones. "I make it rain on em son hahahahahaha!"
"Ah that's better, nice and cozy now." He laid back down impressed with the black lava seeping onto the ground. "King of the world? Can you walk on the sun without getting burned? Because so far you've shown little to no signs of defense. Just attack and evade." Cypher smiled to himself at the comment of coming after him. "I have no want to fight you, just argue and prove your goals are foolish."
Zeros clones simply stand there, taking the abuse. Zero then walks through the wall of Lava, on fire. He reaches into his robe, and grabs a vial with a skull symbol on it. He uncaps it, and drinks it. All of a sudden black scale like material forms on him, and his bones grow out of his skin, tearing it. His face bubbles and a mask forms on it. In a very deep voice, he says "let's go little man." instantly, he appears right next to one of nenma's clones and side kicks it to the face, sending it into the distance. He then slowly turns back to the original nenma, his clones now gathered behind him with the same effect that Zero had. "let's go."
Nenma get's rid of all his clones. "one on one and kid defenses is for wimps!!" He jumps at Zero his leg having wind flying around it."Wind blade mach 2 tornado cutter!" He kicks sending the tornado at Zero slashing whatever is inside.
Zero sighs, and summons a wall of shadows, blocking the tornado however it does shred the wall to pieces and gives him enough time to evade it, then he throws 3 balls of boiling dark goop at him. Which if makes contact instantly kills just about anything.
Nenma kicks the air. "I love this game." He sends the goop back with a wave of wind. and throws two blades of winds with it. "Wind blade mach 1 duel cutter!" the blades go in a pincer maneuver while the goop is coming from the front.
"Apparently so is grammar, pubescent worm. I can almost guarantee I'm older that you anyways." Cypher said watching the fight and began clapping with the new costume change. "Very nice, I appreciate the attention to detail." He said toward the guy named Zero.
"that's funny, because I do too!" he grins, and stops the goop balls mid air, and then sinks into the ground to avoid the air cuts, then comes back up. "open sesemi!" the floor opens up beneath nenma, and Zero appears on top of him, causing them to fall into whatever was in store.
"Damn straight grammar is for wimps I ain't need no grammar in my life and if you don't like kid then how bout grandpa pick one and choose wisely." Nenma said said back.
Zero lands in a cave, filled full of gold treasure. "My favorite place! Because my second friend is here..." a deep roar comes from the cave, and loud thumps get closer and closer. "and he's my friend because he's beaten me in a fight..." his eyes glow yellow, his veins glow green.
Yumi ran around and found a boy staing at nothing. "Hey you seen a boy around here blond hair jacket bad grammar loves soda is a jerk and womanizer and monster and jerk and yeah a jerk."
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